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Gaf: How do you like your Hot dogs?

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This came up in another thread last week and it sparked my interest.
I know people who just microwave them and toss them on a bun and it might just be a location/ culture thing but I like to treat them like Hamburgers with it comes to toppings.

This is the process and use of ingredients I have come across that has the best results for me so far ...

1. Use BEEF hot dogs (Yes, these are far better than those Frankenstein Turkey/ Chicken/ Pork/ Beef blended hot dogs)

2. Boil for 3-5 mins

3. Microwave the buns for about 8-15 secs to make them soft.

4. Once I have the hot dogs on the buns I throw on some ketchup, mustard and hot sauce.

5. On top of that I put a slice of pickle and some hot peppers.

6. And to finish it off I sprinkle on some black pepper.

So how do you like yours?
Inbe4 cut/ uncut


What a coincidence! I just had one tonight. I normally have it ballpark style, just mustard. Tonight I had that with chili, onions, pickle relish and cheese.


With ketchup, onions, and pickles. Sometimes a little bit of mayo if you want to feel bad after.

Or with anything sweet. Mmmm I fucking love hotdogs.


I have gotten hip to putting potato salad and cole slaw one an angus beef dog. I roast them in the oven or grill them. relish, mustard is also a must.


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
I hate sausages/hot dogs but if I had to eat them, the sausage has to be boiled with ketchup, a little mayo and some relish. I don't think I have much of a preference between beef/chicken, etc.


Can we substitute hotdogs for bratwursts? If so:

- Boil in beer
- Burn on grill
- Bun, mustard, eat!

If not, then hebrew national or Oscar Meyer Deli Style XXL in broiler until burnt* and then a squiggle of mustard.

Banana peppers optional and equally delicious.

*a strip of crunchy black skin but still plump and juicy burnt, not oh my god i forgot these were in here black shriveled logs



Also fuck chili dogs. Terrible terrible terrible. I have nothing against chili but it overpowers the dog. Toppings should compliment the dog and not be the main flavor.


akira28 said:
I have gotten hip to putting potato salad and cole slaw one an angus beef dog. I roast them in the oven or grill them. relish, mustard is also a must.

Baked beans and coleslaw on a grilled dog makes the half-hour prep and trek to the family reunion bbq banana entirely worth it.
Boiled hot dogs are the worst. I even prefer microwaved over boiled.

Has to be beef.
Grilled is the best by far (or toaster oven in a pinch). Toasted bun (sometimes with cheese) Mustard, onions, pickles, tomatoes.
Big chili dog fan too.

Some days I'll have hot dogs for breakfast, lunch and dinner- and as snacks.


At home: Grilled, with mustard. I'm not too picky.
Out and about: I like them with absolutely everything. Relish, onions, peppers, you name it.


I eat kosher beef hot dogs, usually just on a bun with ketchup. Grilled, boiled, microwaved in order of preference. I guess I'm pretty boring.


i dont think you can really make a hot dog taste different regardless of how you cook it.

i prefer grilled dogs but that's too much of an involved process w/ prep and cleanup.

usually i just throw em in the microwave and put some Texas Pete Chili and ketchup on it.


At a baseball game. I don't order them anywhere else and never make them myself. I've tried dogs once or twice at places that are famed to have some of the best, but I just never enjoy them like I do while watching a game on a nice summer day.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Beef Hot Dog

Boil for 8-10 minutes, get very soft (that's what she said...wait)

Then remove the liquid, keep hot dog in pan, keep rolling the dog, on pan, add a light touch of oil (I mean a miniscule almost milliliter amount)
Keep rolling them with utensil or keep doing a up and down motion making them roll

Remove dogs, lower heat to low, grab hot dog buns, make sure pan not super hot, throw again just maybe a milliliter worth of water, to create steam, throw buns, 30 seconds each side


Ketchup (only if I have no beans, if I do, no point)
Spicy Brown Mustard (Fuck You Yellow Mustard)
Baked Beans (Vegetarian, sorry not a fan of pork infused ones)
(That is how I like my dog)


Usually with ketchup, mustard, and relish, although I will also add saurkraut, hot peppers, or diced onion once in a while too.

I prefer a tangier relish to the usual sweet ones, too.

Beef hot dogs are the best, but there are some great turkey ones as well. Grilled is obviously the best, but I will also boil them occasionally. Never microwave, though, they come out funny.

And if I'm grilling/broiling the hot dogs I'll also toast my buns before putting condiments on.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Hebrew National all beef.

Put small amount of butter in frying pan.
Cut slits in hot dog
pour Montreal steak rub in pan to mix with butter
Put dogs in
Put more steak rub on top of dogs
cook until done


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Why do people hate boiling?

I boil then fry mines (to get that crispy coating, + the meat inside is juicy as fuck)


all beef hotdogs I can eat in just about any configuration. them shits are good.

mystery meat hotdogs have to be either killed via grill or killed via microwave. Burnt to a crisp.

Or, whatever magic they use at ball games. I can't replicate it at home no matter how hard I try.

Topped with ketchup, and if I'm feeling fancy cheddar cheese and dill relish. Sweet relish is for heathens.


slept with Malkin
grilled w/ ketchup, mustard, and onions on a slightly toasted bun.

damn, now I'm hungry for some hotdogs.
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