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GAF-Hop |OTXI| Five Year Nation

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toku's anime gif-fu always quietly impresses me

i could usually find a .pdf or I wouldnt even need the book because the tests didnt include anything in it.

the slimy thing is when teachers have books with access codes in them in order to access the homework. so unless you buy it youll fail the class.

oh yeah, since my major had a lotta writing, i learned to not by everything on the syllabus since many times we didn't even get to the later books. but holy shit @ the bolded, i mean it's already a hustle as it is (new editions every few semesters with a rearrangement of info/pics but not much new, kills the used market fast etc) but that's some next-gen scumminess right there, i'd have a hard time with any professor gettin in on that


Soccer GAF cross post


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
we already talk about Jeezy getting locked up for questioning on that Khalifa shooting?


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Shit is dope. I really just wanted you to push Wenis to post the rest of those illustrations.

I've been in OT mode at work like crazy. Launch is like, a week away. Just managed to get a bit of free time tonight.


tagged by Blackace
First impressions:

G-Unit - The Beauty of Independence EP

I mean, it's not bad, but it's not great either. First song is easily the best, varying hook/verse/production quality from there onwards. I don't think any of the songs are outright bad, but you could call some boring or they miss a certain something to make them memorable. 50 addressing the Iovine situation on Changes didn't really do anything for me either and that was probably the only notable content on the EP. When it comes together though, and I can't believe I'm saying this in 2014, but you get this feel that G-Unit has still got a bit of potential left in them. Not enough to give me hope, but enough that I might still give whatever they do next a shot. Kidd Kidd is still trash though, dude just has no charisma.

Low Pros - EP1

Hard to evaluate this kind of thing, since it's just bangers and low-tempo songs with trap drums, and the backend of this thing is just remixes for the first half, but for what it's worth if you're just looking for some shit that bangs, this is an okay snack. I think 100 Bottles and Muscle especially are legitimately good songs, the rest you can take or leave.

Kevin Gates - Stranger Than Fiction

Great atmosphere, consistent production and dude can spit. He's like Lil Herb if he had a conception of flow. Shit just bumps, and I was taken aback by how consistent this was. Usually on these trap tapes you get a handful of hot songs, and a bunch of C-tier trap beats, but this was just smash after smash. It just bumps, good feeling it will pass the whip test. I know it's chock full of ignorance but Patrick Swazy was the first song I had to stop and go, wait what the fuck am I listening to. And that's 11 tracks in, so yeah pretty good. CAREFUL OH GAWD.


I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't around for Boosie. And as someone who didn't listen to him til he got out of jail, I can't get into it.

I don't even mess with Boosie but his track on Seen It All is probably in the top 3 for me. Along with Quarter Block and Holy Ghost.


4 Zones is tight and it's not even on the regular album. cool on the rest of the tracks. it's better than Ross' most recent offering.
and i just realized i've been listening to a sped up version of Seen It All the whole time. real version is kind of boring by comparison.
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