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GAF Mafia [Mafia] lOTl Should've Gone for Bagels...


On the off chance I'm dead tonight, here's what I propose for the PRs:

Cop - investigate Sawneeks
Roleblocker - block RetroMG
Doctor - use discretion


Full disclosure: I'm a few shots in.

Sorian - Didn't like his behavior toward squidy, don't like how he backed off when we started calling him on it. Wait and see. I played one day with Town Sorian and one day with scum Sorian. Not gonna lie, I hated scum Sorian's fucking guts. Still not sure how I feel about this one.

That means I did good :D I'd like to point out that I don't much care what you all think about me so I didn't back off of squidy for that reason, I backed off because after a good night's sleep I realized that squidy was acting like a cartoon villain with his defense and I felt that my time was better spent elsewhere than being a bruiser to help prove his points. I'm sure I more than satisfied the role that he was hoping somoene would take.

My my, I depart to run some errands and return to find that a little self-depreciating joke has been looked way too far into. My facetious self-analysis was referring to Ouro's read of me being "aggressive" and wasn't intended to be anything more than that. Sorian's latching onto such an inconcequential detail has caused him to grow much more supicious in my eyes.

We have precious little time until the deadline for today is up, and to those of you who feel that I am being elusive or otherwise deceitful, I implore you to ask whatever questions you desire directly to me and I promise to answer them with full disclosure. I'd also like to formally invite any town investigator to check my alignment tonight assuming that I live long enough to experience it, as I believe you'll find that the results of your findings shall speak for themselves.

Cute but I *cough* implore you to look again at why I voted for you:

I want to play switch up here a little bit and be in complete antithesis to what I said about myself before.

VOTE: ScraftyDevil

I said it would be hard to read you and maybe it still is but I might as well pursue when I see something. That read list feels........easy. Anyone that has been mildly suspicious? Sure, mafia verdict. I've read through a lot of scum chats and the good ones have something in common. "You should probably post a reads list, it doesn't need to be too in depth but just enough so people don't suspect you." The reads list bred is always "safe" and those are probably the safest reads I've seen. No controversial opinion in there at all.

Day is ending in five minutes, who would you vote for?

Good try though, I believe you are confusing me for squidy who latched onto that detail first. You'll also notice that I did ask you a question and as Blarg would say:

I'm still waiting

As Ouro is also saying, calling for an investigator to check you is more scummy, not less.
Ah, my mistake. It was indeed squiddy-poo who latched onto that detail, meaning Sorian's off the hook for now. And to answer your question, Mr. Cowboy:

VOTE: squidyj

He's struck me as suspicious all game, and his overall playstyle combined with some of his oddly argumentative comments just seem so very off to me right now.


Ah, my mistake. It was indeed squiddy-poo who latched onto that detail, meaning Sorian's off the hook for now. And to answer your question, Mr. Cowboy:

VOTE: squidyj

He's struck me as suspicious all game, and his overall playstyle combined with some of his oddly argumentative comments just seem so very off to me right now.

Ouro, how does this vote make you feel? I only ask because you parroted my question so I'm curious of your reaction now that the question is answered.


Nothing right now. I'd rather we vote Scrafty and see what happens - we can revisit then.

I was actually wondering if it made you think Scrafty was more or less scummy. It funnels right back into my exact problem with her so it's more for me but I'm seeking other input when I can.
I'm not great at this Day One stuff

No one ever is. Day one will always be awkward.

I wish we could all post pretty close together, it's a bit of a shame it's an utter domination right now by just a few posters so I can't really make any true judgement on anyone else and I honestly feel in the end to not waste a vote I'll end bandwagon voting someone. Unless of course... I get that treatment too. We'll see.


I was actually wondering if it made you think Scrafty was more or less scummy. It funnels right back into my exact problem with her so it's more for me but I'm seeking other input when I can.

My current view of squidy is undetermined, so basically any votes against him will be lacking in evidence for me...right now. So...yeah.
If I was scum and knew squidy wasn't, squidy would be a great target for a lynch.

That doesn't mean Scrafty is scum and squidy is Town, but it does mean that her vote isn't terribly persuasive.

As an aside, I also won't be around for the end of the day, but I'll probably be able to check in a couple hours before.


I'm going to check out for a bit (unless someone votes for me, that's like a bat signal) but I notice a lot of people saying they are going to be unavailable for day end. I urge people to start placing their votes on who they think is top scum. It's only good for town when more people have votes down and have concrete links with the person who flipped and with less than 12 minutes on the clock, I think we are deep enough into day 1 where it's safe to say this is the best you are going to get for right now.


Hmm... looks like it's between Terabyte, Scrafty, and Squidy (at least according to the doc). I'll let TB go for now, he's been quiet and not really given enough for me to get a scum read on them.

I'm not sold on scrafty being a scum yet, I don't think she's perfectly innocent, but I don't think we should kill her off this early. Guess that leaves one choice left.

VOTE: Squidyj

I'll read over this again in the morning and see if I still want my vote on the squidster.
I'm going to go with a "suspicious list", rather than a "scum list" because I'm just not comfortable calling much behavior scummy at this point. These lists are also subject to change. I've been staring at this thread for a while now, but I'm sure there's stuff that I've missed and players that I should have focused on more.

Suspicious List

Terrabyte: I still find those opening posts of yours weird. Though your explanation is plausible, it doesn't really erase my concerns either. I've also never liked posts like this (although you're not the only person guilty of it in this game). You are a lynch candidate.

squidy: I didn't like your defense against Sorian. I didn't understand your gut read on StarSketch. Like others, I wasn't fond of your chain-lynch suggestion. Your play has felt really strange to me, but I really don't think I'd be on board with lynching you today.

Sorian: What was the deal with your behavior towards StarSketch earlier? I just didn't see where any of it was coming from. You suggested that you didn't get the newbie vibe from her, for instance, but I couldn't figure out why. StarSketch hasn't had many posts of substance thus far (ironic coming from me...?), so I'm wary of anybody who doubles down on their thoughts on her. I wouldn't lynch you today either.

ScraftyDevil: You've got a decent number of posts, but I'm having trouble getting pulling much out of your posts. Even worse, I didn't realize that fact until everybody else started pointing fingers at you. You've really slipped under my radar, which is worrying (there are others who also haven't really posted much of substance, but none of them are quite as visible as you've been to me). I would consider voting for you, but I would probably need more convincing.

Town List

Sawneeks: I like your posts overall. You seem thorough, for instance when you bring up Sorian not questioning my vote against Terrabyte here.

Ourobolus: Once you started posting in earnest, it's been good. Not sure what to say other than I've got a decent feeling about you for the moment.

Splinter: You're playing pretty aggressively, which isn't a playstyle I'm too fond of. Still, I feel like I agree with much of what you say.


The deadline is 10 am tomorrow right? I'm not going to make it.

I see a lot of heat on Scrafty, Terra and Rats, the three with the most votes and most suspicions on them. All have displayed some about of questionable behavior. Now, there are many reasons for weird behavior on D1 and I'm not going to list them, you can figure it out yourselves.

If I were to list those three players from most to least scummy, it would go like this:


At first, I didn't think there was anything particularly damning about Scrafty. Her 'defense' of me didn't strike me as strange, I just saw her as someone who understood my teasing of Splinter. Her unvote for me seemed pretty arbitrary and I called her out on it, but still I let it go. But her recent comment on asking to be investigated is quite telling. How does she even know there is a cop? There were some worrying inconsistencies in her reads post too. To me, this sort of 'weird' behavior falls under 'leaning scummy' rather some other benign reason.

I also want to draw attention to those players who have in my eyes been sitting on the sidelines watching things unfold (To me, Rats also falls under this category). I feel like there is usually some scum among them.

RetroMG (I know he said he was busy, but even with just a few posts you can make an impact and poke people)

Coppanuva is also in another category. I feel like a lot of what he is saying is stuff that has been brought up by other players before. I'm not sure if this is because he is mafia latching on to other strong players' reasoning, or if he's a well-intentioned townie who's trying to do the right thing. I'd like to keep an eye on him though.

I feel like I missed a lot today, so these are just some general impressions. I'm not sure if I'll have time to look over the thread before the day end though. I wanted to look into Sorian vs Squidy, I really wish I could say something about it right now in case I die but realistically I just won't have the time to do that research justice, certainly not before the day end. Yesterday I posted my reasons for why I thought Squijy was scummy, but I feel strange voting for him based on old information. I really underestimated these short day phases...

I have to be off, and in case I can't make it to the end of the day,

VOTE: ScraftyDevil


Sorian: What was the deal with your behavior towards StarSketch earlier? I just didn't see where any of it was coming from. You suggested that you didn't get the newbie vibe from her, for instance, but I couldn't figure out why. StarSketch hasn't had many posts of substance thus far (ironic coming from me...?), so I'm wary of anybody who doubles down on their thoughts on her. I wouldn't lynch you today either.

Not getting the newbie vibe from her is simple. She never once displayed jitters about anything. I'm not going to pretend she was going toe to toe with anyone in earnest but I may have been mean spirited in an effort to gauge her and she didn't really flinch away from it at all, trying to brush me aside wasn't the reaction I expected and it smelled of someone who knew what they were doing or was being told that I'm loud and harmless. The second is obviously an issue so I'm keeping an eye on it.


I'd also like to formally invite any town investigator to check my alignment tonight assuming that I live long enough to experience it, as I believe you'll find that the results of your findings shall speak for themselves.

Inviting PR to visit you so early on in the game, while scum probably has all their own PR still during the night unless we get lucky today, is asking for disaster. If a cop visits you, and scum has a watcher, say goodbye to our cop N2. They have a switcher or framer, they could frame you, say goodbye to you D2 and to our cop N2 after he/she role claimed to share his/her findings. Even if nothing happens and the cop gets a genuine no-scum result, then what? The cop ain't going to role claim just so he/she could clear you as town, that is not worth it. If this plan is serious, it has so many holes in it it will sink before it has left the harbor.
Not getting the newbie vibe from her is simple. She never once displayed jitters about anything. I'm not going to pretend she was going toe to toe with anyone in earnest but I may have been mean spirited in an effort to gauge her and she didn't really flinch away from it at all, trying to brush me aside wasn't the reaction I expected and it smelled of someone who knew what they were doing or was being told that I'm loud and harmless. The second is obviously an issue so I'm keeping an eye on it.

...Exactly what were you expecting? Me not posting earlier was a result of me being nervous. I figured that if I didn't do something, I'd keep getting dogged.


Just don't want to.

Please reconsider your decision, Launch. All you have to do is highlighting one sentence a day/night... Where is the harm in trying out Royal's super cool script?

Okay I may not be able to post again after this and by the time I'm able it'll be the end of the first day. It's been a pretty typical first day, too much activity from some not enough from others. So in protest to there being no vote from me I will leave one here unless I can catch some others post in the next hour or so and my vote is...

VOTE: Ourobolus

I will just leave that there without any words, I don't expect any of you to act upon it of course.
I wish we could all post pretty close together, it's a bit of a shame it's an utter domination right now by just a few posters so I can't really make any true judgement on anyone else and I honestly feel in the end to not waste a vote I'll end bandwagon voting someone. Unless of course... I get that treatment too. We'll see.
Okay I may not be able to post again after this and by the time I'm able it'll be the end of the first day. It's been a pretty typical first day, too much activity from some not enough from others. So in protest to there being no vote from me I will leave one here unless I can catch some others post in the next hour or so and my vote is...

VOTE: Ourobolus

I will just leave that there without any words, I don't expect any of you to act upon it of course.
That's ... inconsistent? At least give us a reason why especially Ouro if you changed your mind about hopping onto the next bandwagon.
That's ... inconsistent? At least give us a reason why especially Ouro if you changed your mind about hopping onto the next bandwagon.

It sure is but a vote is a vote, if you want me to vote someone else then you should probably say so now because after this post I'm a ghost.
It sure is but a vote is a vote, if you want me to vote someone else then you should probably say so now because after this post I'm a ghost.
I just wanted to know why you chose Ourobolus. There has to be a reason as it is not bandwagoning. As king me who you should vote for seems odd at least.

(I know I might not get an answer from you before the day ends, I just wanted to point it out)

El Topo

Don't listen to them Launch. Don't give in. Never surrender. Kill roy. Once you give in they'll come up with more and more demands. "Can you give us a vote list?" they'll ask, or "Can we get a list of players that are alive?" and other fancy stuff like that. We don't need scripts, we don't need highlight tags everywhere, the game runner doesn't have to spoonfeed the players. If it was good enough for Crab, it's good enough for them. Us completely neutral spectators, we have your back Launch. Always. You're doing a great job.
I really didn't want to have to do this, but it looks like I've forced my own hand with some careless mistakes.

I am [bold]SalvaPot, the Nuisance[/bold]. My power is one that can cause great confusion to the mafia is used correctly, or potentially protect an innocent if my reads are prescient. I'm probably painting a rather target on my back by saying this, but it's better to be killed at night than waste the day lynch.


Don't listen to them Launch. Don't give in. Never surrender. Kill roy. Once you give in they'll come up with more and more demands. "Can you give us a vote list?" they'll ask, or "Can we get a list of players that are alive?" and other fancy stuff like that. We don't need scripts, we don't need highlight tags everywhere, the game runner doesn't have to spoonfeed the players. If it was good enough for Crab, it's good enough for them. Us completely neutral spectators, we have your back Launch. Always. You're doing a great job.

Asking the mod to modkill someone is such a scum tell Vote: El Topo.

Anyway, the day is a lot closer to ending then I realized, so I have reread my notes on everyone again and thought about my top scum/top town:

Top scum

Squidyj: Defiantly my prime suspect for the first part of today. His attack of Swamped her post was scummy, his most town read on Star based on 3 posts that didn't told us jack shit was weird, and him asking for a Sorian lynch if he flips town was a pretty bad idea. However, I am beginning to get my doubts about Squidyj as scum. He hasn't really pushed very hard for swamped as I expected he would, and he hasn't done anything scummy in the second part of the day. I am still keeping an eye on him, but he is no longer my prime suspect.

ScraftyDevil: I agree with people that say she is hard to read. The read list maybe was a bit safe, but it didn't stood out to me in a negative way. Neither did her weird self read. However, her comment about wanting the cop to investigate her did set off major alarm bells for me. Knowing who the cop is going to target creates a wonderland of options for Scum to find, or even worse, trick the cop. Our cop getting a fake town result on Scrafty could be incredibly valuable for them. And I think that maybe is what Scrafty is trying to do here: make the cop investigate her so that scum can use their PR to "clear" Scrafty as a fake town positive. I don't like it.

Rats Off To ya: He has hanged back for most of the day, watching how things went before he provided some real, hard opinions he could be held accountable for. And when he did, his read list just read like it was orchestrated. Mimicking a lot of the general opinion of this group on things like Terra and Scrafty, but also have some different things here and there. It just feels a bit fake to me. He is also very defensive of Squidyj, almost like that he hopes that if squidyj dies and flips town, he could use the fact that he defended squidyj as "prove" he was town. I get baaaaad vibes from Rats. Very bad vibes.

VOTE: Rats Off To ya

Top town

These are hard, dont really have a very strong town reading for anyone yet, but I guess:

Sawneeks: Good posts, nothing that stands out as scummy to me. Doesn't seem to want to avoid discussion, but also doesn't want to swing it a certain way.

Ourobolols: Same deal here, after the first half of the day where most of his posts were fluff, he now made some good posts, calls people out on weird shit. Didn't do anything scummy yet.

Bonus: What the hell is Charleston doing with those last couple of posts? "Yo, I cant be here during the end of the day so here is a random Ourob vote with no explanation. And instead of offering explanation when people ask for it, I offer them to pick someone I will change my vote to!" Eeeeeeeeeh.....what?


Hmm, not gonna lie, part of me wants to roll the dice on that claim being bullshit

Roy just took his vote off squidgy, theoretically putting Scrafty closer to a lynch. However only a 4 minute gap between those (long) posts, so I guess that isn't a reaction to the role claim


...Exactly what were you expecting? Me not posting earlier was a result of me being nervous. I figured that if I didn't do something, I'd keep getting dogged.

Like I said, it wasn't the lack of posting, it was how you carried yourself within the posts. I've made players nervous before, your reaction was different.

Okay I may not be able to post again after this and by the time I'm able it'll be the end of the first day. It's been a pretty typical first day, too much activity from some not enough from others. So in protest to there being no vote from me I will leave one here unless I can catch some others post in the next hour or so and my vote is...

VOTE: Ourobolus

I will just leave that there without any words, I don't expect any of you to act upon it of course.

That's ... inconsistent? At least give us a reason why especially Ouro if you changed your mind about hopping onto the next bandwagon.

It sure is but a vote is a vote, if you want me to vote someone else then you should probably say so now because after this post I'm a ghost.

I just wanted to know why you chose Ourobolus. There has to be a reason as it is not bandwagoning. As king me who you should vote for seems odd at least.

(I know I might not get an answer from you before the day ends, I just wanted to point it out)

GC, what the hell was this exchange? From the content of your posts up until now, it sounds like you aren't getting reads because there are too many guiding hands in the game? So what is the Ouro vote supposed to be your way of getting rid of one of those guides? (I'm guessing here, I really want explanation on this vote as well because this is making me re-think you).

I really didn't want to have to do this, but it looks like I've forced my own hand with some careless mistakes.

I am [bold]SalvaPot, the Nuisance[/bold]. My power is one that can cause great confusion to the mafia is used correctly, or potentially protect an innocent if my reads are prescient. I'm probably painting a rather target on my back by saying this, but it's better to be killed at night than waste the day lynch.

This is already out in the open and the coyness is going make me believe it less, not more. Are you claiming to be a switcher?
I can understand construing my vagueness as being suspicious, but trust me when I say that my power becomes nigh-useless once the mafia knows its specifics. It's not something I've ever seen before in a Mafia game, at least.
I just don't want to make any more mistakes. My first Day 1's been a disaster so far and if I come out of it having helpes the mafia even more then I'll be most upset.
I really didn't want to have to do this, but it looks like I've forced my own hand with some careless mistakes.

I am [bold]SalvaPot, the Nuisance[/bold]. My power is one that can cause great confusion to the mafia is used correctly, or potentially protect an innocent if my reads are prescient. I'm probably painting a rather target on my back by saying this, but it's better to be killed at night than waste the day lynch.

What in the world are you doing? We had three hours to go and you are one vote in front of the two runner-ups (neither of them has your vote). There was literally no reason to claim just yet. You just should have tried to steer it towards your suspected scums instead of claiming. Once more people pile up on you, fine, but not in this situation...

That being said, I'm not at all convinced about that roleclaim. On the off chance that you're speaking the truth, I'm not sure if it is the right move to investigate further and therefore clear the supposed confusion for Mafia. But as I said, I'm not convinced about your claim at all yet. Tell us as much as you can without spoiling the confusion part!


I can understand construing my vagueness as being suspicious, but trust me when I say that my power becomes nigh-useless once the mafia knows its specifics. It's not something I've ever seen before in a Mafia game, at least.

Probably too easy but does anyone want to counter claim Salva? This early on (and since we haven't blown the load on 6 role claims), I think it's safe to assume that there is a doctor and I don't think Salva would be a doctor so if you had to just name claim, someone could probably protect you.

Past that, you know what else makes your power useless (probably)? Being dead. I don't see my vote moving on this vague hinting.
As it stands I have the most votes, and making a roleclaim less than an hour before the deadline is an exercise in futility. I need to give everyone enough time to think it over and weigh every option. Attempting to frighten everyone into making a snap judgement immediately before the deadline would be a rather scummy thing to do.

Regarding my power, it only works if I can correctly predict who the mafia is going to target for the night kill, but I can't go into much more detail than that without cluing the mafia into the easiest way to avoid or manipulate it. If you have any further questions I'd be glad to answer.


Oh and I guess general thought. Is Salva super known for anything else? Especially when she gave the title nuisance? He was ordinary in AC and he was a switcher in DR (which works with nuisance). I can't think of anything about his posting style or game style that would translate to a power? Maybe a silencer of some sort?
I don't know how I can change your mind, roy, but I can only say that you're barking up the wrong tree by voting for me. I recognize that I haven't been a huge factor today, but I was upfront about that and didn't try to hide in the background. This is just my style. I hang back until I see something worth fighting for. There hasn't been a whole lot to latch onto in this game.

I'm sort of inclined to believe Scrafty, but at this point it could come down to the two of us and I know for a fact I'm Town.

I'm heading into work for the next four hours so this will be my last post.


Crap, just realized that I won't be here for the end of the day.

Scrafty's claim, at least the name given to Salva, seems legit. Now whether or not it is a scum role is another question. I wonder if she is a janitor, based on her description.


RetroMG (I know he said he was busy, but even with just a few posts you can make an impact and poke people)

I'm here, and I will probably be around for the end of the day. I unfortunately left most if not all of my homework until the last minute this week, so I've been powering through it. Then last night the online systems went down, so I went and spent time with my wife. :)

I still have about an hour before my online classes become available again, so I'm going to comb back through the thread and figure out who I'm voting for.
I'm not sure whether or not I believe Scrafty's claim, but I'm not really feeling a lynch on her today. The case against Terra is pretty iffy too, but what little we have against him I feel better about.

Anyways, I'm taking an exam now. Not sure how long it will take so if the day ends, good luck!


As it stands I have the most votes, and making a roleclaim less than an hour before the deadline is an exercise in futility. I need to give everyone enough time to think it over and weigh every option. Attempting to frighten everyone into making a snap judgement immediately before the deadline would be a rather scummy thing to do.

Regarding my power, it only works if I can correctly predict who the mafia is going to target for the night kill, but I can't go into much more detail than that without cluing the mafia into the easiest way to avoid or manipulate it. If you have any further questions I'd be glad to answer.

I'm trying to think of a good question here that doesn't fully give away your power on the off chance that you are telling the truth. Would you say that your power is more information-oriented or action-oriented? I know that you said you have to predict the night target but I'm trying to figure out how what you've said so far leads to something manipulable.
I'm trying to think of a good question here that doesn't fully give away your power on the off chance that you are telling the truth. Would you say that your power is more information-oriented or action-oriented? I know that you said you have to predict the night target but I'm trying to figure out how what you've said so far leads to something manipulable.

More action-oriented. It doesn't simply reveal information.
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