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Gaf-Hop |OTXII| Avocado Booty Appreciation Thread

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yeah, a dynamic & connected world that begs to be explored wont do much for an FFX fan where you just clicked on where you wanted to go

character-wise, XII shoulda stuck with bash or ashce but we got a weak protagonist, though not as weak as tidus at least. most of X's cast are weed carriers except for that one goth chick with the tits, and yes, the gambit system which finally did something other than stale-ass ATB/just keep mashing X to win was really off-putting if you ain't wanna put time setting up your shit

storywise i mean what could possibly touch the masterpiece that was hey tidus may not've actually existed but he was a metaphysical fart through time because of his father or something lol

all love doe
I mean yeah I get it, Gambit system had all this flexibility and if you fucked with it enough you broke the game. That's cool and all, but at the same time the gameplay is so fucking slow to the point where that shit doesn't even matter

all the other ffx complaints you've listed we've all seen before so it's not really worth arguing about. Despite the linearity and it being turn-based (this isn't even a bad thing since it worked so well) the game is still immersive. XII is bland as fokk

tho you're on some other shit for saying Lulu is the only legit character
about as corny as expected when i saw the title. this is why big sean can never get up to j cole level let alone stand w/ drake/kendrick
not enough 808s for you bruh?

It's a cool lil remembrance track. Shout outs to Big Sean. Not really into his music but he seems like a good dude.


it's an FF, you basically just kill things on the overworld
i don't want to ruin this for you but that's kinda been the shtick since part 1
ya and thats why final fantasy has shit over worlds. FFX has the right idea. It says hey, we suck at spontaneity and interactivity and dynamism so just give em one big hallway and let them plan everything out niiiice and slow in battle.
I mean yeah I get it, Gambit system had all this flexibility and if you fucked with it enough you broke the game. That's cool and all, but at the same time the gameplay is so fucking slow to the point where that shit doesn't even matter

all the other ffx complaints you've listed we've all seen before so it's not really worth arguing about. Despite the linearity and it being turn-based (this isn't even a bad thing since it worked so well) the game is still immersive. XII is bland as fokk

tho you're on some other shit for saying Lulu is the only legit character
Political intrigue and Ivalice is bland but animu and HAHHHHAAHHHAAAAA is all good.
12 gameplay was next level but characters were booty

Plot was fine until absolutely nothing happened. So much nothing.

Ps no way this drake mixtape is better than tc or nwts.... And I like it (although why is everything so muffled?)
The gunplay was great and yo when that trailer song plays right when the airport shootout starts...:whew

It's problem was that the game would transition into a cutscene every 5 minutes of gameplay. That was weak, but the gameplay itself was really good imo

More action games need to time the music with the cooler moments within fights. Only noticed it recently in Max Payne and metal gear rising

Max Payne 3 is like my dream shooter warped into a horrible nightmare by the storytelling style. The cutscenes ravage that game. Max Payne 2 is one of my favorite games ever, so the experience of attempting to replay MP3 and coming to the realization of just how many cutscenes there are in there and that they're unskippable cut deep. Took 9 years to get a sequel, man. It still hurts. Amazing shooting mechanics and gritty locations totally wasted by modern game design.

The soundtrack is god tier though. I just wish Rockstar would stop disappointing me.
FFXII > FFX. FFX was wack as fuck outside of the battle system. It was pretty much the pinnacle of the old style "run back to your designated spot after hitting the enemy and wait your turn".


I really liked XII. I have strong nostalgia for FFX, so i'll leave it at that. I didn't actually beat either. XII was major rpg syndrome and FFX I left on over vacation as I was stuck on the boss. The laser spinning in the same place ruined the disc.


Max Payne 3 is like my dream shooter warped into a horrible nightmare by the storytelling style. The cutscenes ravage that game. Max Payne 2 is one of my favorite games ever, so the experience of attempting to replay MP3 and coming to the realization of just how many cutscenes there are in there and that they're unskippable cut deep. Took 9 years to get a sequel, man. It still hurts. Amazing shooting mechanics and gritty locations totally wasted by modern game design.

The soundtrack is god tier though. I just wish Rockstar would stop disappointing me.
Soooo true. I wanted to like mp3 sooo bad but it just gets in its own way a little too hard and too frequently. Tbh I also don't know if it controls as good as Uncharted but I did play it on mouse and keyboard.
Max Payne 3 is like my dream shooter warped into a horrible nightmare by the storytelling style. The cutscenes ravage that game. Max Payne 2 is one of my favorite games ever, so the experience of attempting to replay MP3 and coming to the realization of just how many cutscenes there are in there and that they're unskippable cut deep. Took 9 years to get a sequel, man. It still hurts. Amazing shooting mechanics and gritty locations totally wasted by modern game design.

The soundtrack is god tier though. I just wish Rockstar would stop disappointing me.
I think we were the few criticizing it in the OT. That's when I stopped posting in an OT, actually the Tomb Raider reboot one was. I learned my lesson.


tagged by Blackace
This is good. Have no idea how this is going to slot into the album (sounds like your usual progression of songs on a Sean album) but we'll see. Gives me Memories vibes.

Pretty crummy. Don't like anything about this song.

Meh. Man Sean just gonna give out the whole album before it comes out, for buzz? Should have released it when IDFWU was dominating the charts.
Not this shit again.
Soooo true. I wanted to like mp3 sooo bad but it just gets in its own way a little too hard and too frequently. Tbh I also don't know if it controls as good as Uncharted but I did play it on mouse and keyboard.

The locomotion isn't as good as Uncharted, but the shooting, gun handling animations, and enemy physics are amazing. So many little details that look so good in bullet time.

I think we were the few criticizing it in the OT. That's when I stopped posting in an OT, actually the Tomb Raider reboot one was. I learned my lesson.

You think I'd learn after being one of the early ones in the Uncharted 3 OT to heavily criticize the game, but every time I'm out they pull me back in.
I really liked XII. I have strong nostalgia for FFX, so i'll leave it at that. I didn't actually beat either. XII was major rpg syndrome and FFX I left on over vacation as I was stuck on the boss. The laser spinning in the same place ruined the disc.

I put way too many hours into FFXII. I pretty much cold turkey quit FFX at Jecht, like I just stopped caring completely and never finished. I hated FFX-2 but I still played it for the job system. Any FF that has that I at least try.

FFX-2 job system >>>>>>>>>> FFXIII paradigm garbage fuck shit.



i almost like it


The locomotion isn't as good as Uncharted, but the shooting, gun handling animations, and enemy physics are amazing. So many little details that look so good in bullet time.
Yeah yeah this was it. Like its so real feeling it feels off and slow or something. Weird, like killzone 2 but not in a way I like.


ya'lls mixed impressions on Max 3 (and mutual love for 2) makes me wanna give it a go, just with proper expectations

I mean yeah I get it, Gambit system had all this flexibility and if you fucked with it enough you broke the game. That's cool and all, but at the same time the gameplay is so fucking slow to the point where that shit doesn't even matter

tho you're on some other shit for saying Lulu is the only legit character

well yeah but you could cast stuff to speed it up, i very much did that as it went, helped a lot

and you're kinda right, i was talking shit there - honestly i thought Auron was pretty cool

ya and thats why final fantasy has shit over worlds. FFX has the right idea. It says hey, we suck at spontaneity and interactivity and dynamism so just give em one big hallway and let them plan everything out niiiice and slow in battle.

i mean...yeah, they totally worked for me in the 2D era but i can't really say they were exciting beyond that, especially compared to some of the classic WRPG's you listed. can't even really argue with your logic here - i normally dig dropping shit when it's your game's weakness (No More Heroes 2's lack of overworld, auto jumping in Assassin's Creed/Uncharted/etc instead of shit platforming like early God of War, etc)

I love both though. I even like the 13s...

yuck /pusha

12 gameplay was next level but characters were booty

see i thought Baltheir had more swag than most FF game characters combined
ya'lls mixed impressions on Max 3 (and mutual love for 2) makes me wanna give it a go, just with proper expectations

Considering its probably cheap as hell at this point, it's not a bad idea to try it out. The actual gameplay is pretty good but the writing and story is fucking garbage in comparison to the other games. It went from a gritty noir setting with awesome atmospheric writing to Brazil with Rockstar writing. Remedy really made that series what it was. It left me kinda disappointed as a "Max Payne" title but it's a really solid tps


That G unit interview is dope they've got good chemistry between themselves. 50 said everything he wrote clicked with the Zeitgeist in the early part of his career, the massacre was pretty much the documentary before he gave it to Game.
heh this popped up on my twitter feed and I thought it was an interesting read about Supreme, 50 Cent, Murda Inc and Ja Rule. Seems like 50 is a straight bitch:


The subject of 50 being a snitch has been hotly debated also. “This dude sensationalizes everything. All his statements are incendiary. The government believes every lyric- and then he says, ‘Read my lyrics.’ Where I come from that’s dry snitching.” Supreme said and on the whole beef with 50 he said, “Kid you’ve never been through nothing. I walked around wolves, man. I walked among giants.” And he’s right. Maybe 50 is a snitch, maybe not. “The chump 50 Cent wouldn’t even be a factor in the rap game today if his lyrics weren’t snitch oriented,” T says. “He owe his success to the media and his beef with Murder Inc. 50 ain’t never been nowhere but to boot camp. A place guys like Supreme wouldn’t even go to. With dudes yelling in your face telling you to do 50 pushups. How gangsta is that?”


tagged by Blackace
The producer of 0-100 finally speaks out.
“No it was called something really generic and stupid like, “Vibes” or something. Originally it was a three minute idea that had all these different parts and I didn’t really write it with any intent of it being used for Drake or for anyone in particular. I just kinda wrote it and gave it to Boi-1da, who was in session at the time in Miami, this was with Diddy. This was like the whole controversy of the incident. From what I understand he made the beat on the spot, played it for Diddy and Diddy passed on it, he said it wasn’t life changing enough and that was that. Then fast forward, “0 to 100” becomes this huge hit and then there’s this weird… whatever happened there? I don’t know, but as far as I understand that’s how it went down.”

A NYT article on the current problems Hot97 is facing. Choice quotes:
Ms. Martinez’s departure was magnified by those that followed. In December, the D.J. Mister Cee, who had 21 years at the station, also packed his mike, sensing a shifting tide, he said. Amid the news of the new hires, the D.J. Big Dennis Rivera, who had started there as an intern in 1991, was pushed out. Two weeks later, the station announced that Cipha Sounds was no longer with the company, “effective immediately.”


"The station “has always had a reputation for being a leader, for breaking records and artists first, and for being more aggressive with what it played,” said Karlie Hustle, who resigned in August after serving as Hot 97’s music director for three years. “Hot 97 sounded like a New York radio station. It’s nice when you go to a place, and it sounds like the city you’re in.” But competition from rivals has forced Hot 97 and its parent company, Emmis Communications, to adjust. Since July, Ms. Martinez has helped lift the ratings of Power 105.1, which came along in 2002 and is run by the conglomerate iHeartMedia, formerly known as Clear Channel.


Power 105.1 topped Hot 97 in total audience share for five of six months — in August, they tied — as well as in the core demographic of 18-to-34-year-olds from September through December, according to ratings compiled by Nielsen Music.

Now, at Hot 97, “there’s a lot of deference to pop in order to survive in the ratings,” Ms. Hustle said, citing a song like “Latch” by Disclosure, featuring Sam Smith, which has received heavy airplay even though it doesn’t sound like the rest of the station’s more rugged rap and R&B playlist.

“It’s about keeping the lights on,” she said. “If Hot 97 is going to exist, the station must evolve and change with the times.”


(The radio war is not being fought only in New York. Last week, Emmis sued Kurt Alexander, better known as Big Boy, its longtime morning show host at Power 106 in Los Angeles, for breach of contract after he tried to accept a $3.5 million annual offer from iHeartMedia.)


Rather than lose its New York edge with those decamping veterans, he said, “This station needs to continue to be what it’s always been: the heartbeat of the city and a reflection of our listeners.” (Of Hot 97’s original crew, only the bombastic Funkmaster Flex remains; he could not be reached for comment.)
Too lazy to edit it in but it also seems like Ebro went from program director to on-air personality when they hired someone new to try and turn things around, and that's why we see him more.
So Hot 97 wants to have one foot in the pop pool and wonders why they're losing to a station wit both feet in. Is just say fuck it and switch it up. Play dope oldies alongside hits and some underground shit that works. Stop talking metrics and think outside the box. They need a ceo or program director with some balls.


hot 97 has bad personalities and everyone likes power 105's more. but hot 97 play way more local/underground music than power 105

the only thing power 105 did that broke new music, as far as me hearing, was when they played this uncle murda 2014 rap up song like 30 times in a row

being fair though, this song IS pretty fucking crazy

PD idk where you live but you always seem so authoritative on ny radio lol do you live here or just listen from the outside occasionally?

Nah breh I'm in Michigan. My cousin used to tape Angie Martinez, Red Alert, Flex, etc back in the day and that's what I'd listen to. Did some papers and a semi internship with a Detroit rap station but I'm not an expert on shit. I just find radio interesting.

The thing that puzzles me is that we have a generation that doesn't know shit about The Beatles, barely knows anything about Michael Jackson, and can't even namedrop notable 90s bands/pop stars. People discover Jackson daily, buy his shit on iTunes, etc. Why not mix in more rap throwbacks on the radio? I'm not talking about Rakim and shit that would legit make someone turn to the next station. But you're going to tell me metrics show that playing Big Pimpin causes most people to switch stations? Nah. Ambitionz Az A Ridah? Nah.

Why not mix that shit in and let people discover old shit. There are a lot of people who have no concept of pre Blueprint 3 Jay-Z. Power 105 isn't playing that shit - they're playing four DJ Mustard songs every 30 minutes. Hot 97 can't combat that by mimicking it with worse radio personalities. They're at a point where they have to do something different, and expand demographics. Instead of having a 30 song playlist, throw that shit in the bushes and just experiment. Yea you're going to play your DJ Mustard tracks, but I see no harm in throwing in Still Dre, Gin And Juice, etc...
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