Wow you somehow downloaded a really old build. If you have the time definitely check out the one at this link:
Ah, okay. I was wondering why it didn't quite match the screenshots.
I played the new version. My thoughts:
- Night is too damn dark. Can't see shit, cap'n. I get that it makes you want to take fire from guards but considering the archers have SUCH good aim it makes it too risky to bother. I got really frustrated at this part because I felt I should be able to see the ground better. Seeming lack of checkpoints didn't help, though maybe I just didn't get far enough. I don't think checkpoints are needed if it's more pleasant to play, though.
- I feel like I should be able to assassinate guards in the grass, at the cost of alerting nearby guards if they find the body.
- Loved the "intentionally set yourself on fire" mechanic. That's really funny and fun.
- The guy should use the "jump fall" animation frame when jumping down from a ledge, rather than the static walk animation frame.
- Archers are annoying as shit. I think it'd be more fun if they were less accurate, or maybe had two firing modes. For instance:
-- Archers should quickly fire in large arcs that land near where the player is or will be. This makes them need to move to avoid falling arrows.
-- When aiming at the player, they should pull back and aim, then a spark or light should flash from their bow so the player knows an arrow is about to be launched at them. Arrow should fly a little more slowly so it's easier to dodge.
-- Whenever the player is hiding in grass, the archers should ALWAYS fire in arcs, never directly, since they can't clearly see the player.
Anyway, just quick suggestions. Overall I thought it was pretty fun with a lot of potential.