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GAF, Let's rate the looks of the poster above you!


I've seen you in the dating thread, you're always kind of pessimistic or lacking confidence. I don't know why, you look like friggin' Diggle!!!!

It's because I'm not that big yet! I am lean at least. I'm working on it. My confidence too.


so I'm gonna try again, only got a 3 and some 4s which was pretty depressing. Maybe it was the pictures, my GF said the angle was bad while assuring me how handsome I am to her.

so here goes:

If it's the hair that makes me ugly would someone mind rating my face only? Because I'm kind of stuck with that.
You have a girlfriend, why does it at all matter to you if a bunch of guys on a videogame forum think you're sexy flexy? This thread is lunacy.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Vadrigar with the brutal honesty throw

GAF's pride takes a hit! Massive damage!

You survived the blow. However, you are an ugly piece of shit. Go eat ice cream and cry while binging on Netflix, you disgusting animal.


vadrigar said:
holy shit, son

You have already gone way past the normal interaction which you can expect from threads like these. There has been some friendly banter going on, but now you are just shoveling and swinging literal shit around and abusing the general forum guidelines along the way purposefully (use multiquote, ignorant puff) even though you have been warned multiple times already.

These are forums. People discuss. Throwing numbers like a total maniac from one day to another in single posts isn't communicative and/or healthy in any way.

And you are just bumping these threads up constantly. So, yeah.


You have a girlfriend, why does it at all matter to you if a bunch of guys on a videogame forum think you're sexy flexy? This thread is lunacy.

Well for now it doesn't matter (at first I just expected an at least slightly better rating and was disappointed), but it's very likely I'm not gonna be with my girlfriend forever, what if she is one of the very few that like my looks? She's my first real girlfriend and the only girl that I ever had sex with.


Alright vadrigar, I'm ready. Picture's not great, I know. I'm the dude on the left



I posted this earlier in the thread:

While I know it's not a "rule". I personally think if someone is going to come into a thread like this and start throwing ratings at people who have posted pictures, then they should have to post a picture.

It's easy to hide beind anonymity and judge people, why don't you post a picture Vadrigar? Judging by your previous threads, and posts I'd say you're probably a very insecure person, and criticising others makes you feel better about yourself.

While lilthepale gave ratings that some didn't like, she at least posted pictures of herself.

Don't get me wrong, I've got no problem with the ratings, looks are subjective, and if you're posting pictures of yourself asking to be rated then you can't complain at the ratings. But I'm not keen on people casting ratings while they're hiding behind a keyboard. Ratings aside at least the people that have posted on here are secure enough to do that so respect for that at least.

His response was:

I'm not posting a pic due to confidentiality reasons. In fact I think anyone who posts a picture of themselves on an internet forum is foolish. I'm not obliged to post my own pic just to rate others, that's not how it works on a public forum.

That aside I'd be shocked if he posted a picture now, I don't blame him, I'm sure there are posters that would go to town on his appearance as some sort of retaliation regardless of how he looks.

I also believe that there are certain people on here that honestly should NOT be posting pictures of themselves on here as they are taking ratings and criticisms too personally.

It's a public forum, not everyone is going to sugar coat responses to strangers. It's kinda like how if someone has their hair cut most people will say shit like "aww looks really nice" etc even if they don't think it. Vadrigar is the person that would say "I preferred it the way you had it before"

Nothing wrong with that. Let's be honest he hasn't gone personal on people, simply posted numbers. There are people who have been much harsher on here with their descriptions of people's looks.
That photo was more flattering hence the 6/10.

What about other times you gave a 6 then a 5 to the same exact pic but different thread? Cant make up your mind? Take a hard look at your ratings. You gave out some questionable 4s and then even weirder 6s. You rated my girl a 5 then went on rating every other girl a 5. Really?

I question your expertize.


I know it's the exact reason it bothers me so much that it bothers me what rating I got.

so is my GF extremely out of my league?


First of all, the "out of my league" thing is complete bullshit. What other people think doesn't matter.

Secondly, your gf seems to take more care of her appearance. She has a lot of makeup on, her hair is shining (and dyed? or just exceptionally blonde), has a proper haircut, she's probably much better at taking selfies and on it goes. So yes, her photo looks better, but a) yours could look better with some effort and b) photos aren't necessarily telling of how someone looks in real life because there's so much more that goes into how we perceive someone.


Real talk; why does anyone care about Vadrigar's ratings? He just posts numbers that don't really have any meaning considering his scores are all over the place. There is no consistency.

I'd be more interested in hearing what Lilith has to say, and anyone else that can provide at least a sentence as an explanation to their score.


What the fuck makes a face "promiscuous?"

It was a polite way of saying she looks like a ho. That's how it read to me.

Saying someone looks "promiscuous" is like a politically correct way of saying it in my opinion. Someone who is promiscuous is someone that has a lot of sexual relationships, when do people call a female a Ho? Similar circumstances no?

Not even sure why that even had to be added. He's been giving ratings out with no comments, then decides to say that about a young girl.



Still holding that middle. I guess I should take this as a compliment. I'd rate a lot of your 5s higher personally, but maybe I have some sort of ingrained biases or rate on an IGN scale.

Vadrigar, post a pic of what you would consider a 10. I'm curious.


Probably the IGN scale. However you may not have been exposed to any exceptionally attractive people throughout your life so your standards would naturally be lower, rather than 'biased'.

TIL I've never seen (or been exposed to) an exceptionally attractive person before. It must be like only ever eating Americanized ramen and not the real thing. Or something like that.



No offence intended but your girlfriend has a promiscuous face so I see what you're saying. I'd rate her 5/10.

OH SHIT shots fired.

Vad is one of THOSE types of dudes. "Promiscuous"? I fucking love this.

Note, y'all, that he hasn't said anything like that to any of the dudes, just some guy's GF. That's magical.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhh. Don't point out the obvious.

Go home BSB you're drunk


"She has a promiscuous face" is now going to become part of my vocabulary.

And Vad, how the hell you going to give that ripped beast Team Jones a 5?


Yeah, how does Team Jones get a 5? I'm a straight dude and I'm not ashamed to say his body is insane. Dude has like 5% body fat.
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