It's not just a movie esch. It's a symbol of america's late capitalism ideals and values. The terrorists have won good job.
Honestly I'm watching it just cause of posts like this. I might even go out to the theater and buy tickets for my siblings, it's just like that. Y'all lost,just based on bitterness. I can't take your poorly cobbled together pro NK stance seriously.I'm about to just go through my new Cassavetes collection instead
Honestly I'm watching it just cause of posts like this. I might even go out to the theater and buy tickets for my siblings, it's just like that. Y'all lost,just based on bitterness. I can't take your poorly cobbled together pro NK stance seriously.
GAF-Hop trollception too deep, bail out
Oh and Merry Christmas, GAF-Hop. Be gift givers to your sons, etc.
Isn't this every company though?Why would I waste my time on awful piece of shit film like The Interview? I hope you're not going to say out of some bullshit nationalist propaganda to stick it to North Korea by giving a racist, sexist, and soulless multinational company like Sony hits and or money.
This is spot on though.The Interview reads like a Seth McFarlene Family Guy flashback.
Courage has got to know sooner or realize GAF is 13 years old and up breh?
you just ruined some teeny bopper's christmas.
Merry X-mas Gaf-hop.
Aren't we doe?bruh, I thought we were both clowning des together
This is why the Fast and Furious series is GOAT.i'm not looking for citizen kane from modern cinematography; just something (cult or not) with enjoyable action that doens't feel half-assed or soulless in its execution
Posted? IRS looking to seize Birdman's assets as he owes almost $2 million in taxes stretching as far back as 2007. He's also apparently being sued by people who worked on his house for $1M because he didn't pay them for their work.
I was about to say,what about John Wick doewe do NOT see great action choreography in mainstream US action anymore though. Skill there is probably at an all time low in mainstream HWD cinema, actually. Everything is cut together quickly and suffocated so they can half ass everything and make you think you watched something much cooler than the boring thing you just watched-- the opposite of stellar choreography/editing in say, Chinese films that overlap actions across edits so you take in more of each punch/kick/flip. John Wick probably the only domestic exception in all of 2014.
I was about to say,what about John Wick doe
Buy a PS4 and can't login into PSN brehs.... Sony just racking L's in December.
Posted? IRS looking to seize Birdman's assets as he owes almost $2 million in taxes stretching as far back as 2007. He's also apparently being sued by people who worked on his house for $1M because he didn't pay them for their work.
hopsin was just trollin about quitting rap.
hopsin was just trollin about quitting rap.
2014 Forest Hills Drive also broke the record for most album streams on Spotify, being streamed over 15.7 million times in its first week. The previous record holder was One Direction with 11.5 million streams
I cant believe that man is nearly 30hopsin was just trollin about quitting rap.
Fabolous album just dropped
My family in NYC and his boys legit considers him top 5 dead or alive lolman that dude will not go away lol
his song w/ Quan is tight even though Fab is just outchea sounding like a southern rapper.
Lizard Squad is despicable. Pieces of shit.
Either that or Sony is incompetent, as always.
hopsin was just trollin about quitting rap.
hopsin was just trollin about quitting rap.
Jesus Christ man. At least if you are browsing Gaf at a party don't post about it. Secondly, talk to other humans. I would only do that if I'm drinking with a few of my buddies.
Goddamn.Esch's boy made it ya'll
Get used to it, PSN is an utter piece of shit and goes down randomly, frequently.Buy a PS4 and can't login into PSN brehs.... Sony just racking L's in December.
looking back OF was always shit for the most part but it was fresh so they got a pass for a while.
Get used to it, PSN is an utter piece of shit and goes down randomly, frequently.
Also add me: enzogtr