New about these parts. So I need to do this application huh. Sure
1. Pick a Coast to rep - Ozbekastan
2. Whats your favorite subgenre of rap? - Grimey ass mid 90's shit/Aus hip hop
3. Favorite Artists - Man this changes all the time. Right now Kerser, Lupe, Techa Nina, Mayday, Hilltop Hoods
4. Favorite Artists Outside of Hip-Hop (Pick Five) - Yikes don't listen to alot. Say, Chilli Peppers, Beck, Metallica (pre mid 90s stuff), Creedence Clearwater Revival, and uhhh, I really liked Korn when Follow the Leader was hot
5. What was your hip-hop AOTY last year? Whats your current hip-hop AOTY? 2014 - Mursday, 2015 - Tetsuo and Youth. Shout out to Kersers 2014 King and 2015 Next Step here in Aus
6. What are you listening to right now? My man Kers1
7. Whats something you like that you might consider a guilty pleasure? Whats something you havent listened to that you think a hip-hop aficionado might give you shit for? Guilty pleasure: Poppy radio tracks with raps. Prefer to hear that on commercial radio then poppy, singy non rap stuff. Might cop shit for not listening to most of Outkasts discography, despite been meaning too. I also really couldn't get into Kendricks last effort. Loved GKMC for reference
8. Rank a Random Rappers Discography: Kers- nah won't do that. Lets say Lupe goes something like T&Y>F&L>Cool> F&L2 >>>>>>>>>> daylight>>>>>>>>>>>>> that other album he made. Those 1st three are prone to alternate though
1. What do you like about the current state of hip-hop? Whats missing from the game? Times are good despite what some would have you believe. If the big names don't do it for you, there are plenty of people practicing and publishing the art these days. Some just isn't as easy to find. Whats missing? Killer hip-hop acts as opposed to artists. Been a long time since we got acts like NWA, Public Enemy, Wu, Roots, Tribe, De La or even J5. Kinda why I get into Mayday, despite their last album being so-so
2. Whos Your Favorite Wu-Tang Member? On record Deck, Gza or Meth. Live, Meth then Rza
3. Jay-Z or Nas? Biggie or Pac? Young Thug or OG Maco? Nas/Big/Um, dunno
4. What Hip-Hop Album Are You Currently Anticipating? Once upon a time in Shaolin

Also Hoods restrung album drops soon. Aus Hiphop and a 40 piece Orchestra. Shit works
5. Who is the Most Underrated Emcee? Who is the Most Overrated?. Underated: All time- Deck, WC. Now - Wrekonize and/or Mayday - Overated: Ima say Joey for now. I wanna like him but struggling a bit. Some nice stuff on his album last year though. Is Yeezy still considered 'rated'? Him too if so
6. Would You Rather Eat An Ass or Have Your Ass Eaten? Ha. Might pass on this one. Please don't reject the app
7. Onions, Avocados, Both, or Neither? Onions, not fukn grilled but!
8. Do you still listen to Eminem? Why? Sorta. Liked MMLP2, haven't spun it for a while tho. Not so much the couple of albums before that. Listen to select tracks from earlier albums pretty reguarly too.
9. Whos your favorite pop artist? And whos the finest? These days, T Swizzle for both I guess. She kinda hot and a bit of a charisma machine too. That one track with KDot was pretty dope as well
10. Recall a personal event that went down about a week ago. Prob about 2 weeks ago now I ran over a young mom and her 10 year old son. Thankfully I was going really slow across an intersection (into some bad sun-glare) and managed to stop as I hit them. They just got knocked down with some bumps and bruises, and the mom had a sore foot, which must've gone under the wheel. She was whisked off in an Ambo for an x-ray, but the paramedics seemed to think it wasn't broken. More a precautionary thing. Was pretty scary shit. For 20 seconds or so I thought I might've killed someone. 2 human shaped silhouettes bouncing off the front of your car, with accompanying screams is scary yo
Do I qualify?