Still cracking Babels story! Getting a new build ready with the majority of the first 2 areas (Aldsea, Transyl) open for play. This build is probably between 4-9 hours long, depending on if you've played it previously or not. Also has 4 boss fights, 2 dungeons, and 7 or so side quests. It's incredibly strange looking back at the older builds of the game now, and humbling to see how far it (and I) have come. I can't wait to see what the final product looks like.
Speaking of final products, I've been remaking bits and pieces of the first dungeon this week, as well. Where the once was a puzzle room very similar to the Lost Woods in Ocarina of Time, it's now much more intricate (not complicated, but intricate), which will hopefully make it a bit more than a room that the player goes through in 30 seconds and never thinks back on. And this:
Is the result of changing the "look" of the dungeon to match the numerous other structures in the game that have changes. I wasn't a fan of just one dungeon using the whole "you can see the outside kinda-sorta-not-really," and the RPG Maker community is an incredibly talented one. So, I went through and redesigned the dungeon to take advantage of this "new" look. Looking for feedback. If it isn't painfully obvious, new is on the left, old is on the right. Thoughts? I felt that the old was too "all over the place," and tried to reel it in for the new iteration.
The vine moving when the player touches it is a fantastic touch. Perhaps something while the player is climbing it? Swimming down while in water seems a tad fast. While you can click between the different areas on the map, having to hit enter to actually enter them creates a bit of a disconnect, I suggest that clicking the shield should make you enter a level. Perhaps make the shield zoom towards the screen as your fader? Text sometimes displayed strangely, and while the game looked fine, text looked off.
Throwing fire at an enemy seemed to bounce off their head? Oil speeding up your movement is fucking fun. On the tutorial level where it teaches you to grow vines by throwing Earth, I suggest a safe space that requires the player to "grab" Earth from the ceiling, and then throw it on the roof somewhere else by jumping. See this video I took:
Throwing friends near checkpoints doesn't seem to rescue them? I dont know if that's intentional or not, but I think it should, personally. Nevermind, it does. Perhaps the range on the rescue radius could be bumped by a small amount?
This guy wouldn't follow me for some reason:
Restarting the level didn't fix it, either. In fact, even changing levels, going back to the world map, and then back in didn't fix it. The first time I did the tutorial level about water making tiles slippery, the archer didn't spawn.
Game is fun as hell. Love it. The fact that you have a level editor in the alpha was a mistake, though. I'm gonna play the SHIT outta this. Sorry for the random thoughts kinda thrown about.