The currents look great.
But I think you've lost a bit of readability in regards to the separation of foreground and background.
So I'm looking at the criticisms for the game and I'm adding regenerating health to the game to compensate for the difficulty of some of the levels.
It won't come as fast and easy as health jars will, but it'll allow you to stay put and regenerate health to get through levels easier.
There's not a one-size-fits-all solution.
Adding different difficulty levels may be your best bet.
Each solution must fit the game, imo.
I dont´t think regenerating health is a good solution to balance difficulty, TBH. You´ll just be allowing the player to get through challenges eating hits and not playing the way he´s supposed to. What I mean is that he won´t need to learn how to play the game, which at some point will make the game become boring. Now don´t get me wrong, regenerative health is a valid mechanic, but only if you design your gameplay around it, not if you stick it to the game after everything´s done to allow the player to survive longer.I think you have to balance with the largest common denominator in mind.
If you have mechanics that can balance against difficulty of enemies or levels (aka regenerating health) you can plan ahead for things.
Sure it'll make my fights easier for some, but for others it'll make them do-able. That's a win.
Not quite. Well, I basically wanted to know how Unity and UDK handle metals andGiven that sort of calculation is almost certainly going to be done faster on the GPU side of things than the CPU side, yeah, it would almost certainly be a shader.
Something like this I guess is what you're looking for?
Can you guys recommend me a good beginner tutorial for Unity? I'm already a software programmer and I know C#, but I have never done anything gaming related.
My goal at first is not to do an actual game but something related to a software that I'm working on, that will let the user view models like balconies and other glass stuff, based on certain parameters. The software today already generates a very simple 2D view of that, but I want to make it 3D and inside an actual level, and maybe even add VR support later on.
Not quite. Well, I basically wanted to know how Unity and UDK handle metals and
what parameters there are to manipulate their appearance using the standard
implementation before rolling my own.
Not a fan of passive regeneration.So I'm looking at the criticisms for the game and I'm adding regenerating health to the game to compensate for the difficulty of some of the levels.
It won't come as fast and easy as health jars will, but it'll allow you to stay put and regenerate health to get through levels easier.
More or less, indeed.... Ah, okay - yeah, every implementation of PBR I have seen implements "metal" as a boolean
I think you have to balance with the largest common denominator in mind.
If you have mechanics that can balance against difficulty of enemies or levels (aka regenerating health) you can plan ahead for things.
Sure it'll make my fights easier for some, but for others it'll make them do-able. That's a win.
There's not a one-size-fits-all solution.
Adding different difficulty levels may be your best bet.
You see it on boards like GAF all the time. People want hardcore games, or at the very least they want games that treat them like they are adults and can figure things out without having their hand held. But in execution, it's only a small population that wants and likes that.
More or less, indeed.
I guess I will go the IOR-way and see what comes out of it.
I mean, this is why I suggested dynamic difficulty - GAF fucking LOVE Resident Evil 4 which is constantly dialling the difficulty down if you're not doing very well, but it mostly does it secretly so players think they are pro for getting past that section that was hardcore fucking them the last three attempts. This is in stark contrast to something like God Of War where if you die a few times you start getting prompts on the restart screen that maybe you'd like to play on an easier difficulty level because you're not very good, or NSMB where you get free permanent invincibility powerups at the checkpoint if you die a few times in the same place.
Even older games like MegaMan have levers you can pull to adjust difficulty if you wanted - when enemies shoot or not to avoid bullshit unavoidable mid-air damage, frequency of health or weapon energy restore powerups... from the example you mention, if your checkpoint eagle powerup was a drop that persists across lives (I don't know if it is or not, sorry), increasing the likelihood of it dropping if they've died a few times would encourage people to use it and try it out and see how useful it is, and feel clever for being resourceful enough to manage their own resources, even though it was you in the background gently nudging them back on track.
I mean, the very best kind of game design is one that's touch is so gentle that a player won't even notice it's there without looking really hard, it just seamlessly meshes with gameplay.
Resource drops are not a bad idea as a form of difficulty adjustment. I'd thought of it before, but I worry about making gold less useful. My whole concern is I want the player to feel they made smart choices in selecting items and gear, not that the right ones were dropped into their lap.
I also noticed a subset of players who won't use the respawn eagles because there's an achievement for not using them.
So yeah, I'm having a really tough time re-balancing the game for Super GunWorld 2. I want everyone who buys and plays the game to enjoy it, but I also don't want to treat them like babies. I want them to learn, experiment, and discover on their own, but I don't want them feeling stuck. Making the game easier without the need for items would completely ruin what the game is, but illustrating that the items are a valuable option is hard. I need to find a better way to do it.
That explanation kind of makes it sound like you might not have managed to do a good enough job at explaining the weapon and item systems. I haven't tried the game myself, but it seems like the game might be failing at properly explaining whether a gun is strong against a given enemy or not (perhaps through visual/audio feedback?), and there might also be the issue that not many people like swapping weapons back and forth among a large collection of them just to get the one that deals the most damage to a specific type of enemy, as it might take them out of the action while they do some inventory sifting, which could be bad for the pacing.
The thing about how players were obstinately trying to challenge areas too hard for them could always be fixed if the game just pointed you somewhat in the right direction after a couple deaths, or maybe you could have some other character or entity bring you back to an earlier area, or even just give the enemies some kind of visual cue to let the player know they're underleveled and not going to take them out barring some great skills, possibly along some kind of visual indicator, sound or even music change (perhaps a simple pitch/speed change?) upon entering overleveled areas. This could also result in the bonus "feature" of skilled players recording themselves crusing through overleveled enemies as a display of their superior skill or something, while also telling newbies that they shouldn't actually be there.
As for players not reading item descriptions and dialog, you could either tweak the tutorials covering vital stuff, or perhaps do something such as briefly stopping the action whenever the player picks up a new weapon, showing it with its description (and weapon stat differences?) and perhaps even giving them the chance to equip it right away. That, or maybe you could have some kind of backlog of newly acquired weapons that you can check out with a button press, where the button prompt lights up on-screen whenever you get new weapons (think smartphone notifications).
My suggestions come from baseless speculation about your game, but here's to hoping you find at least some of it useful.
The enthusiasm has returned
After working on psyscrolr and releasing it I needed a break, but I need to get this update out and then I can work on something new and fresh. I'm close with this level:
I mean, you added the achievement, what do you expect? That's one of the classic 4 types of players. Some people like going for achievements.I also noticed a subset of players who won't use the respawn eagles because there's an achievement for not using them.
They "do", given the formula you've posted. For, 0.04 is the FresnelI think they may use an approximation of f0 like this, or something more sophisticated.
float f0 = lerp(0.04f, luminance(input.Albedo) * 0.25 + 0.75, input.Metalness);
I've wondered myself how they go about rendering PBR without IOR or F0 inputs. ...
Nice overview of the DGF terms. :+... Epic's own Brian Karis uploaded an overview of the components of cook-torrance, probably the most performant ones are selected for UE4.
For fresnel I guess it's Schlick or Schlick-Smith. ...
And to account for these "changing variables" is what's needed for making some... It should be noted that most engines do ignore / don't correctly show the fresnel effect for their environment map specular. Because these cubeMaps have to have mipMaps that are correct for certain roughnesses (at incidence angle I think) the mips are computed offline so engines don't have to sample countless points for each pixel, instead they just sample the appropriate mipmap level for the corresponding roughness.
This does mean though that the detail at large angles (fresnel effect) is ignored since the precomputed map does not account for these changing variables.
Nice one!... "I've been walking through this goddamn desert for ages now!" ...
I mean, you added the achievement, what do you expect? That's one of the classic 4 types of players. Some people like going for achievements.![]()
They "do", given the formula you've posted. For, 0.04 is the Fresnel
reflection of "glass" (assuming IOR = 1.5) at normal incident. So they use
IOR of 1.5 and scale from there.
If I recall correctly, the stereotypical types of players in MMOs are people who like destroying things, people who like being social, people who like achieving things, and people who like collecting things. (I'm not sure if "building things" was included.)I naively expected that players who weren't good enough to earn certain achievements would avoid them and just play the game lol.
That achievement is there for the really good players to earn as a bragging right, but people that aren't good enough to beat the game without using items make the game more frustrating for themselves.
Ah, I see.Yeah, what I mean is that they don't have a specific input channel for it, they just approximate it based on metallic/color.' ...
As long as you don't have to satisfy any energy conservation laws, the world... At some point I've made approximations based on color, metallic and roughness to get the f0, but all of that is obviously just blindly trying stuff without real world reference, much like the formula posted above. ...
If I recall correctly, the stereotypical types of players in MMOs are people who like destroying things, people who like being social, people who like achieving things, and people who like collecting things. (I'm not sure if "building things" was included.)
I feel that fans who enjoy achievements are unlikely to go "Oh, I guess I'll back off on this tough achievement" instead of seeing it as a challenge. I really appreciate when games make the achievements not-super-tough.
Think about it this way -- people who are really skilled gamers or really skilled at a game might get all the achievements. But, their focus and talent is on being really skilled. Do achievements really matter to them as a group? Some, but probably not all. On the other hand, take the people who really appreciate achievements. Are they likely to be incredibly skilled? Some, but probably not all. So you end up with a Venn diagram situation, and an incredibly tough achievement is likely to remembered as frustrating and unfair because it gets in the way of the group that cares most.
Just my opinion, of course.
Since a lot of people have been talking about it recently, Spine is a lot of fun if you know what you're doing. I spent a couple hours tonight practicing with IK joints so this isn't directly game related, but I thought my bicycle would be a fun subject!
Yeah, for sure, but that's not saying very much. It's probably clear that something like Uncharted benefits from explicit difficulty selection and that Super Meat Boy or Dark Souls would not, but where do you draw the line? What specifically about those kind of games makes them not a good fit, do you think?
This sounds like a very rude thing to say to fans. Videogames in general may be "100% useless". People do them not because they have a use, but because they enjoy them. This feels almost like telling someone "the things you enjoy are bad and I'm fixing them." You basically acknowledge you're intentionally alienating certain people, but I think it's important to understand that intentionally doing that will cause a resulting backlash.I totally get that, but my opinion is that life doesn't hand things to you lol. I grew up with games that kicked my ass, and I think knowing you aren't good enough and accepting when you're beat is important. I think games baby people too much these days, so I have stuff in my game (be it features, achievements, unlockables, etc) that require high skill to get. Yeah I know games are just entertainment, but I think achievements are 100% useless beyond bragging rights, and what's the bragging right of just playing a game? You have to earn mine.
Perhaps if you became more empathetic about why it gets to them, they might sympathize with why it gets to you.The core route through the game is the part I want any player to be able to complete, but my game makes you earn your rewards. I get that bothers some achievement hunters, but not every game is for every person. The only thing that really gets to me is that I see these people genuinely enjoy the game, but they're mad because they can't get this one achievement and they go nuts about it.
This sounds like a very rude thing to say to fans. Videogames in general may be "100% useless". People do them not because they have a use, but because they enjoy them. This feels almost like telling someone "the things you enjoy are bad and I'm fixing them." You basically acknowledge you're intentionally alienating certain people, but I think it's important to understand that intentionally doing that will cause a resulting backlash.
Perhaps if you became more empathetic about why it gets to them, they might sympathize with why it gets to you.![]()
Any Billionaries in here who's feeling like buying me Earthworm Jim to make aweeomezzz gaems?
That looks really cool! Do you have any tips for workflow and how you structure/create your assets (such as making them overlap eachother so they don't break?) I'm very new to skeletal animation and trying to soak up as much as I can.
Some of it is going to depend on your art style, if there are areas where details are more important to preserve and such. Using meshes is often more effective than cutting things apart. For this bit the torso, hair, earphone cords and purse strap were meshes instead of sprites so that they could be more flexible without any obvious seams.
Originally I was planning on making the legs one piece as well, which is my typical course of action, but with this design you can't see the seams anyway and there are a lot of extreme angles, so I chose for individual pieces. Sometimes, if you know the kinds of animation that are going to be needed, that can help you figure out where to break the pieces. You just have to keep in mind where each of them are going to be moving, and what parts of each piece are going to potentially be showing through.
I mean you'll figure out the joints thing. There's not a strict formula, at least not one that I could describe. Once you get a feel for all the tools at your disposal you'll start to come up with ideal solutions on your own. But like a pant leg, or bare skin, that would probably be a single piece. But a suit of armor with articulated joints? That can be multiple pieces.Great tips, thanks. I'm going for a more painterly style similarly to something like Dragon's Crown, so based on what you're saying with a style like mine with all those value changes, it might be better to keep pieces like the legs more as one piece?
I'm also looking at having 4 way movement (Up, Down, Left, Right). As I've seen mentioned before having something appear going further away(Up) and coming closer(Down) is quite challenging so far. Any tips you might have on that would also be much appreciated!
I mean, this is why I suggested dynamic difficulty - GAF fucking LOVE Resident Evil 4 which is constantly dialling the difficulty down if you're not doing very well, but it mostly does it secretly so players think they are pro for getting past that section that was hardcore fucking them the last three attempts.
That's a bullshit way of doing things though. What if someone wants to play at maximum difficulty? Then the game stealthily forces them to play on an easier difficulty if they're not immediately great at it? Screw that.
I mean you'll figure out the joints thing. There's not a strict formula, at least not one that I could describe. Once you get a feel for all the tools at your disposal you'll start to come up with ideal solutions on your own. But like a pant leg, or bare skin, that would probably be a single piece. But a suit of armor with articulated joints? That can be multiple pieces.
I'm on mobile right now so I can't do a great diagram of how to do up/down motion, but it is possible. You just have to use scaling and shearing cleverly, as well as have different graphics to swap to in certain cases. I'll try to show how when I have time later. (remind me if forget please!)
Welcome back! How did it do on the Wii U? Or is that a sorta NDA thing?
I'll admit I flaked out on the WiiU Dev thing myself.
Not a fan of passive regeneration.
Makes sense. That would be great if you have something that helps. I've been playing around with scaling and shearing but so far things are looking rather rough lol. Thanks for the help!