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GAF Mafia [Mafia] lOTl Should've Gone for Bagels...


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
I know this probably feels like I'm picking on you ( I'm not, I swear ) but can you elaborate??

I assumed you were trying to say something earlier and I can't tell if this is throwing a wrench in it or not.
From what knowlege I have, the roles he first proposed mad no sense, and now he changes to a doctor that only works on odd days.

I think you can see the problem here.

There's no consistency.
From what knowlege I have, the roles he first proposed mad no sense, and now he changes to a doctor that only works on odd days.

I think you can see the problem here.

There's no consistency.

I am roytheone. I am an odd-night-doctor. There may or may not be El Topo role that wants to kill me. I have no information about this, but it is the only possible explanation of what GC is doing.
so you're saying he is some sort of investigator though, right?

Well, my current explanation of what's happening is that GC can investigate people and gets told weather they are roytheone or not. His goal is to get roytheone lynched.

Other possibility I just thought of: It was all just a bluff so I get nervous. In that case: Congaretulations, you just outed your doctor!


Well, my current explanation of what's happening is that GC can investigate people and gets told weather they are roytheone or not. His goal is to get roytheone lynched.

Other possibility I just thought of: It was all just a bluff so I get nervous. In that case: Congaretulations, you just outed your doctor!

So he is another neutral? 2 neutrals in a 16 player game? Possible, but unlikely.
So he is another neutral? 2 neutrals in a 16 player game? Possible, but unlikely.

I think another neutral is extremely unlikely. Look at Retro's role post:

Emphasis on "the neutral". Coupled with the lower player count, I really don't think we've got another neutral.

I don't know. If anyone has another explanation of what GC is doing (that doesn't involve me being scum), go ahead.


Can someone remind me why we dropped the Squidyj path after Sorian died mysteriously? They were going at each other for the first 1.5 days of D1, and most people seemed suspicious of either Squidyj or Sorian. Why did we just drop this completely, or am I misremembering?


Can someone remind me why we dropped the Squidyj path after Sorian died mysteriously? They were going at each other for the first 1.5 days of D1, and most people seemed suspicious of either Squidyj or Sorian. Why did we just drop this completely, or am I misremembering?

Because we had better candidates D2 (retro) and now in D3 (flush). I haven't forgotten about him, but there were simply better leads to follow.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
I think another neutral is extremely unlikely. Look at Retro's role post:

Emphasis on "the neutral". Coupled with the lower player count, I really don't think we've got another neutral.
Careful on reading the flavor text of role PMs, that kind of thing doesn't nessisarily hold in court.
Can someone remind me why we dropped the Squidyj path after Sorian died mysteriously? They were going at each other for the first 1.5 days of D1, and most people seemed suspicious of either Squidyj or Sorian. Why did we just drop this completely, or am I misremembering?

They kinda stopped going after each other. We then focused on Tarrabyte, Rats and Scrafty. Sorian died town. Some folks still are suspicious of Squidyj. I wouldn't consider it "dropped".


Can someone remind me why we dropped the Squidyj path after Sorian died mysteriously? They were going at each other for the first 1.5 days of D1, and most people seemed suspicious of either Squidyj or Sorian. Why did we just drop this completely, or am I misremembering?

are you going to answer the question I asked you?


Ok joking aside I'm not buying it. Having supporting posts from D2 is a nice touch, but you've been an obvious lynch target since the end of D1 so its not inconceivable that this was planned N1.

I have no idea why GC claimed so early, that's definitely the weirdest part of today. If flush is scum then it was a bad play but who cares, if flush is town we have an obvious candidate for tomorrow. I guess flush being Roy could complicate things, but we'll cross that bridge (if) we get to it.

In any case, I can't see any reason not to lynch flush today(?)

Besides that, I want to look at squidgy and Terrrabyte. I'm pretty much ruling out the possibility of squidge being neutral so now I need to figure out just what he's been playing at. Terrra has been pinging my scum-dar harder than ever, something to do with his "oh pity me" defense yesterday and sudden "you suck at Mafia" aggression today.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Besides that, I want to look at squidgy and Terrrabyte. I'm pretty much ruling out the possibility of squidge being neutral so now I need to figure out just what he's been playing at. Terrra has been pinging my scum-dar harder than ever, something to do with his "oh pity me" defense yesterday and sudden "you suck at Mafia" aggression today.
For the last time, I never intended that paragraph to actually be a defence, I was in a bad mood due to RL circumstances and I used that as a way to vent.

As for the aggression, it's because his story doesn't add up with what I know, period.


For the last time, I never intended that paragraph to actually be a defence, I was in a bad mood due to RL circumstances and I used that as a way to vent.

As for the aggression, it's because his story doesn't add up with what I know, period.
The soft role claiming in every post doesn't do you any favours either


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
I'll give you that that one. The only reason I'm doing it is because as Sawneeks loved to point out, I can't give a satisfactory answer of my thought process unless I bring some of it up.


Because I am going to bed, I will leave two questions for GC here:

- why did you soft claim so early? Why not first watch if flush would be lynched anyway? There wasn't a lot of reasons to out yourself yet.

- who did you target N1? What were the results?


Can someone remind me why we dropped the Squidyj path after Sorian died mysteriously? They were going at each other for the first 1.5 days of D1, and most people seemed suspicious of either Squidyj or Sorian. Why did we just drop this completely, or am I misremembering?

Other, more important/prominent targets started showing up so focus shifted away. I know for myself that Squidy is about in the middle of my list, sitting somewhere between 'I don't know' and 'Town?'. Star/Squidy kind of fall in line together for me too, meaning if we are going to question one we should probably also question the other as well because of their weird connection from Day 1.

I'll give you that that one. The only reason I'm doing it is because as Sawneeks loved to point out, I can't give a satisfactory answer of my thought process unless I bring some of it up.

I didn't mean it like that! Some people I can get their thoughts/opinions through 1 or 2 posts, others I need to ask more questions to really get a sense of what their feelings are.

Sorry Terra, I didn't mean it to come across like that. :(


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
OI didn't mean it like that! Some people I can get their thoughts/opinions through 1 or 2 posts, others I need to ask more questions to really get a sense of what their feelings are.

Sorry Terra, I didn't mean it to come across like that. :(
Naw, it wasn't that bad. Looking back I totally didn't give proper answers to your questions.


Alright! Looks like things went bonkers again while I was away! That's exactly the way I like it.

I understand we don't want to derail discussion talking about N1, but is there any reason not to discuss N2? Have we ruled that as a pointless pursuit too? We know now that Ouro was a town-aligned roleblocker. He would have definitely wanted to roleblock the correct person N2 to ensure another no-kill night. Since he was town, he would have no reason to lie about his suspects, or the order in which he found them suspicious. From D2, here are his suspects:

Top Scum
- Retro
- Terrabyte
- Swamped (maybe)

A lot of this is definitely hinging on what Retro flips though.

Ack, totally forgot about Royal_Flush. Definitely in the scum camp for me.

The way Ouro talked during the day, I assumed his most suspicious was Flush, then Terra (after Retro). So who would he have attempted to roleblock? If he was certain Flush was Mafia, then the smart thing to do would be to roleblock your second-most suspicious person (or even third, but that's going a little tooooo deep into it). This is because it's safe to assume that the Mafia team is not going to use their most suspicious person to do the kill. So I guess what I'm saying in an entirely roundabout way is...the person who did the kill last night was perhaps someone not on Ouro's radar at all. I know I'm making a lot of assumptions here with this theory, but this sort of elevates Terra a little in my mind - I don't think he did the kill.

Having said that,

I liked her response to the pressure. But if I'm being honest, I probably would've done the same even if I didn't.

I repeat, the heck is this? I know you've been flaunting that you have a PR (which you probably deserve btw after all those games of being ordinary). Thank you, but I'm not sure I understand the intent behind your faith in my town-ness. This could easily be a mafia ploy that would guarantee a mislynch once you flip. If we are both alive D4, I will dig into this more then.

Nah, I got it. It was actually one of the reasons why I trusted Swamped more as well was how she responded to things on Day 1. I am still uncertain of her myself but I think it's more because of Dangan than anything. :p

...Nobody is ever going to let go of the sins of my previous incarnation, huh? :p

One of the other questions I wanted to ask was about GC, since I was having trouble reading him (but I actually love his playstyle. Very unpredictable! Unfortunately that's something a Mafia could hide behind). But it looks like he outed himself as the cop so...

Because I am going to bed, I will leave two questions for GC here:

- why did you soft claim so early? Why not first watch if flush would be lynched anyway? There wasn't a lot of reasons to out yourself yet.

- who did you target N1? What were the results?

I too would like to hear the answer to the first question.

As for the second, wasn't it you, dear royroy?

You shouldn't concern yourself over us. I heard through the grapevine that roytheone is a Townie.

I wasn't initially going to quote this post, but since the cop has been outed anyway it's more helpful than not. It was this post that made me want to ask Roy specifically what he thought of GC. Flush's flip will shed more light on how I feel about GC and Roy (although it seems likely that we've caught our second Mafia).

Now, on to the main meal!

Flushy! Lol! I'm really not sure what to make of his claim. It seems obvious that GC found him guilty. The timing of his roleclaim was also odd, it seemed to come quite early, when there wasn't a whole amount of pressure on him. He claims that GC is El Topo, or a cop who can only find Flush's role. I mean, maybe? It's kind of a stretch. And even if that were the case, the first person to lynch would be Flush himself to determine this. Also, not sure if I buy odd-night doctor, will have to think about that one. At least Flush didn't claim to be a Miller lol. See, if he was, he should have claimed that long ago so that we wouldn't end up in this position.

I'll definitely be voting for Flushy. I found him suspicious before too.

I'm going to post some updated reads next! Nothing super detailed, just one-liners.


I have a lot of Town reads in here, and I think it's because we're still early in the game. It's easy for excellent scum to look very Town in the first few day phases of a game - you can only really catch those ones as time goes on. Still, we have the advantage that Scrafty flipped scum, so I can use that as a guage too.

[m] Matt Attack - Brings up some good points about Flush and Terra. At this point, seems Town. Time will tell I suppose.
[m] Rats Off To Ya - Still not sure about this one...says he'll think I'm scummier if Flush flips Town, but I can say the exact same about him.
[m] roytheone - Town for now, depends on Flush and GC
[m] Coppanuva - Town because of his vote on Scrafty to break a tie
[m] Royal_Flush - Scum
[m] *Splinter - Really unsure. Would need to look at his posts more closely. I like to think I know his scumplay. The problem is I don't know his town play lol...I'm struggling to remember any stand-out points he has made.
[f] Sawneeks - probably town, questions people extensively and brings up details others haven't. Thing is, I used the same tactic when I was Despair lol...Again, time will tell with this one.
[m]Terrabyte20xx - unsure
[m] GreatCharleston - Town?
[m] squidyj - unsure
[f] StarSketch - unsure. I have something I want to say, but now may not be the correct time to do so. Suffice to say, if she keeps surviving the nights I would start to get very worried.
Also, I feel like an idiot, but I didn't even realize what Charleston was saying until Flush explicitly pointed it out. I'm so accustomed to skimming past his posts, sorry bro. >_>

Skipping single sentences?



I shoulda waited and kept being discrete and now I will die regardless, so...

First night was Roytheone. Second was Flush. I might as well go all in, I mean, the game is almost over already so there's no point now, my life for all of yours. It doesn't matter though, Roy is town, Flush is scum. It is what it is. You can still talk about this if you want but yeah.


Well, my current explanation of what's happening is that GC can investigate people and gets told whether they are roytheone or not. His goal is to get roytheone lynched.

Other possibility I just thought of: It was all just a bluff so I get nervous. In that case: Congaretulations, you just outed your doctor!

Well, it's kind of a stretch but it might be a far-fetched explanation for why GC investigated roytheone N1.


So yeah, we now have two roleclaims, and while I have trouble believing Flush his roytheone claim, I am also starting to have doubts about GC being the cop. There are two main reasons for this:

Reason 1: Why did he soft claim so early?

Swamped already pointed it out, but I got a hunch during D2 that GC was our cop. He had some weird ass reads about me:

You shouldn't concern yourself over us. I heard through the grapevine that roytheone is a Townie.

roytheone - Plays really neutral but you're townie, I can feel it.

So, what I thought he was trying to do, was signaling me that he was the cop. It would have been a pretty good cop play: pick someone that is seen as town by most people, investigate him to make sure he is town, and then try to signal to him you are the cop so that he could help you to out your investigation results as safe as possible. I tried to signal him back that I got the message and understood what he was trying to do:

Also, I think I have picked up on something about someone. Not going to elaborate on that any further, hopefully the person in question understands what I mean.

I was all for this plan, and I readied myself to read GC his posts today to try and catch him signaling his results to me. I even prepared a fake cop role claim I could use in the case of him catching a scum that wouldn't get lynched normally, so that I could out that person, be seen as the "confirmed cop" and get NK instead of our real cop. So imagine my surprise that instead of him signaling me his results, he just soft claimed. It was completely unnecessarily, we probably don't have a doctor anymore so if he really is our town cop he just made sure he will get NK, and kind of waste our cop role because flush would have probably been lynched regardless.

Reason 2: why target me N1?

Like I said earlier, my original thought was that he targeted me N1 to make sure he had an town ally that he could trust and signal results to. That would have made perfect sense. But his role claim today trows that idea out of the window. So why did he target me N1? Sure, when he gets NK now and he flips town cop, I will be confirmed town. But I already was town in a lot of peoples eyes, so it helps us a bit, but not a lot because I kind of doubt it I would be a lynch target anytime soon. If he instead investigated someone that was suspicious, like Squidyj, and he could clear him, that would be MUCH more valuable to us, not only giving us a confirmed town but also preventing us from focusing on the wrong person. So I struggle to see his reasoning to target me N1. Now, if he is actually el topo searching for the person with the "roytheone" role, targeting me would make a whole lot more sense. Why not test if I actually got myself as my role?

So taking everything into account, I am actually quite suspicious about GC his cop claim now. If you look at what he has given us if he gets NK tonight and flips as our cop: he confirmed a person that was already town in most people their eyes as indeed town (me), and he has confirmed a person that was already scum in most people their eyes as indeed scum (flush). Not the most useful results. However, flush his roleclaim is also very suspicious, so I actually have trouble believing BOTH the roleclaims today.
You're overthinking it, roy. Why would Charleston claim Cop right now if he wasn't? Scum has already lost one member and we were well on our way to lynching Flush, anyway. His life isn't worth such a suicidal move at this point of the game. Sure, Charleston may have misplayed a bit, but there's no way he's scum. And on the infinitesimal chance that he is, well, I'll happily trade a mislynch today for Charleston tomorrow.


You're overthinking it, roy. Why would Charleston claim Cop right now if he wasn't? Scum has already lost one member and we were well on our way to lynching Flush, anyway. His life isn't worth such a suicidal move at this point of the game. Sure, Charleston may have misplayed a bit, but there's no way he's scum. And on the infinitesimal chance that he is, well, I'll happily trade a mislynch today for Charleston tomorrow.

Jay, apparently someone else is still playing this game! I was beginning to doubt that. ;)

I agree 100 % with this. If he isn't really a cop, the only way I can see this move making sense is if he is a neutral that will win (and thus leave the game) if we lynch Flush, and since we already found a neutral that is unlikely. I am still going to vote for flush, but I did want to express my reservations about GC his role claim and point out some things I found weird about it.


You're overthinking it, roy. Why would Charleston claim Cop right now if he wasn't? Scum has already lost one member and we were well on our way to lynching Flush, anyway. His life isn't worth such a suicidal move at this point of the game. Sure, Charleston may have misplayed a bit, but there's no way he's scum. And on the infinitesimal chance that he is, well, I'll happily trade a mislynch today for Charleston tomorrow.

I agree on this. While I do think Charleston coming out as a cop this early wasn't necessary (Royal_Flush was going to be examined, and was on the top of a lot of people's lynch lists yesterday), I also don't see any world in which a scum player would try to claim cop like that when already down. If this were later game, it might make sense for scum to have someone fall on the sword with a false roleclaim to out the real cop, but as it stands it would be too bad a play for their team to do so. If Flush is a doctor, Charleston can be eliminated. If Flush isn't, then we move down our list.
Just in case we end this while I'm in class, UPDATED READS LIST.

Note: This is all based on the assumption that Flush flips scum.


- roy
- Coppa
- Charleston


- squidy
- squidy
- squidy

I think we need to take a good, hard look at squidy tomorrow. So many questions, so few answers. It seems like he's trying to appear like an aggressive Townie without having to commit to anything, himself. By throwing so much out there, it camouflages his interactions with his partners.

Some specifics: squidy's suspicion of me yesterday was a bit weird, and now I think he may have been trying to put ideas in all your heads, and testing the waters to see if he'd be able to push a lynch against me. Then there's his feelings on the Flush lynch. Yesterday he went hard after Retro, who happened to be in the Thunderdome with Flush. But it wasn't because he trusted Flush! Oh, no. He just liked the Retro lynch because I didn't like it. And now today, he all of a sudden comes around on Flush. Remember what I said about expecting a hardcore bussing?

Also of note: the mess at the end of Day One. squidy stayed far the fuck away from it.

Maybe Flush will flip Town and this will all be invalid, but honestly I'm not even entertaining that possibility anymore.


Squidyj, I'd like to question you about a few things. While I have no intention of lynching you today (royal_flush has more to offer us in death), I want to get some answers to things that have been bothering me. I know you said I didn't answer a question from you a bit ago, could you post that so I can address it? I haven't found it (unless it was about BlargoNot's role claims).

First off, you did a soft role-claim:
I'm scrafty.

But then decided to call someone else for a soft claim later:
roleclaim under pressure hunh? I wasn't seeing the whole royal flush top scum thing but now I might be getting into it.

Vote: Royal_flush

Why the change of heart? Why were you ok doing a soft-claim but then so eager to vote when someone does a claim here?

The next thing that bothers me is you're playing extremely anxiously. Every time we get near a turbo you seem to push for it:
I'll be sad if you drag this out until tomorrow morning. it's a foregone conclusion that he's getting lynched and nobody is bringing up anything new so lets get this over with.

i don't even fucking care about any more of your claims retro.

lets just get this fool lynched and we can see his real role.

You also have been pushing people claiming roles to give their information outright:
mafia likely knows more about you than I do. give me a name.

I think you're fishing for more information. I found this post interesting:
thre roles so far have had rng elements.n that might be true for all roles. maybe even if you block, the rng is such that you dont know what happened

Tell me "Scrafty", how random is your role?

Lastly, this post:
Believing retro leaves us with the question of what happened last night? it's simpler to suggest that he is simply scum and he hasn't made any case at all for being town, he claims neutral.

GC is like.... 4th on my list of scum btw, he could swap it out with rats. The biggest thing with GC is..... WHO THE HELL ASKS SOMEONE TO TELL THEM WHO TO VOTE FOR? Honestly.

Curious where I am on your list, I find it kind of interesting that I'm not up there anymore.
Anyways I was suspicious of rats on day 1 because of how he was interacting with the fight I was having with sorian, which is to say he didn't do a lot to further other narratives. He also more or less picked my side that day which is something he's flipped on and I didn't like how he interacted with ouro's claim, he didn't want to challenge it directly but it seemed like he still wanted to get flush lynched over retro. if retro flips neutral it could have been nothing, and I might have to reevaluate tomorrow, but if retro is scum he's definitely someone I feel should be considered closely.

Are you trusting GC today, or do you have separate reasoning for wanting to lynch Royal? On Day 2 GC is 4th on your list, today you're willing to go along with him. All that after having said this:

and again splinter ignores a direct question.
I seem to be the only one pushing anything on splinter and every time I try to interact with him he just fucking deflects or ignores while posting useless fucking bullshit.

Against all odds of response though I'll ask another direct question.
Splinter, what do you mean you were trying to earn the d1 lynch?

I don't buy into the flush as scum, splinter is my top scum target but I think the odds are against ouro being scum and playing us so I want to move on retro today. I think it will help us understand things going forward.


Squidyj, I'd like to question you about a few things. While I have no intention of lynching you today (royal_flush has more to offer us in death), I want to get some answers to things that have been bothering me. I know you said I didn't answer a question from you a bit ago, could you post that so I can address it? I haven't found it (unless it was about BlargoNot's role claims).

First off, you did a soft role-claim:

But then decided to call someone else for a soft claim later:

Why the change of heart? Why were you ok doing a soft-claim but then so eager to vote when someone does a claim here?

The next thing that bothers me is you're playing extremely anxiously. Every time we get near a turbo you seem to push for it:

You also have been pushing people claiming roles to give their information outright:

I think you're fishing for more information. I found this post interesting:

Tell me "Scrafty", how random is your role?

Lastly, this post:

Are you trusting GC today, or do you have separate reasoning for wanting to lynch Royal? On Day 2 GC is 4th on your list, today you're willing to go along with him. All that after having said this:

flush roleclaimed under pressure and gave a role, all I said was I'm scrafty, which I'd been hinting at. Roleclaim under pressure is like "oh shit I gotta find a way out of this" there's much less credibility there, it might be worth considering if it wasn't up against a cop claim, but the best line of play for town here is to lynch the person the claimed cop has claimed to invest. Lynching the cop or ignoring the check are generally bad lines of play without specific information.

I'm easily bored, we had a clear lynch for the day, might as well turbo that shit because nobody is bringing up anything worth discussing. what stunning insight into who's scum were you planning on sharing after Retro's roleclaim? nature abhors a vacuum and so do i.

Honestly read the exchange before I asked Ouro to give his information. I hate when people give these stupid obvious 'soft' claims and think that they're getting away with something under scum's nose. NEWS FLASH, YOU'RE FUCKING NOT. So there's no reason not to ask for a more concrete position on what's already been said. I didn't want ouro to out himself any more than he already had, except for giving us his role name which doesn't really tell scum anything one way or the other. But seriously if 75% of town is on board with your wink-wink-nudge-nudge, it's not a fucking secret anymore, just fucking say what you mean to say.

I could choose to disbelieve GC but notice that even royal flush suggests GC has an investigative power. There's no powerful counternarrative where the correct play is to lynch GC or even ignore Flush. The best argument you can make for leaving flush alive is probably this

If GC is the cop and we don't kill flush, the mafia will likely kill him, thereby verifying his information.
If mafia tries to protect flush by not killing GC and he is the cop he gets more checks and might net us both scum.
However, if GC is lying and scum knows that flush is not one of their own then they will not kill GC and will force us to address the issue as town, meanwhile GC does whatever he wants.

So this alternative scenario where we don't lynch flush is paradoxically the situation where we most have to trust GC, because we let him continue on unverified. I'm not sure I trust GC enough for that, but he claimed cop and I'm not stupid enough to lynch my cop (just my doctor).

The question I had for you was this
I would like very much a detailed analysis of specific flips in your reads during this game. starting from day 1.


Honestly read the exchange before I asked Ouro to give his information. I hate when people give these stupid obvious 'soft' claims and think that they're getting away with something under scum's nose. NEWS FLASH, YOU'RE FUCKING NOT. So there's no reason not to ask for a more concrete position on what's already been said. I didn't want ouro to out himself any more than he already had, except for giving us his role name which doesn't really tell scum anything one way or the other. But seriously if 75% of town is on board with your wink-wink-nudge-nudge, it's not a fucking secret anymore, just fucking say what you mean to say.

Uhm, aren't we kind of in the exact situation with GC his claim now then with Ourob yesterday? We know his power but not his name? But in the Ourob situation you were demanding a name, but now you don't of GC? Why is that? Also, you haven't answered my question here yet:

Any specific reason for this question?


Uhm, aren't we kind of in the exact situation with GC his claim now then with Ourob yesterday? We know his power but not his name? But in the Ourob situation you were demanding a name, but now you don't of GC? Why is that? Also, you haven't answered my question here yet:

Well we sort of established the futility of the procedure in that exchange didn't we? More importantly there's what's actually being claimed. Ouro claimed a blocking role, it's something that gives him wiggle room if things don't work, it's something where he can say he blocked anyone and unless they have a night action they can neither confirm nor deny. and if they have a night action, as scum or town they risk outing themselves. It's a claim that's worthy of more immediate suspicion than a cop claim. Fake claiming with a red check is not a strategy (as scum at least) the generally has a positive outcome for scum long term.

There wasn't much to it roy, other than I'm worried about you.
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