First Impressions - Azealia Banks - Broke With Expensive Taste
I totally understand the Vibes comparisons, I say the production is more experimental/exploratory because of the instrumentation, and I quite liked the garage influences I can hear coming out here and there. I just don't think it hits all the time, and her voice contrasts it in the wrong ways. This is amplified by how she has that ultra boring go-to flow nonchalant sort of flow that's usually mixed low and it sort of drowns her out volume wise and mentally IMO. I just instantly tune out. Singing is serviceable to decent. Never was a big fan of 212, but it turns out it's one of the standouts for me, alongside Gimme A Chance and Ice Princess.
The beginning of the second half of the album is kind of cheesy/#ICantRelate territory. I can understand people feeling this album, but not quite enough memorable.. anything really. Listened to the album, took a breather, tried to remember what it even sounded like and all I could think of was her rumpapumpum flow.