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Gaf-Hop |OTXII| Avocado Booty Appreciation Thread

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I feel like this is backwards. The whites who have been around since Through the Wire are cool, but those who only know asshole Yebus are meh.

I checked the council's minutes and everything.

well you see the ones that were there for TCD and LR are on that 'i wish kanye would go back to soul samples tip'. That's you and siddx, for example.

but any older than you guys and they hate rap.


I feel like this is backwards. The whites who have been around since Through the Wire are cool, but those who only know asshole Yebus are meh.

I checked the council's minutes and everything.

It's the tick-tock cycle. Every other generation is slightly conservative leaning, so the conservative half of that generation is even less cultured.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
he's a rap god tho
he said it himself

Okay, but for real what is it with my people and loving supershamalamadingondrappittyraprap? Rap God and Mural from Lupe had us going nuts. What the hell? This is like drilling down into why so many Irish's love the Wu.


I feel like this is backwards. The whites who have been around since Through the Wire are cool, but those who only know asshole Yebus are meh.

I checked the council's minutes and everything.
But those are also the people who now hate Kanye. "I wish this guy would just go back to the soul samples!"

Edit: This was an original thought by Overcast, I swear.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
well you see the ones that were there for TCD and LR are on that 'i wish kanye would go back to soul samples tip'. That's you and siddx, for example.

but any older than you guys and they hate rap.

I tried to get mad at this, but fuck if you ain't right here. We're getting close to the truth, brethren.

EDIT: overcast ain't a biter he a writer


he's a rap god tho
he said it himself

what's a god to a king


Okay, but for real what is it with my people and loving supershamalamadingondrappittyraprap? Rap God and Mural from Lupe had us going nuts. What the hell? This is like drilling down into why so many Irish's love the Wu.
did you see how fast eminem was rapping? now that's real rap


I tried to get mad at this, but fuck if you ain't right here. We're getting close to the truth, brethren.

EDIT: overcast ain't a biter he a writer

these are the kinds of results you can only achieve with 3rd party (being indian) statistical analysis. black people think x about white people, white people think x about black people. these preconceived notions lead to skewed numbers. You wouldn't be able to get these kind of neutral (
) results without me and enzo on deck, although he's been ruled out of this experiment as a stan who already has essays written about kanye's next album and an OT called in advance.


I've been guilty of using how many syllables you can make rhyme with each other as a measuring stick of a good rapper, although it's obviously not the only thing. Fabolous is pretty damn good at rhyming 3-4 syllables consistently and having the bars still make sense. Cam'ron does it all the time too but he often doesn't make any sense at all.


I've been guilty of using how many syllables you can make rhyme with each other as a measuring stick of a good rapper, although it's obviously not the only thing. Fabolous is pretty damn good at rhyming 3-4 syllables consistently and having the bars still make sense. Cam'ron does it all the time too but he often doesn't make any sense at all.
Being a good rapper in terms of technique is only about a quarter of the equation. Camron in his prime was a better song maker than Fabolous IMO.
At the end of the day who cares what the masses think.
Obviously we debate lol but this is a weird convo cause I think it's pretty open and shut.
People liking Rap God en masse doesn't dilute Eminem's genuine lyrical prowess in other songs, nor does the failed commercial success of more underground artists due to "accessibility" undermine their abilities either.
Like what you like and don't spend time worrying if you "should".

Being a good rapper in terms of technique is only about a quarter of the equation. Camron in his prime was a better song maker than Fabolous IMO.

yup, another great example (of your first point) is Immortal Technique. definitely many parts to the equation. Hell on your second point, just look at most battle rappers.


Okay, but for real what is it with my people and loving supershamalamadingondrappittyraprap? Rap God and Mural from Lupe had us going nuts. What the hell? This is like drilling down into why so many Irish's love the Wu.
Yeah, it's one of the most annoying parts of discussing rap with the real rap (often cac) fans. Mural is just okay, I was surprised that was the track people liked off that album considering there are way better ones.
these are the kinds of results you can only achieve with 3rd party (being indian) statistical analysis. black people think x about white people, white people think x about black people. these preconceived notions lead to skewed numbers. You wouldn't be able to get these kind of neutral (
) results without me and enzo on deck, although he's been ruled out of this experiment as a stan who already has essays written about kanye's next album and an OT called in advance.
Fucking Esch, lmao.
I've been guilty of dismissing great songs for not tickling my beat fetish...
It has to come together, and a beat really makes it happen breh.


Also, you think white people don't love Kenny? He's our new Talib. You know, the guy we're like "I don't listen to rap, but I like hip-hop artists like ____"

Nah, RTJ is for when we want to feel tough. You know, mean music without talking about the hood too much. Gangsta rap with the safety on.

ya'll really trynna put k-dot & RTJ on the list with Em, Bone Thugs, and the historical nod to Run DMC/etc?
i mean the hipster crowd that nods to Talib's spoken word sessions written on the toilet paper in former rawkus outhouses, they at least are aware of other artists from blogs/etc, that's not the same group as the CAC's who know Ye from the telethon
i mean do ya'll even have white friends

Nah, the king is still "I don't really like rap but i sure do like

Kendrick raps too much and too well for most people.

Nope, sorry. White people have hated Kanye since he was mean to Taylor. More so now because of BeckGate.

man these are both fair points though

What the hell? This is like drilling down into why so many Irish's love the Wu.

we despise our families and long to join a big group somewhere else
you transition from x-men to wu around 15 or so, thought there were books on this

EDIT: overcast ain't a biter he a writer

did you see how fast eminem was rapping? now that's real rap

The more syllables in a rap verse the more meaning it has.

i enjoyed these posts


I feel like white America generally has had disdain for Kanye since the Katrina thing actually. I mean sure the hip crowd is into him kinda, but generally he's more disliked than liked.
I feel like white America generally has had disdain for Kanye since the Katrina thing actually. I mean sure the hip crowd is into him kinda, but generally he's more disliked than liked.

There is definitely a Kanye Cycle for White People.

Denial - No Kanye did not say that about Bush/Taylor Swift/Beck
Anger - Why did Kanye Say that about Bush/Taylor/Beck
Bargaining - Ok, if I stop talking about Kanye He'll go away
Depression - He's not Going away
Acceptance - Fine, I don't have to like him, and I haven't liked a song he did since *Last Single*
Adoration - This new Kanye Song is amazing.


I feel like white America generally has had disdain for Kanye since the Katrina thing actually. I mean sure the hip crowd is into him kinda, but generally he's more disliked than liked.

i mean if you're talking about the general proportion of the population sure. but among rap and music consumers/press he's doing fine (also largely white).

still hits platinum with time, sells out wu-tangesque melanin deficient concerts, all the big internet outlets on him are positive on him enough to the point of writing 'effect on the culture' articles that have nothing to do with music. among the amount of people actually participating in the culture, white people still like him just fine.

if you wanna go there, you could probably argue that a large proportion of 'white america' has 'disdain' for every big black artist.
that bush thing was the best thing kanye said publicly. normally it's some crybaby shit about fashion industry which i don't really care for but that george bush stuff took balls tbh.

austin powers right beside him too looking awkward as hell
if you wanna go there, you could probably argue that a large proportion of 'white america' has 'disdain' for every big black artist.


that bush thing was the best thing kanye said publicly. normally it's some crybaby shit about fashion industry which i don't really care for but that george bush stuff took balls tbh.

austin powers right beside him too looking awkward as hell

The best was Chris Tucker's face for that moment and he was like wtf is going on


i have a work out t shirt of 50 cent when he was on a liquid diet all emaciated and on the back it says Get Big or Die Trying in cursive


that drake shirt is too real

also while we're discussing the sins of my people, those list shirts:

Method Man&
U-God etc

are some of the whitest things ive seen. it's like a hip hop quiz on a shirt, you're too cool for actual logos, tour dates, or any of the things you'd normally see on a music shirt, so you just want to list like things as a sort've CAC PSA
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