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GAF, Let's rate the looks of the poster above you!

A few pages back you told someone they had a double chin and gave them a 4.

And? I pointed it out to elaborate on my rating. Calling someone "forehead guy" is just name calling. I didn't refer to him as "double chin guy."

Welcome to the Internet, a place where peopl can say whatever they like behind a keyboard.

Quite often they say things they wouldn't say to someone's face, as they don't have to deal with a persons reaction.

I'm well aware of this already. Just seemed in poor taste is all.


Hail to the Chef


I'm well aware of this already. Just seemed in poor taste is all.

People are hating on Vadrigar saying he has issues, but people analysing people behind a keyboard screams bigger issues in my opinion.

Yeah people are gonna say don't post your picture if you can't take it, and I agree with that, it's public forum on the Internet, and there are people that enjoy abusing people behind a keyboard in safety. Have you ever seen the typical YouTube comments page? Full of people talking shit that they wouldn't say in person?


The thing is there are about 4 people on here going to town on people's looks with descriptions like this

People are hating on Vadrigar saying he has issues, but people analysing people behind a keyboard screams bigger issues in my opinion

Can't stand the judgement get out of mah church!



People are putting their own pics up to be rated and analysed. It's all in good fun, if you can't take the criticism then don't post.

Criticism? I've not commented on any criticism towards me.

Also good fun? Ask that guy who got that analysis if he found it fun lol
The thing is there are about 4 people on here going to town on people's looks with descriptions like this

People are hating on Vadrigar saying he has issues, but people analysing people behind a keyboard screams bigger issues in my opinion

Well this is a thread about rating people's appearances after all. It isn't bound to harbor friendly, flowery discussion unless we all decided to lie for the sake of feelings. Throwing someone a 4/10 and leaving it at that seems a lot more rude than at least explaining why you'd given that rating. That and name calling is completely uncalled for. Feelings will get hurt, unfortunately. :/
Criticism? I've not commented on any criticism towards me

Didn't say you had, I was just responding to what I quoted, which it seems you've addressed in your edit.

Also good fun? Ask that guy who got that analysis if he found it fun lol
Probably not, but I already said if you weren't prepared for criticism then you shouldn't have posted. Most people here are taking their ratings in their stride and having a laugh with it.


Hail to the Chef
Great hair, cool glasses, nice complexion. Pants fit you good and I love how they complement the shoes.

That suit makes you look like you're hiding layers and layers of muscle underneath. Like you're the Kingpin.

You look ready for a fight.

you are too kind, thank you :)

Shoulders are a 10/10. Once Atlas retires, at least we'll have a replacement.
yes, you too.


Well this is a thread about rating people's appearances after all. It isn't bound to harbor friendly, flowery discussion unless we all decided to lie for the sake of feelings. Throwing someone a 4/10 and leaving it at that seems a lot more rude than at least explaining why you'd given that rating. That and name calling is completely uncalled for. Feelings will get hurt, unfortunately. :/

I think people are misunderstanding what I'm saying, I'm not saying people shouldn't be honest.

If you look at the start of the thread it was like a love in with people throwing out 7 out of 10 to people that clearly weren't.

Look at Marrec he comments on people's looks but in a constructive way, some people are going to town on people like they get a kick out of it


Well this is a thread about rating people's appearances after all. It isn't bound to harbor friendly, flowery discussion unless we all decided to lie for the sake of feelings. Throwing someone a 4/10 and leaving it at that seems a lot more rude than at least explaining why you'd given that rating. That and name calling is completely uncalled for. Feelings will get hurt, unfortunately. :/

We need to get all these damn feelings out of this thread.

Man that is some immaculate facial hair you got. Bigger frame but you wear it will with proper fitting clothes and what looks like hidden muscle. Nice glasses choice in Pic 2 btw. Facial features don't have any obvious negatives, maybe ears set a bit too low dunno though.

I think people are misunderstanding what I'm saying, I'm not saying people shouldn't be honest.

If you look at the start of the thread it was like a love in with people throwing out 7 out of 10 to people that clearly weren't.

Look at Marrec he comments on people's looks but in a constructive way, some people are going to town on people like they get a kick out of it

Okay, I see. I hope at least my ratings and comments are constructive and don't come off as overly critical or harsh. The double chin remark may have been slightly offhand and for that I apologize.

When someone referred to you as forehead guy you seemed like it got to you a little bit, why should it by your logic?

Because I have a name and it's rude to refer to someone by one of their physical traits.


I've been told this, but have no idea what to do tbh.

A simple square cut with a slight fade would be perfect. Go to a barber (not supercuts) and tell them to give you a left side part square cut with a slight fade. Short on the sides, long on top.


Man that is some immaculate facial hair you got. Bigger frame but you wear it will with proper fitting clothes and what looks like hidden muscle. Nice glasses choice in Pic 2 btw. Facial features don't have any obvious negatives, maybe ears set a bit too low dunno though.


I've been trying to exercise my ears so that they'll perk up higher but my diet is holding me back. lol thanks

Great beard, nice manly build, cool glasses, nice teeth,enjoys the same hair product that I use

I just use to work for Paul Mitchell. Love the products I was more of a double hitter man myself. Thanks =)


Okay, I see. I hope at least my ratings and comments are constructive and don't come off as overly critical or harsh. The double chin remark may have been slightly offhand and for that I apologize.

To be honest as many of you have said if people are too sensitive then they really shouldn't be posting on this thread.

You can see the people who have got ratings and criticisms they don't like and they try and seek validation from random people on the Internet, you can tell they have some issues, and I personally don't think they should be posting their pictures on the Internet when they likely have extremely low confidence already.


To be honest as many of you have said if peopl are too sensitive then they really shouldn't be posting on this thread.

You can see the people who have got ratings and criticisms they don't like and they try and seek validation from random people on he Internet, you can tell they have some issues, and I personally don't think they should be posting their pictures on the Internet when they likely have extremely low confidence already.

That's true... but I also think it's a freeing experience to just let yourself be out there. That's why I try to be friendly in my criticisms and give advice if someone's face is fucked up. My face, for instance, has many obvious flaws that I try to compensate for through various means. Just because you have a crooked nose or off center mouth doesn't mean you can't do something aesthetically about it.

I agree though that if you aren't ready to be rated a 1/10 fugly uggo from Barfsville then you probably shouldn't post your picture.
It's the angle and hairstyle. Regardless it just seems a bit rude to refer to someone that way.

I'd rated now-you an 8 much earlier in the thread by the way.

I meant no offense. It's not like i picked an unflattering feature to remember you by. If I posted a photo prominently featuring and perhaps exaggerating a certain part of my anatomy, I'd expect to be referred to as "insert body part here-guy" as well if someone momentarily forgot my username.


I meant no offense. It's not like i picked an unflattering feature to remember you by. If I posted a photo prominently featuring and perhaps exaggerating a certain part of my anatomy, I'd expect to be referred to as "insert body part here-guy" as well if someone momentarily forgot my username.

That PM you sent me is why I still refer to you as "Penis guy".
I meant no offense. It's not like i picked an unflattering feature to remember you by. If I posted a photo prominently featuring and perhaps exaggerating a certain part of my anatomy, I'd expect to be referred to as "insert body part here-guy" as well if someone momentarily forgot my username.

Ah, I can understand that. No worries at all! And thanks for the response. I used to have pretty severe image problems growing up so I often take things like that a little more personally than most would.


I agree though that if you aren't ready to be rated a 1/10 fugly uggo from Barfsville then you probably shouldn't post your picture.

Exactly, I mean we had someone saying they were going to kill themselves after someone commented on them.

Posting on here isn't going to do them any good,


took one at the office, go ham :D

I could lose some weight, around 10-15 kg but I don't have the motivation for it. Some day maybe.
expecting a 2 from vadrigar lol

First thing I noticed was the hair (cosmetologist) appears unkempt. Maybe it's the half smile but left cheek seems bigger. There's potential in there.


took one at the office, go ham :D

I could lose some weight, around 10-15 kg but I don't have the motivation for it. Some day maybe.
expecting a 2 from vadrigar lol

I actually like the hair which surprised me, your eyebrows seem like they go too far away from the bridge of your nose so if you pluck them you might want to not go so crazy next time. Facial hair looks unkempt but not terrible and the lighting makes it look like you have heterochromia in your eyes.

It looks like you could stand to lose some weight but from what I can see it's not dire, your face doesn't seem to be hurting from it. Friendly looking dude overall.


Vad will give you a 4. *magical powers*
First thing I noticed was the hair (cosmetologist) appears unkempt. Maybe it's the half smile but left cheek seems bigger. There's potential in there.

I wash it every day and use wax (hence the shiny/greasy effect ?), lighting and angle are kinda fucked I took that like whatever lol, I think my cheeks are the same hah

beard is kinda unkempt, I just trim it every other week


I posted earlier but nobody actually rated me.

You look good. Not much to talk about here, nice teeth, nice hair, well kept beard. You hate your left side for some reason. Like, is that other ear missing or something? Even in the picture with the headphones there is no earbud going up to your left ear. :lol



You look good. Not much to talk about here, nice teeth, nice hair, well kept beard. You hate your left side for some reason. Like, is that other ear missing or something? Even in the picture with the headphones there is no earbud going up to your left ear. :lol


My hair parts towards that direction and from the opposite side looks kinda weird so I think I just always take pictures from that side.

My other ear is fine.
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