At this point I think Des is ignoring me on purpose when I @ him. I thought we were friends. I guess not...
Blake is fantastic though some of the middle tracks drag it down just a bit because of their somewhat homogeneous tempo. I haven't spent enough time with ANOHNI though I can tell that I love the sound he's going for but some of the lyrics lack the romantic whimsical nature of his past records. It might be a bit too pedantic for me, but I have high hopes.What do you think of the new James Blake and ANOHNI, btw?
crave the attention of another man brehs
might as well call him daddy![]()
never forget
never forget
brehI still remember that dream vividly.
I know toku is about all the positive energy and stuff but any of you who think this post malone fleetwood mac cover is good don't deserve ears
we live in an era where disturbed covers simon & garfunkel breh
timeline's all fucked up
You should.Views > Coloring Book.
So there's that.
Also new Master Ace is cool.
Still haven't checked Post. Don't know if I wanna.
You should.
Lol, Masta Ace was my first concert ever as a 14 year old or so. Loved A Long Hot Summer.
better question, why does jaden smith sound good on that track?this tape is dope(and so is the Fleetwood cover) but why is Jaden Smith on this shit
Wow, I'm completely behind when it comes to Gang Starr, but man, I'm in for a treat. Moment of Truth is so good.
So I'm really liking Jeru the Damaja's The Sun Rises in the East.
Anybody else a fan?
that's something I've always meant to listen to, but just never did for whatever reason. Jeru was always great anytime I heard him
Do it! Amazing album and Premier just kills it.
tracks 5-9 are dope while everything else is basuraHow was the new Ferg album received on gafhop?
It's no trap Lord but there's some decent tracks. Also going through Qs catalogue and I'm ashamed I slept on him so long
Spotify is class.
Cool to see some new faces in here too
Coloring book >>>>>Views > Coloring Book.
Yeah it's a great album.Wow, I'm completely behind when it comes to Gang Starr, but man, I'm in for a treat. Moment of Truth is so good.
I don't really like it.. at all. Like 3 nice tracks.How was the new Ferg album received on gafhop?
It's no trap Lord but there's some decent tracks.
Fuck you IrishNinja. If you are even Irish.also Q continues to bore
Not feeling this new Schoolboy Q track.
Someone should've "lost" Kanye's verse in a hard drive failure or something
also Q continues to bore
I know toku is about all the positive energy and stuff but any of you who think this post malone fleetwood mac cover is good don't deserve ears
why am i jamming to this jaden smith hook on this Post tape???????????????
Fuck you IrishNinja. If you are even Irish.
Go home and be a family man.