Does anybody have any suggestions for achieving a blur effect under UMG menus?
Similar to the HUD on this:
Similar to the HUD on this:
What do you guys thing about the logo for my engine?
It's the Poke Engine.
Having a thumb in there might help, but skin coloured pole and two skin coloured bumps... yup.
I have a dildo that looks just like that.
Just add hair to the nutz and you're all set
Yes, something is off in the finger nail.Clever, but I'd say the fingernail needs to be smaller size and better defined.
One thing I really hate about Unity is scripting.
So after sitting on the assets forever and a day I'm finally getting around to coloring the other character portraits in the game.
I don't know how much things have changed, but my iOS game 2 years ago got reviewed on most of the major touch gaming sites without any requests for payment
Some progress on the BH project.
Visually, not much has changed, but we've done a lot with the physics. If anybody wants to test it out, PM me.
Are you thinking of adding a mid air jump like Titanfall's?
If you are using C#, highly recommend you use the professional MS compiler along with "Unity VS". Compiler is expensive, but think of the time and quality you save and it may be worth it.Man...finding small errors really irks me sometime lol
If you are using C#, highly recommend you use the professional MS compiler along with "Unity VS". Compiler is expensive, but think of the time and quality you save and it may be worth it.
Love the character designs from your game!
Hahaha! Now that you guys speak of it... It does look like a dildo!
Yes, something is off in the finger nail.
If by "compiler" you mean Visual Studio, then, yes, that's a good recommendation.
It's not expensive, though. Visual Studio Community is free. If you're an individual, there are practically no functional differences between Professional and Community, and Community will allow you to use extensions like the Visual Studio Tools for Unity (formerly UnityVS).
He's cornering gaf for a reason. xD Don't know.Where's chopper mike these days
While rendering the HUD, grab pixels below, blur, use.Does anybody have any suggestions for achieving a blur effect under UMG menus?
Similar to the HUD on this:
Does anyone here have full time job and family/kids? How do you do it? I have to get up at 7am and am at work at 9am, get home at 7 or 8pm at earliest...after kid goes to sleep it's 9pm and have a few precious hours to decide how to allocate but it's difficult to not just want to zone out.
Thinking about just taking "Starbucks time" in the middle of the day and do it in daylight hours. Also maybe scheduling some coworking space time and inviting a friend to put the peer pressure on. Also all my projects I'm trying to do along which is generally not smart...
I thought I used the Blender FBX export and it worked well in UDK -- but I was probably using the latest Blender and plugin at the time a year or two ago, and that was the UDK rather than UE4. I was also doing something simple.Anyone that was thinking of using Blender with UE4 for animated skeletal meshes... don't do it.
Don't even think about it.
Just... no.
It will break your stuff in every single way because its FBX importer and exporter are utter garbage.
I don't have kids but am usually up by 3am and off to work by 4. I just guzzle a cauldron of coffee throughout the day. It has gotten harder since last year with natural selection wanting to kill me again with yet another disease, having my thyroid removed really kicked me in the ass. I feel like poop 8 out of 7 days per week so I just push on. Not much I can do. In May I have 4 more years for a 90% survival rate so I'm looking to celebrateDoes anyone here have full time job and family/kids? How do you do it? I have to get up at 7am and am at work at 9am, get home at 7 or 8pm at earliest...after kid goes to sleep it's 9pm and have a few precious hours to decide how to allocate but it's difficult to not just want to zone out.
Thinking about just taking "Starbucks time" in the middle of the day and do it in daylight hours. Also maybe scheduling some coworking space time and inviting a friend to put the peer pressure on. Also all my projects I'm trying to do along which is generally not smart...
What was the game about?... I was working on a large PC project before baby ...
Yeah, that's kinda old.*edit* You've probably seen this, but here's a Blender to UE4 video:
So which one do you prefer:
the first one. I'm bad with names so I can't really help you
May I ask, why would you prefer the first one? Most people ive asked seem to be choosing the second one becuase they find him more adorable and easily to turn evil lol
Thats coming nicely, are you on 4.6 or 4.7. I swapped to 4.7 and I got huge performance gains, I was wondering if anyone else has got any gains from 4.7.
There is a little c++ in my game mainly to gain access to the Oculus.
Has anybody got Steam to function with the retail/non-github version of UE4?[ 0]LogOnlineisplay: STEAM: Loading Steam SDK 1.30
[ 0]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamUtils() failed!
[ 0]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamUser() failed!
[ 0]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamFriends() failed!
[ 0]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamRemoteStorage() failed!
[ 0]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamUserStats() failed!
[ 0]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamMatchmakingServers() failed!
[ 0]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamApps() failed!
[ 0]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamNetworking() failed!
[ 0]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamMatchmaking() failed!
[ 0]LogOnlineisplay: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown()
[ 0]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steam API failed to initialize!
[ 0]LogOnlineisplay: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown()
[ 0]LogOnline:Warning: Unable to create OnlineSubsystem module Steam
Interesting, that would work pretty well with the evil thing.the second one reminds me of Lotso from Toy Story 3
I dunno, I think the first version kind of looks a bit like Top Cat and he comes across as an (evil) trickster with a playful demeanor which is an appealing concept to me. Gotta ask, is the mascot supposed to be an animated character for the show (like Zero III from Zero Escape, for example) or does he actually exist in-universe?
Yeah we just moved to 4.7 and the improvements just in the editor are great and performance definitely seems improved (as well as foliage stuff etc.). Terrific update and we had no trouble updating the project.4.6. We're planning to move to 4.7 soon because of the performance gains and some other features.
In other news, after a ton of issues with getting Steam to even be recognized and then loaded, I still can't get the overlay to display.
Has anybody got Steam to function with the retail/non-github version of UE4?
heh, we actually had a version of the show in my country as well, presented by one of the most popular TV personalities at the time, although it only aired for a few years here
the premise of your game sounds great. I'd say both designs would work well, it's just a matter of personal preference really
Thanks! Probably going for the fatty one, as it seem the one most people are voting for.
Which country are you talking about?
Germany, the show only ran from 1984 to 1987. A little before my time sadly
What was the game about?
Is Trailer VO fine if the game has no VO?