This is one of the most uncreative, terrible, confusing records that Ive heard in a long time. Confusing? you might ask. This record is incredibly confusing. Why is it that, ASAP Ferg, a guy whos last record apparently only contained trap music, a guy who built himself a fan base because of that trap music, would turn around and release an incredibly poppy record (I elaborate on this later in the review)? Why does the production on here fucking suck? Ferg, youre a MAJOR LABEL RAPPER. You have so many great and talented producers at your disposal. And you settle for this? Jesus christ. But, Matthew, what if Fergs evolving? Creative people need to change their sound. False. 1. Ferg isnt evolving, hes regressing and 2. Ferg, demonstrated by this record, is barely creative, if at all.
What makes me so sure of that? New Level, ladies and gentleman. One of the least creative songs of 2016. But the b-the beats okay. Yeah, I suppose it is. I mean, it sounds like a fucking Halloween theme song, sure, but its okay. But everything else, man. Notice how Ferg barely (if at all, really dont wanna listen again to find out) switches up his flow throughout the WHOLE song? Oh, and, notice how that flow is incredibly basic and sounds like something that an inexperienced rapper would rap (which is what Ferg is)? And, not only is his rapping amateur, but the hook fucking sucks too, being one of the laziest things Ive ever heard. And Im not even exaggerating. Please, listen for yourself. Its HORRIBLE. All he does is say Im on a new level in a monotone tone. No variation, nothing. God damn it Ferg.
Alright, Im gonna calm down. At this point your probably expecting me to give this record a 0.5 but thats not the case. Id probably give it a 1.5. It has a few redeeming factors. Beautiful People is good, and Id even go as far as calling it great if it wasnt for that completely out-of-place narration section. Look, I know, it fits the theme, having someone during a soul song narrate why beautifulness is an inside thing makes sense, but it just
doesnt work. It breaks the flow of the song and sounds awkward. Other than that though, the songs pretty good! I really like the beat (the choirs are pretty beautiful) and the drums are pretty great (I love when they kick in.) And, surprise of the century, Fergs rapping is actually tolerable here and fits the beat well. Its almost as if he decided to try for once. Another (and Id go as far as saying the only other) redeeming factor of the record is the song that comes right afterwards, Let You Go. Pretty good stuff. The instrumentals a bit too poppy for my liking but I do like it quite a bit none the less. The highlight of the song, however, is easily the chorus. Why? His flow during it is very enjoyable and the half-screaming vocals that follow the end of his sentences are a surprisingly smart addition.
My main problem with this record is that it doesnt really stick to a genre. Its all over the place. Hey! But at least Fergs rapping is consistent! Haha. But, yeah, this record literally goes from a pop song to a soft trap song to an experimental song with a poppy chorus. It doesnt know what it wants to be. When this is the case with a record, it usually means one thing. The artist is looking for radio appeal. I think this might be the case here. What confuses me however is that, if this were the case, why wouldnt Ferg just put a few pop songs on the record and have the rest be trap songs, instead of an odd mix of both? I dont really get it. It just feels like Ferg didnt know what he was doing with this record. This is further demonstrated by the fact that most inaccessible instrumentals on here have poppy choruses.
I wish that someone would have just went up to Ferg and told him STICK TO A GENRE/THEME, BRO. It feels like he tried to do too many things at once with this record and it suffered because of it. Everything feels half-assed as a result. Fergs rapping is embarrassing. The instrumentals are sub-par. The hooks are incredibly lazy. I think, if Ferg actually focused on a genre and refined this record, it could have been good, but, as it stands, this couldnt be further from that. Bummer.