I wish the artwork was better for this new Ghost. For as average as his last project was, it looks good as fuck.
i dont think gaf has enough order threads
i dont think gaf has enough order threads
I don't get the whole controversy tbh.
Seems like a bunch of angry nerds mad over a mediocre game.
Noooo loooovvve foooooooor uuussss
This shit is fire. Kudos to whoever posted it.
That's a win... I think
That's a win... I think
wish him and ye reconciled
Yeah, I don't know. I am just kind of tired of Ghost lately. Seems to me like he's lazy and going through the motions. BBNG probably produced a good record and I liked the Danny verse so I'll still check the project out.True but I'm less worried about his musical views and moreso about him saying the album is super short and Ghost doesn't have many verses.
He said DOOM's verse was average whereas I thought it was dope, so I know I'll disagree with him on stuff like that. But this is sounding like an instrumental album with Ghost tacked on. We'll see...
Kid Cudi is sooo dope.
didn't know they had beef together
God damn, RIP Footy-GAF. My favorite community.
I think the setting and visuals has everything to do with what people saw in it.
The visuals? I think that's the one thing it has going for it. And alternate history Victorian England is dope.The setting and visuals arent even impressive though. It looks bland as shit.
Why were people expecting The Order 1886 to be good? I hardly saw any gameplay of it. Does the setting have something to do with it?
I've tried to listen to Comedy Bang Bang, couldn't do it... maybe it was just the episode but it was pretty boring.
The setting and visuals arent even impressive though. It looks bland as shit.
its one of the best looking games out there. you can complain about everything else, but not the graphics.
Why were people expecting The Order 1886 to be good? I hardly saw any gameplay of it. Does the setting have something to do with it?
Because it's one of the few exclusive ps4 games out. One can dream yo
They get the NBA Gaf treatment?
2.Stop (feat. Steve Roxx / prod. Apollo Brown) 03:12
3.Eyes Wide Open (feat. Ras Kass)
4.Promise Land
5.How I Move (feat. Eric "Blakk Soul" Keith)
6.Candlelight (feat. Marv Won)
7.Kings (feat. Jalen Santoy, Novej, & Lute)
8.Augmentation (L'Orange Remix)
9.Promise Land (Apollo Brown Remix)
...I believe this is Big Pooh's debut project on MMG.
I heard of this guy from Nitty's album. Seeing he has L'Orange, Apollo Brown, and Ras Kass on it, I'm going to check it out when it drops.
He was part of that little group, Little Brother
codhand, you ready to enjoy the order? its getting pretty beat up over on gaming side, so i guess that means its good.
pass. not into mustache rides, even highly cinematic ones.
Big Pooh....
Yeah what about him.
Yeah what about him.
wish it had multiplayer
full price for a 5-6 hours campaign game with no replay value?