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GAF, Let's rate the looks of the poster above you!


Yeah, how does Team Jones get a 5? I'm a straight dude and I'm not ashamed to say his body is insane. Dude has like 5% body fat.

Would y'all shut the fuck up? He gave me a 5 too I don't need y'all knocking me down by proxy. I'm as good looking as that sculpted god up there and it's not up for debate anymore.


Alright vadrigar, I'm ready. Picture's not great, I know. I'm the dude on the left


On mobile and walking around Maui, lol. I'll upload a better one when I get back to the hotel.


STILL not great, this is from the other night. Hope its sufficient

The second picture isn't flattering at all, but from the first picture you look good looking in my opinion

Yeah you look good in my opinion.

Look at you in your avatar too? I doubt you struggle to get women lol


Your body alone puts you above the average score you received.

To be honest I think numbers are meaningless, its more relevant to use words to describe someone. If I see a hot girl I don't use a number, I'll think like damn she's hot or whatever, not she's a 9 etc

Some people would use a 6 for someone they claim is average, others would use a 4 or 5 it's all meaningless.

To put some context Allonym was rated a 5 lol, people who have been rated a 6 by the same person on here look worse. It's all opinion anyway


Yo, I got a 6 from both Vad and Lilith.

I didn't think Vad rated me but just found it and he gave me a 6 too. He's given some people 4s and 7s that have shocked me when universally those ratings would be the other way round, but it's all opinions. You can tell Vadrigar has a "type" that he deems as attractive and its reflected in his ratings.

That's normal though we all have preferences...


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
While I'm far from a style queen, folk stating that a good haircut plus decent clothing are correct. I state this towards people who might be a bit insecure about their looks or lack confidence. Looking good and being attractive (as a male) is more than just being born with a hard draw and dreamy eyes. The right haircut suited to your face, and some nice clothing (not necessarily expensive, just stylish) will increase your "look" tenfold. And really, being able to exhibit a confidence in your personality goes miles too, and is something that doesn't show up in photos. I know plenty of dudes who, in photos, don't scrub up all that hot, but in person are charming, confident, and look like they're dressed in the right stuff, and it makes them all the more attractive.

Same can be said about anyone. I'm getting 4 or 5s here but I sure as shit don't let that eat away at me as someone "average". I'm better looking these days at 28 than I've been for the last 10 years thanks to some much needed weight loss (which is ongoing, so far lost ~20kg) and a wardrobe overhaul. Just ask some friends and family for tips, go shopping with someone if you're not confident in picking your own gear, and develop a style.


"She has a promiscuous face" is now going to become part of my vocabulary.

And Vad, how the hell you going to give that ripped beast Team Jones a 5?

Perhaps he doesn't take the body composition into consideration only the face?, or is it a whole package thing?...


Well for now it doesn't matter (at first I just expected an at least slightly better rating and was disappointed), but it's very likely I'm not gonna be with my girlfriend forever, what if she is one of the very few that like my looks? She's my first real girlfriend and the only girl that I ever had sex with.
What people find attractive is so subjective that its retarded to take the few posts of people as any sort of real hard indicator of your looks. Not to mention that looks are not as huge as personality for a lot of people, self included. I think that its sad if people have to look for validation from strangers like this. If you really are down on yourself are a few high ratings from male Gaffers going to help?
Its nice that this thread exists to make most people feel good about themselves but it also saddens me to see so many looking for any sort of validation. The huff over some ratings is also weird. I guess what im saying is I wish everyone loved themselves enough to not seek this stuff on a forum. If your girlfriend likes you a lot of other women will too, dont worry about it bruh.
What people find attractive is so subjective that its retarded to take the few posts of people as any sort of real hard indicator of your looks. Not to mention that looks are not as huge as personality for a lot of people, self included. I think that its sad if people have to look for validation from strangers like this. If you really are down on yourself are a few high ratings from male Gaffers going to help?
Its nice that this thread exists to make most people feel good about themselves but it also saddens me to see so many looking for any sort of validation. The huff over some ratings is also weird. I guess what im saying is I wish everyone loved themselves enough to not seek this stuff on a forum. If your girlfriend likes you a lot of other women will too, dont worry about it bruh.

Ever since the only rating I got was a 4/10 from Vad I got into hard drugs, heavy drinking and started listening to an endless loop of Linkin Park songs. My life is over.


First of all, the "out of my league" thing is complete bullshit. What other people think doesn't matter.

Secondly, your gf seems to take more care of her appearance. She has a lot of makeup on, her hair is shining (and dyed? or just exceptionally blonde), has a proper haircut, she's probably much better at taking selfies and on it goes. So yes, her photo looks better, but a) yours could look better with some effort and b) photos aren't necessarily telling of how someone looks in real life because there's so much more that goes into how we perceive someone.

Actually she hardly uses make up, I'm not sure if she's even wearing any on that pic, her skin is just naturally very clear.

sorry for the dp
I was pretty nervous to post at first, but now I'm curious about what you guys think. I took these just now after deciding that my hair looked kinda nice tonight! Personally, I think I need to lose quite a bit of weight and get toned (especially on my face, it's too chubby right now), and to get my hair cut short again — suits my personality way more, and it frames my face a lot better. Also gotta go get my eyebrows done.

Would drag testicles through miles of broken glass just to hear you fart on a walkie talkie etc.
Gotta have a whole range right? At any normal distribution should show a natural curve with the majority of people in the middle of the range. If your range is 1-10 then the majority of GAFers would fall within the 4-6 range. We may be smarter and nicer and more considered than any sample control population, but I don't think we're prettier than any sample control population.

I get that of course, but I see average everyday and alot of the posters here look at least slightly better than the average person I see. I figure on a whole GAF is probably in the 4-6 range, but I feel like in any thread where you're encouraged to post a pic, the people who tend to post are the ones who look a little better than average, and I think this thread kind of followed that trend. Then again I've seen some ratings of people who I would give a waaaayyy lower score to, so maybe I should just chalk this up to different tastes and such.

Team Jones ain't no 5 though lol.


I get that of course, but I see average everyday and alot of the posters here look at least slightly better than the average person I see. I figure on a whole GAF is probably in the 4-6 range, but I feel like in any thread where you're encouraged to post a pic, the people who tend to post are the ones who look a little better than average, and I think this thread kind of followed that trend. Then again I've seen some ratings of people who I would give a waaaayyy lower score to, so maybe I should just chalk this up to different tastes and such.

Team Jones ain't no 5 though lol.

While I totally agree with TJ not being a 5, I think you're overestimating who is going to be posting in here. There is self-selection of course, but those are still going to fall into the high end of the 4-6 range. By using a curved scale with 7-10s being far more rare than 4-6s you assure that even in a situation of self-selection you're still going to rarely get a 7-10.

Of course, Vad's scale and opinion is... odd, it's not rude or anything.

Hell, you already see people normalizing his scale. Someone celebrates if they get a 5 on the Vad because it's more like a 6-8 on any normal scale.
While I totally agree with TJ not being a 5, I think you're overestimating who is going to be posting in here. There is self-selection of course, but those are still going to fall into the high end of the 4-6 range. By using a curved scale with 7-10s being far more rare than 4-6s you assure that even in a situation of self-selection you're still going to rarely get a 7-10.

Of course, Vad's scale and opinion is... odd, it's not rude or anything.

Hell, you already see people normalizing his scale. Someone celebrates if they get a 5 on the Vad because it's more like a 6-8 on any normal scale.

look at some of the 6-7s he has given out. I'd argue some of the 4s and 5s are better looking than his 6s and 7s

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
look at some of the 6-7s he has given out. I'd argue some of the 4s and 5s are better looking than his 6s and 7s

I don't understand why you care. That's like stomping your feet and disagreeing with someones favorite color. Don't put so much weight in one person's opinion.
I don't understand why you care. That's like stomping your feet and disagreeing with someones favorite color. Don't put so much weight in one person's opinion.

because people put his opinion above anyone else

thats why you get posts like "vadrigar rate me pls" or I'd like to think what people like vadrigar thinks

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
because people put his opinion above anyone else

thats why you get posts like "vadrigar rate me pls" or I'd like to think what people like vadrigar thinks

Yeah, I don't really understand why they care so much either. Maybe because he's not padding his rating, and actually giving what he thinks it should be? I don't know. The fascination with his ratings is baffling to me.


because people put his opinion above anyone else

thats why you get posts like "vadrigar rate me pls" or I'd like to think what people like vadrigar thinks

Nah he's sort of a joke. Just look at his post history. It's very unsettling. For some reason he's obsessed with rating other people's looks (and most of the time rating them very low). Pretty much all of his posts since March (and there are a lot of them) are just him handing out numbers to hundreds of people saying they don't measure up to his vision of beauty.

That guy has issues, and he's taking it way too seriously for it to just be a joke account. The reason why people keep mentioning him is because he has this inexplicable obsession with all of this. He's been called out for it a lot but just ignores all that for some reason.


because people put his opinion above anyone else

thats why you get posts like "vadrigar rate me pls" or I'd like to think what people like vadrigar thinks

They don't put his opinion above anyone, they just know that he'll end up doing a multi post massacre that will likely give them somewhere between a 3 and a 5. Also it's funny.
Would y'all shut the fuck up? He gave me a 5 too I don't need y'all knocking me down by proxy. I'm as good looking as that sculpted god up there and it's not up for debate anymore.

lmao yeah Im a 5 too according to Vadrigar so Im as goodlooking as Team Jones sculpted-from-the-gods-physique! Vadrigar I think your rating scale needs tuning. Team Jones aint no 5 bruh.


It's the angle and hairstyle. Regardless it just seems a bit rude to refer to someone that way.

Welcome to the Internet, a place where peopl can say whatever they like behind a keyboard.

Quite often they say things they wouldn't say to someone's face, as they don't have to deal with a persons reaction.
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