here's why you haven't listened to much rae, because everything from 95-2009 is mostly bad. and everyone ignores it when they list him as one of the 'best members of the clan'.
fishscale is an overrated album, but even then I think it's probably a little better than CL2.
i don't know why you think Rae is technically in another tier than Ghostface. I'd go so far as to say Rae is a very one note rapper and writer. he's not really good for anything but the occasional drug tale. Ghost is a rare talent, he can be both extremely vivid and abstract, sometimes on the same album.
Bolded is definitely true, no debating that. It's obviously before my time, but most people don't ever bother listing them as quality rap albums let only Wu albums.
Don't know if that's a valid argument considering both rap about the same subject matter.