Boiling seems to make them soggy and they lose flavor in the water. Taste is kinda watered down.GraveRobberX said:Why do people hate boiling?
I boil then fry mines (to get that crispy coating, + the meat inside is juicy as fuck)
BankaiZaraki said:I like beef hotdogs, regular buns, boiled...NOTHING on them. Yes I like them plain. COME AT ME GAF!
No toppings is still better than ketchup.BankaiZaraki said:I like beef hotdogs, regular buns, boiled...NOTHING on them. Yes I like them plain. COME AT ME GAF!
What doesn't give you cancer?Mordeccai said:Hot dogs give you cancer.
TheWiicast said:The roach coach near my house sells "mexican" hot dogs. It's a hot dog, wrapped in bacon and put on a toasted but with chopped tomatoes. onions and mayo. I'll never go back.
Megalodactyl said:Theres like, nothing mexican about that though? Apparently I ate something similar on Polk street in SF once, Don't remember it though, too drunk.
Hawkian said:There were these places in Buenos Aires that had a bunch of different varieties of hot dogs with hugely different toppings for $1 each. I tried every one. And they were all amazing.
Anybody know about these places?
siddx said:That idiotic movie already gave me cancer so I can eat all the dogs I want.
Mordeccai said:Hot dogs give you cancer.[/IM][/QUOTE]
Cancer gives you hot dogs.
Dogs give you hot cancerTeh Hamburglar said:Cancer gives you hot dogs.
hot pussyTeh Hamburglar said:omg
what do cats give you?!
oh god. :OTOM f'N CRUISE said:on the BBQ with some homemade salsa ontop
*googled image* damn this shit looks good
Medalion said:Dogs give you hot cancerTeh Hamburglar said:Cancer gives you hot dogs.Mordeccai said:Hot dogs give you cancer.