Well, I finally want to show that little retro engine I'm working on. For,
there is also something to do with me realizing to never post anything about
it while doing so, which is bad. So I've put something together, removed some
of the nonworking parts to have at least something to show. Not much, but
Next time I will have a fly-through ready. Sorry, got some final bugs in my
camera code. The scene is actually pretty simple, it's just a test scene so
to speak.
Next to programming all the rendering algorithms I tinkered a lil around
with spherical texture mapping on rotating frames to get something more cool
looking. The world in the center of the screen is actually rotating, not the
texture as would be much easier.
I've also spent much more time, again, on dithering, quantization etc. Since
my last take on the subject I was a lil behind Photopshop in some departments
but ahead in others. Considering my new work (not finished yet), I think I can
not only surpassed Photopshop but almost any other dithering algorithm in
terms of image quality I've ever seen. For, if there isn't any bug in my code,
it seems that I can now produce banding free low-res images/gifs, adjustable
via a trade-off parameter (even in realtime whereas the trade-off will be a
lil more demanding). Anyhow. If that works to my expectation, then it may
become the foundation of a new gif encoder (I still have that one on my list!).
But that's for another post. If I have it all working, I will show it here.
Having said that, my new technique is already applied to the scene above,
partially, only to a very limited extend, yet the quality is already above
anything what gifcam would offer as a result given it the raw data. Don't get
confused, the image, patterns etc. are pretty low-res here. That's done on
purpose. I wanted it to look that way.

If I get my little camera bug
eliminated you will see that it looks good in motion, too.
I also made some further progress towards my retrolized defocus. It works but
I used some jittering in time techniques with the drawback that the scene
looks somewhat uneasy when defocused. However, I already have an idea to get
around it using something pretty nice, i.e. Sobol numbers. Anyhow. I can tell
that the current working defocus effect already looks indeed very pixelized,
which produced sort of an pixel art defocus but in 3d. Something I was after
for some time now. Should be ready before holiday!
You can't imagine what a relief that post is for me. As a programmer I'm
unsatisfied what is seen on screen, because it doesn't even show 10% of what
I've been worked on (pretty cool fresnel/edge specular highlights for example).
But I have to realize that what's seen on screen is the reality. And I have to
adhere to it as much as anyone else has. So be it.