Theory: Everything with KRIT went downhill when he started growing that dirty beard out.
I was wondering when this was going to be brought up. Dude's beard paying homage to Abraham LincolnTheory: Everything with KRIT went downhill when he started growing that dirty beard out.
I think we're on to something.uh oh
Theory: Everything with KRIT went downhill when he started growing that dirty beard out.
We really need to identify the successful bearded rappers and the unsuccessful bearded rappers and compare...
This isn't saying muchrotten apple is banks best album yall
Get outta here bizThis isn't saying much
rotten apple is banks best album yall
fuuuuuckin Dom Kennedy seriously fuck this guy!!!
I've had beef with this guy in the past for being terrible but now he strikes again!!
I'm listening to the new DJ Quik album and he has a guest verse on this track called "Life Jacket" which also happens to be a single:
on the 2nd verse DJ Quik closes by saying "I'm rhymin', you ramblin'"
which is soon followed by Dom Kennedy spitting one of the worst verses I've heard in 2014.
what's worse, is he doesnt even do 16 bars... the guy's going on for well over 24, rapping about absolutely nothing, AFTER Quik makes a comment about rambling...
this the type of shyt that made Canibus have beef with LL Cool J, except aint no beef gonna happen here coz Dom Kennedy cant rap for shit and beefing with the guy who made "Dollaz and Sense" aka the best diss record ever is enough to end his career,
which he shouldnt even have to begin with coz the guy is just awful!!!
I've heard Chingy rap over Quik beats and I'll take that any day over Dom Kennedy.
fuckin Chingy!!!
so fuck you Dom Kennedy, he's a terrible rapper and just needs to stop!!
Lol watch out for that g unit 2015 take overg-g-g-g-g-g-g-unit
Nah, rotten apple has a grittiness that I like. Felt like banks created his own album rather than trying to make a G Unit album, and he got burned because of iteww Hunger For More >>>>>>>>>>
Nah, rotten apple has a grittiness that I like. Felt like banks created his own album rather than trying to make a G Unit album, and he got burned because of it
Wow Lol I'm listening to the song right now and I enjoy Dom's verse on it.
Radio play will do that, that's kind of what I meant by him getting burnedI haven't listened to the album in years but I don't really remember that many standout tracks on it compared to his first album.
fuuuuuckin Dom Kennedy seriously fuck this guy!!!
I've had beef with this guy in the past for being terrible but now he strikes again!!
I'm listening to the new DJ Quik album and he has a guest verse on this track called "Life Jacket" which also happens to be a single:
on the 2nd verse DJ Quik closes by saying "I'm rhymin', you ramblin'"
which is soon followed by Dom Kennedy spitting one of the worst verses I've heard in 2014.
what's worse, is he doesnt even do 16 bars... the guy's going on for well over 24, rapping about absolutely nothing, AFTER Quik makes a comment about rambling...
this the type of shyt that made Canibus have beef with LL Cool J, except aint no beef gonna happen here coz Dom Kennedy cant rap for shit and beefing with the guy who made "Dollaz and Sense" aka the best diss record ever is enough to end his career,
which he shouldnt even have to begin with coz the guy is just awful!!!
I've heard Chingy rap over Quik beats and I'll take that any day over Dom Kennedy.
fuckin Chingy!!!
so fuck you Dom Kennedy, he's a terrible rapper and just needs to stop!!
Is this skipping like a motherfucker or is it just me? Shit is almost unlistenable.
The production on this Hail Mary Mallon album though
They're both a bit passive aggressive last I remember. Sean's more like whatever who cares, Danny still seems upset. I bet they're cool now though.These ninjas let Big Sean have the best verse. Shit.
Did he and Danny make up?
Came out better than i expected
It is a sequel though
GAF-Hop |OTXII| It was all good just a page ago
I don't understand the appeal for YelaWolf
Yoooooo is that Khaled?
Were at the point where Kendrick is getting hated on while Azealia Banks is in niggas top 5.
This. Is. Gaf-Hop.
it's as if he dumped a bucket of ice on his career
I think part of it is that KRIT kinda raps a little like Pimp C but instead of a reckless no fucks given swagged out southern rapper it all comes together like old man porch Cunninglynguistskanye or something. There's a disconnect there. He has a kind of dad rap feel to him that can't be shaken, even on his 'i fuck hoes' tracks.
First time I heard of Theo was around the time Mickey Factz and some of those weirder backpacker rappers I didn't really mess with came out, so he's been forever associated with them and I never really gave him a proper shot until now.People acting like they shouldn't be feeling Vibes, like it's a guilty pleasure or some shit. Shit seems perfectly crafted and well made to me.
damn, Syph taking all kinds of Ls lately
First time I heard of Theo was around the time Mickey Factz and some of those weirder backpacker rappers I didn't really mess with came out, so he's been forever associated with them and I never really gave him a proper shot until now.
omg the random Monster energy placement fucking killed me.