In the last weeks I´ve managed to get a much quicker working flow for spriting with GIMP. However, I´ve been looking into other pixel art software and everyone talks wonders about Promotion. Have any of you used it? It´s only 50 so cost won´t be a problem, but before jumping in I´d like to know if it allows for a quick workflow or if I´d better stick to GIMP.
Congrats! Now the fun starts
Woo! Finally got my laptop back, now I can really dive into my project. I'm going to be using the summer as a sort of preproduction work for my capstone for university (which I can hopefully due since some complications came up), so expect some animations and some test visuals from me since that's what I struggle with the most and what I'm going to spend most of my time on.
Congrats! Now the fun starts