Our game was just approved for PS4. That was unexpectedly fast
I am seriously going to start sweating it. This is a lot I have to get in order now and it's just me at the helm with programming now for XO, PS4 and PC so I have more than my work cut out for me.
A bit fucking insane, if you ask me. But it's also good. Because I get to rework my development plan at a super early stage instead of in the middle of it - which is a huge bonus I know many don't get right off the bat with new IPs so I am very thankful that I have this opportunity at this stage. I made a huge effort over the past two months with a proper push and I'm glad to see the extra work paid off, at least in the form of IP approvals from MS and Sony.
A bit surreal. Definitely a monumental undertaking for someone like me so I need to stay focused.