Welcome to the world of Justin Bieber's fellow Stratfordian/Canadian Playboy Magazine favourite,
Danny Lover.
Hailing from the heart of Perth County, (Stratford, Onratio), Danny is a former freelance relationship
agony uncle columnist and love letter ghost writer for hire. Sick of bouncing cheques and low paying
features in local newspapers, Danny decided to put all of his time and effort into his first love and
passion; rap music. The result: "My Best Friends Keep Dying", posthumously produced in full by
former best friend and life coach 19.thou$and (r.i.p).
In Danny's own words "the album is a homage to all the people I have lost in my life. Specifically a
thank you to 19.thou$and. Misery loves comedy and it just kind of happened that my girl moved to
Japan and I was stuck in this unfurnished house with nothing but a bunch of recording gear for 6
months. I would wake up at 5am sometimes and just smoke cigarettes and write and record shit."
Danny has crafted a nonchalant, snail paced rap style, which feels like it was thought up late at night
in the corner of a smoke filled, half empty pool hall, in some sleepy town somewhere that you would
only visit if you had family living there. A dream-like journey through the life and times of a blasé,
chain smoking creative who has a penchant for downers, cigarettes and women.