Made a "game" for Ludum Dare this weekend
*bounce* *bounce*
Kinda unrelated, but here was something I made while learning illustrator... it was a leaving present for my ex colleagues at Ubisoft...
Developers are disgusting.
Bonus grunge version:
Looks fantastic dude.Woo, new art!
Attack animation for our "werebeast" enemy, my partner finished it up today and I can't wait to get it into a build in the morning. Also this means we'll have all of the enemies done for our 3rd zone, and we can move on to finishing up the boss (a demonic chimney sweep).
Slow going on my end the last week, still wrestling with networking and really trying to solidify it as much as possible before we go up on early access. Looking forward to getting it done so I can get back to in game stuff!
Looks so good!Woo, new art!
Woo, new art!
Attack animation for our "werebeast" enemy, my partner finished it up today and I can't wait to get it into a build in the morning. Also this means we'll have all of the enemies done for our 3rd zone, and we can move on to finishing up the boss (a demonic chimney sweep).
Slow going on my end the last week, still wrestling with networking and really trying to solidify it as much as possible before we go up on early access. Looking forward to getting it done so I can get back to in game stuff!
Woo, new art!
Woo, new art!
Attack animation for our "werebeast" enemy, my partner finished it up today and I can't wait to get it into a build in the morning. Also this means we'll have all of the enemies done for our 3rd zone, and we can move on to finishing up the boss (a demonic chimney sweep).
Slow going on my end the last week, still wrestling with networking and really trying to solidify it as much as possible before we go up on early access. Looking forward to getting it done so I can get back to in game stuff!
Woo, new art!
Attack animation for our "werebeast" enemy, my partner finished it up today and I can't wait to get it into a build in the morning. Also this means we'll have all of the enemies done for our 3rd zone, and we can move on to finishing up the boss (a demonic chimney sweep).
Slow going on my end the last week, still wrestling with networking and really trying to solidify it as much as possible before we go up on early access. Looking forward to getting it done so I can get back to in game stuff!
That's really cool, thanks for showing the stages!Background progress for those who wanted to see it.
A demonstration of the multidash ability, which causes your dash and midair jumps to be refreshed if you dash through an enemy.
Woo, new art!
Attack animation for our "werebeast" enemy, my partner finished it up today and I can't wait to get it into a build in the morning. Also this means we'll have all of the enemies done for our 3rd zone, and we can move on to finishing up the boss (a demonic chimney sweep).
Slow going on my end the last week, still wrestling with networking and really trying to solidify it as much as possible before we go up on early access. Looking forward to getting it done so I can get back to in game stuff!
Woo, new art!
Attack animation for our "werebeast" enemy, my partner finished it up today and I can't wait to get it into a build in the morning. Also this means we'll have all of the enemies done for our 3rd zone, and we can move on to finishing up the boss (a demonic chimney sweep).
Slow going on my end the last week, still wrestling with networking and really trying to solidify it as much as possible before we go up on early access. Looking forward to getting it done so I can get back to in game stuff!
Very nice.A demonstration of the multidash ability, which causes your dash and midair jumps to be refreshed if you dash through an enemy.
I have a feeling that a similar question has been asked before but I need some advice on naming my game.
I don't have anything ready to be show yet (although I can't imagine it will ever be very gif-able) but it's a simple logic puzzle game - a Picross meets Minesweeper kind of thing.
The name I started working with was Pixelink, which I later discovered is a registered trademark for some camera company. I guess this pretty much rules this name out? What if I changed it to Pixelinked or Pixelinks?
Anyway, next I started calling it PixelShift - a name I actually think I prefer. I can't seem to find any sort of trademark for this name but there is a game called Pixel Shift on iOS. Should I abandon this name too? Would I just be confusing potential players or would it be a bad idea on legal grounds?
I do have a couple of other ideas for names, but these two are really my favourites.
Woo, new art!
Attack animation for our "werebeast" enemy, my partner finished it up today and I can't wait to get it into a build in the morning. Also this means we'll have all of the enemies done for our 3rd zone, and we can move on to finishing up the boss (a demonic chimney sweep).
Slow going on my end the last week, still wrestling with networking and really trying to solidify it as much as possible before we go up on early access. Looking forward to getting it done so I can get back to in game stuff!
Finally, some proggress with the banner. I cleaned the lines a little, and sketched some of the characters that were left out initially (I still have to include more, so please be patient).
Finally, some proggress with the banner. I cleaned the lines a little, and sketched some of the characters that were left out initially (I still have to include more, so please be patient).
A demonstration of the multidash ability, which causes your dash and midair jumps to be refreshed if you dash through an enemy.
Finally, some proggress with the banner. I cleaned the lines a little, and sketched some of the characters that were left out initially (I still have to include more, so please be patient).
Finally, some proggress with the banner. I cleaned the lines a little, and sketched some of the characters that were left out initially (I still have to include more, so please be patient).
Finally, some proggress with the banner. I cleaned the lines a little, and sketched some of the characters that were left out initially (I still have to include more, so please be patient).
That looks fun! Though I'm not sure things would go so well for someone new to the situation. Is there a way that the game indicates what can be dashed through like that, or that your moves have been restored? I'm seeing a lot of particle effects, so that might be it. Or is it just safe to assume that any object suspended in the air that doesn't look like a wall can be dashed through?
Very nice.
How do you like playing with that? Last year when my game was melee-based, I had a similar mechanic to reset the cooldown on our zip so long as an enemy died while using the attack on the ground or air.
When I switched to ranged combat with a boomerang and energy management, I reduced the zip cost by 50% and added a cost to attack to introduce management and put a cap on spamming things.
Oh, you're the Ghost Song guy? Absolutely can't wait for this game! Looks amazing.
A demonstration of the multidash ability, which causes your dash and midair jumps to be refreshed if you dash through an enemy.
There's a bug/oversight where you can pass through the star gate without defeating the enemy forces. I don't have time (other responsibilities, work/study) to fix that now though.
Would you normally kill an enemy if you dash through it?
Finally, some proggress with the banner. I cleaned the lines a little, and sketched some of the characters that were left out initially (I still have to include more, so please be patient).
Jim Sterling?Made a "game" for Ludum Dare this weekend
nope, dash is not normally a damaging move.
Nice work! You're very kind doing this for everyone. *edit* It's neat to see the transition from sketch to solid lines too.Finally, some proggress with the banner. I cleaned the lines a little, and sketched some of the characters that were left out initially (I still have to include more, so please be patient).
Haha, I played and commented on your game! I've played two different Donald Trump games this jam thus far.Made a "game" for Ludum Dare this weekend
I'm no lawyer but i think naming is only an issue if they could be competing products/companies (aka in the same field) so I'm not sure it's worth concerning yourself over the camera company one. I'd steer clear of pixelshift though if there's a game with a similar name, just to be safe after the whole 'scrolls' debate and whatnot
Reading your post just made me think 'Picosweeper' and there doesn't seem to be any games called that on a quick google check![]()
Finally, some proggress with the banner. I cleaned the lines a little, and sketched some of the characters that were left out initially (I still have to include more, so please be patient).
Finally, some proggress with the banner. I cleaned the lines a little, and sketched some of the characters that were left out initially (I still have to include more, so please be patient).
Oh crap, my job leaves me so burned out that I can barely make progress in patching my game... maybe I should make smaller patches but I still want to take advantage of my visibility rounds.
How do you deal with a job by day / gamedev by night situation?
Oh crap, my job leaves me so burned out that I can barely make progress in patching my game... maybe I should make smaller patches but I still want to take advantage of my visibility rounds.
How do you deal with a job by day / gamedev by night situation?
What do you other programmers do while you're waiting on assets? My artist has a job and a life and stuff and I don't, so he doesn't work quite as fast as me. Up to now, it hasn't really been a problem... but I seem to have hit a wall now, as all I really need now are art, music, and sound assets to finish up the demo level, all of which I'm relying on other people to do.
I guess I could start working on menus and stuff.
Can be a really awful feeling. Sometimes hate my main job (even though it's pretty cool) for taking up so much time and leaving me exhausted by the end of the day.Oh crap, my job leaves me so burned out that I can barely make progress in patching my game... maybe I should make smaller patches but I still want to take advantage of my visibility rounds.
How do you deal with a job by day / gamedev by night situation?
Is that missile in the bottom with the rocket and math formula? Hilarious.Finally, some proggress with the banner. I cleaned the lines a little, and sketched some of the characters that were left out initially (I still have to include more, so please be patient).
Break down all of your tasks into small 15 minute to hour chunks; stay dedicated to making that chunk the best it can be and don't start another task until the next day. You'll progress slowly but your work will be of a higher standard and your risk of burnout will decrease.How do you deal with a job by day / gamedev by night situation?