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GAF Mafia [Mafia] lOTl Should've Gone for Bagels...


The question I had for you was this
I would like very much a detailed analysis of specific flips in your reads during this game. starting from day 1.

I'll respond to this first, then likely leave another comment about your responses.

Through most of the first day I wasn't quite sure who was suspicious to me, and honestly until the last hour I wasn't sold on Scrafty vote either. I circled around to Sawneeks at one point to question since he was quiet at first but then kinda didn't contribute much. I wanted discussion going. I know at one point I said you weren't doing a ton to push people away from you, but I don't think I was particularly suspicious of you. I wanted arguments and more people to talk, which is what I was trying to do there.

Mid-way through Day 1 I said you were one of my top 3 scum candidates. A lot of this was from the argument you were having and how you didn't do much to provide alternative cases against people. I pointed it out to you that I wanted some actual arguments at the time. Looking back on it, I'm not so sure that was sound reasoning to begin with. After all, that's how I tried to defend myself as a regular tourist in Cthulhu, it's a tough situation and when you're one of the people providing more info at the time it's hard to argue against.

In the last hour of Day 1 I honestly considered letting the vote be a tie, because I wasn't 100% sure on scrafty vs rats, until Scrafty started coming up with that last minute roleclaim and tie-forming vote. That seemed rather questionable to me, it was a desperate play to me and I wasn't convinced it was the right thing to do. I also don't like ending days with no lynch.

On day 2 I said I was most suspicious of Splinter, Royal_flush, and GC (though I had him at the least scummy of the list). Splinter I added because something about how he reacted to Retro struck me the wrong way. RetroMG posted something and he comes by 1 minute later and essentially says "Fat chance!" and votes on him immediately. It seemed very opportunistic. Royal_Flush had a case against him fairly strongly outlined, and that's what made me add him to my list. Lastly, GC just didn't play like I'm used to him playing. Knowing now he's potentially a cop, that would explain the discrepency of his more aggressive playstyle last game to the quieter less offensive version this game (offend less people, live longer).

Today, I'm for killing Royal_flush slowly, and gathering information. I circled back to you because I'm not 100% sold either way on you, a lot of your arguments are logical (and I did like the point about the mafia avoiding the ouro role block debacle), but it's also easy to find things I think are worth questioning. I'm not sold on you being a target for sure, but you are in my eye still is all.

Also humor me, based on your post where you begged me to "kill you in the night and see" what do you think my role is (or who am I as a user if you'd prefer a more secretive answer)? Earlier you said I'm on your town list, did this change?


Fun-fact: While searching for paperbag-pictures for my little farewell-surprise, I found the picture where I got the bag from my previous avatar from. I didn't even realize until now :D

If you're worried about me, you should lift your vote <3

wrong roy, sorry, you mean nothing to me.


wrong roy, sorry, you mean nothing to me.

So, what do I mean to you? You seem to be the only one with some degree of suspicion towards me, yet you are pretty vague about it and don't have voiced concrete points against me. So naturally I am a bit curious.
Top Scum

Squidy- He's been acting suspicious all game, and hasn't stopped. Other people are catching onto it now as well. Also:

as for how random my role is, why don't you come night kill me and find out?

Yeah, this totally isn't a "come get yourself killed by my role" dare :/

Top What is this I don't even:
Royal- Ok, so he's apparently our doctor, and is claiming the possibility of there being a second neutral player, but as is pointed out that's pretty unlikely. I'm hesitant to vote on him because of this though if the supposed neutral's win condition is kill the doctor....but again this could all be a lie and ugh. Then again if he's really the doctor then he's fucked either way because of his role claim, and there's no way Mafia is not going after him tomorrow.

GC - Seriously though, why make a cop role claim so quickly? What even was the point of that?

Top Town:
Literally everyone else I guess

[f] StarSketch - unsure. I have something I want to say, but now may not be the correct time to do so. Suffice to say, if she keeps surviving the nights I would start to get very worried.

Huh? What brought this on?


Through most of the first day I wasn't quite sure who was suspicious to me, and honestly until the last hour I wasn't sold on Scrafty vote either. I circled around to Sawneeks at one point to question since he was quiet at first but then kinda didn't contribute much.

* She. ;)

...Nobody is ever going to let go of the sins of my previous incarnation, huh? :p

Noope, sorry! Don't want to get backstabbed again. :p

As for the whole GC/Royal thing going on I do find it odd that Charleston soft-claims Cop, says we should vote for Royal because he is scum, and then just drops that info and doesn't do much else. No attack? No 'seriously guys we need to vote for him'? It was something Roy brought up but GC did pick the most obvious candidates for Town/Mafia reads and the 'investigate' can be easily faked but no one really seems to be arguing his claim at all.

This isn't to say Royal is out of the clear either as I don't necessarily believe his Odd-Night Doc claim. It's somewhat the same as GC but if you are actually the Doc then why not try to actively defend yourself? You claimed like GC did in reaction to what happened and then just kind of left it. Also your whole 'I defended Ouro Night 1 and that's why no kill' semi-defense feels incredibly weak and last minute to give yourself some credibility. It would be really easy for Scum to just jump on to information that is already known ( and with both known participants gone ) without much issue. All-in-all, not really feeling that claim. Care to try again and one-up Retro!Blarg in number of roleclaims?

This one is more of a question for GC but why not investigate Squidy/Star? Squidy was easily one of the more questionable players at the end of Day 1 and knowing his alignment would have helped out more than Roy.

Most of this info can be sorted out by voting out Royal, something I still believe we should do solely for the info, but we need to be aware of what the possibilities are after Royal flips.


Squidyj I still wanna hear your answer to this (if only for my own curiosity):

Also humor me, based on your post where you begged me to "kill you in the night and see" what do you think my role is (or who am I as a user if you'd prefer a more secretive answer)? Earlier you said I'm on your town list, did this change?

Apologies for it, I thought I'd checked too! That said, I think your main point later is good to keep in mind. I don't expect GC to live to tomorrow, though I feel like if he does he's going to be the center of conversation for the bulk of it.


Squidyj I still wanna hear your answer to this (if only for my own curiosity):

Apologies for it, I thought I'd checked too! That said, I think your main point later is good to keep in mind. I don't expect GC to live to tomorrow, though I feel like if he does he's going to be the center of conversation for the bulk of it.

you haven't been particularly townie to me for some time. I have no comment on what your role may be though. no comment at all.


Coppa, how do you feel about GC's claim? do you think it has credibility?

I'm kinda mixed on it. His play afterwards doesn't make much sense like Sawneeks was saying. He popped up, said it, then kinda left without saying much else. He soft-claimed a powerful role then didn't give us anything else. If he's not the cop or a "hunter" type role like in Cthulhu searching for his Target, I can't see his gameplan. I can't see a scum player making a soft-claim on the cop. They're too early on, and the only reason they might try to do so is to out the real cop, but it would make GC extremely obvious as a target, and I can't see them making a play like that this early in the game.

Right now I'm not so confident in believing his claim as I am that it ultimately doesn't matter. Like he's said, he's dead tonight in all likelihood. If we lynch Royal_flush and he's scum, GC outed himself as a cop and is likely to die. If Royal_Flush isn't, GC gets lynched tomorrow by us as a prime suspect. The only other alternative is the one Royal_Flush proposed, that GC is a hunter searching for RF's role. In this case GC isn't here tomorrow either since he fulfills his win condition.

Ultimately, I think lynching Royal_Flush is our best move today (as I've said before). If you're wondering why I'm still questioning people, I laid it out at the start of the day. I wanted to get a few targets to look into the next few days today, possible targets to look at, and since we've settled on a good one for today I'm trying to look at other players right now.

you haven't been particularly townie to me for some time. I have no comment on what your role may be though. no comment at all.
Shame, but ok then. I was just curious, I'll prove your suspicions wrong though in the long term!


Apologies for it, I thought I'd checked too! That said, I think your main point later is good to keep in mind. I don't expect GC to live to tomorrow, though I feel like if he does he's going to be the center of conversation for the bulk of it.

No worries! It happens.

I agree with you that GC will more-than-likely not make it to tomorrow if his claim is true. If he does end up living we can take a closer look but it would come down to Royal and his flip. Also, more of a side thought that could be discussed during the next Day, but GC could be bussing his own teammate. Mafia gets rid of their most suspicious member and clears another in one go, letting GC live relatively unharmed.

But it does ultimately come down to Royal and his flip.

I suppose we should ask GC what his role name is anyways, I'm curious who Launchpad would set up as a cop.

Going to jump onto this and ask what kind of cop GC is as well because I don't think he ever said.


Huh? What brought this on?

Just know that I'm keeping my eye on you <3. Won't say any more at this point.

I agree with people saying that GC's behavior after he gave his results from N1 and N2 is strange. I don't want to put words in his mouth, but look at it from his POV. Perhaps GC just feels that the game is over since, according to him, we'll have caught two mafia by the end of this day phase. All we need to do is catch one more (there can't be more than that), and a cop certainly isn't required for that.

Even so, there are a few things I'd like to hear from GC.

I will echo others, why did you decide to check Roy N1?

I would also really appreciate him coming forward with his reads as there is a good chance he is going to die tonight if he's telling the truth about his claim. I don't think he gave us any today.

I also agree that the best and fastest way to clear up all these issues is by voting out Flush (isn't it odd that Flush isn't fighting more too? not sure what to make of that). I'll likely vote tomorrow morning so GC has a chance to answer some of our burning queries.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around today, it's been kind of busy. I'll make my vote against Flush in a few more hours. I think I'm going to go back and read through the thread in the meantime so I can comment on my current feelings on squidy better.
I only looked up Roy because he was a very safe player and didn't seem to stick out so it caught my attention on the first night + I wanted to try out my power, I had no real solid leads at the time and with Scrafty gone no one else stuck out. I did Flush because Ouro suggested it as his final request and he came out as a winner.

VOTE: Royal_Flush

You're all reading into this very deeply but you grossly overestimate me. lol. It's straight forward as hell, of course... If you have any doubts you're free to hang me instead.


No worries! It happens.

I agree with you that GC will more-than-likely not make it to tomorrow if his claim is true. If he does end up living we can take a closer look but it would come down to Royal and his flip. Also, more of a side thought that could be discussed during the next Day, but GC could be bussing his own teammate. Mafia gets rid of their most suspicious member and clears another in one go, letting GC live relatively unharmed.

Well, if this is the case that would become incredibly apparent incredibly soon, wouldn't it? If flush flips scum, that "confirms" GC as our cop. And then if he doesn't get targeted by the scum this night, that would be incredibly weird, and in that case I will defiantly become more suspicious of GC actually being a scum that is bussing flush.

I only looked up Roy because he was a very safe player and didn't seem to stick out so it caught my attention on the first night + I wanted to try out my power, I had no real solid leads at the time and with Scrafty gone no one else stuck out. I did Flush because Ouro suggested it as his final request and he came out as a winner.

VOTE: Royal_Flush

You're all reading into this very deeply but you grossly overestimate me. lol. It's straight forward as hell, of course... If you have any doubts you're free to hang me instead.

You wanted to try out your power? what does that even mean? If you are a cop, why wouldn't you use your power every night?
It won't matter either way afterwards, I'll be killed soon enough & I've never had a Power Role before. I don't see why you're concerned Roy, I've assured EVERYONE you're 100% town just in case they ever doubted you, now no one ever can.
flush roleclaimed under pressure and gave a role, all I said was I'm scrafty, which I'd been hinting at. Roleclaim under pressure is like "oh shit I gotta find a way out of this" there's much less credibility there, it might be worth considering if it wasn't up against a cop claim, but the best line of play for town here is to lynch the person the claimed cop has claimed to invest. Lynching the cop or ignoring the check are generally bad lines of play without specific information.
It's not like I had any choice. What am I about to do, when I already am a prime lynch target (I want to point out, once again, that that is solely because I missed one of currently 1373 posts, altough a critical one) and then someone strolls along and claims cop? It's not like I would get out of this without full disclosure anyway. Might as well claim asap to avoid the last-minute hassle.

Honestly read the exchange before I asked Ouro to give his information. I hate when people give these stupid obvious 'soft' claims and think that they're getting away with something under scum's nose. NEWS FLASH, YOU'RE FUCKING NOT. So there's no reason not to ask for a more concrete position on what's already been said. I didn't want ouro to out himself any more than he already had, except for giving us his role name which doesn't really tell scum anything one way or the other. But seriously if 75% of town is on board with your wink-wink-nudge-nudge, it's not a fucking secret anymore, just fucking say what you mean to say.
I always wondered what people think they will get out of these untargeted riddle-roleclaims ("182" = roleblocker). If it's easy enough for town to get it, it's easy enough for scum to get it. Just doesn't make any sense to me.

I could choose to disbelieve GC but notice that even royal flush suggests GC has an investigative power. There's no powerful counternarrative where the correct play is to lynch GC or even ignore Flush. The best argument you can make for leaving flush alive is probably this

If GC is the cop and we don't kill flush, the mafia will likely kill him, thereby verifying his information.
If mafia tries to protect flush by not killing GC and he is the cop he gets more checks and might net us both scum.
However, if GC is lying and scum knows that flush is not one of their own then they will not kill GC and will force us to address the issue as town, meanwhile GC does whatever he wants.

So this alternative scenario where we don't lynch flush is paradoxically the situation where we most have to trust GC, because we let him continue on unverified. I'm not sure I trust GC enough for that, but he claimed cop and I'm not stupid enough to lynch my cop (just my doctor).
Yeah, I can see your point. I maybe would vote for myself too if I was in your position.

wrong roy, sorry, you mean nothing to me.
Well, look, that was just mean.

Top Scum

Squidy- He's been acting suspicious all game, and hasn't stopped. Other people are catching onto it now as well. Also:

Top What is this I don't even:
Royal- Ok, so he's apparently our doctor, and is claiming the possibility of there being a second neutral player, but as is pointed out that's pretty unlikely. I'm hesitant to vote on him because of this though if the supposed neutral's win condition is kill the doctor....but again this could all be a lie and ugh. Then again if he's really the doctor then he's fucked either way because of his role claim, and there's no way Mafia is not going after him tomorrow.

GC - Seriously though, why make a cop role claim so quickly? What even was the point of that?

Top Town:
Literally everyone else I guess
Hey look, someone is making sense at least.
Since I'm probably not going to be awake for day end :

Vote: Royal_Flush

2/3 chances isn't that bad I guess?

This isn't to say Royal is out of the clear either as I don't necessarily believe his Odd-Night Doc claim. It's somewhat the same as GC but if you are actually the Doc then why not try to actively defend yourself? You claimed like GC did in reaction to what happened and then just kind of left it. Also your whole 'I defended Ouro Night 1 and that's why no kill' semi-defense feels incredibly weak and last minute to give yourself some credibility. It would be really easy for Scum to just jump on to information that is already known ( and with both known participants gone ) without much issue. All-in-all, not really feeling that claim. Care to try again and one-up Retro!Blarg in number of roleclaims?
You know, I tend to get way too worked up about GAFia. Sometimes it's easier to just accept your fate instead of fighting this incredibly hard uphill-battle, that you will loose with a 99% chance. Let's take a look at the situation:
GC is a sure vote on me.
Rats has been tunneling on me since D2. Also a sure vote (I have a feeling there is a bit of OMGUS in there)
roytheone was confirmed in his already existing theory of GC being a cop. Almost sure vote.
I didn't count, but like 8 other people said that they are not sure what to believe, but lynching me would be the safest option. Even if only half of them goes with it, I already have a majority.
Don't get me wrong, I would love town to come to their senses, but I don't see a realistic possibility there.

Btw, this is a prime example of one of these "not sure, but let's lynch Flush anyway"-posts:
I'm kinda mixed on it. His play afterwards doesn't make much sense like Sawneeks was saying. He popped up, said it, then kinda left without saying much else. He soft-claimed a powerful role then didn't give us anything else. If he's not the cop or a "hunter" type role like in Cthulhu searching for his Target, I can't see his gameplan. I can't see a scum player making a soft-claim on the cop. They're too early on, and the only reason they might try to do so is to out the real cop, but it would make GC extremely obvious as a target, and I can't see them making a play like that this early in the game.

Right now I'm not so confident in believing his claim as I am that it ultimately doesn't matter. Like he's said, he's dead tonight in all likelihood. If we lynch Royal_flush and he's scum, GC outed himself as a cop and is likely to die. If Royal_Flush isn't, GC gets lynched tomorrow by us as a prime suspect. The only other alternative is the one Royal_Flush proposed, that GC is a hunter searching for RF's role. In this case GC isn't here tomorrow either since he fulfills his win condition.

Ultimately, I think lynching Royal_Flush is our best move today (as I've said before). If you're wondering why I'm still questioning people, I laid it out at the start of the day. I wanted to get a few targets to look into the next few days today, possible targets to look at, and since we've settled on a good one for today I'm trying to look at other players right now.

I agree with you that GC will more-than-likely not make it to tomorrow if his claim is true. If he does end up living we can take a closer look but it would come down to Royal and his flip. Also, more of a side thought that could be discussed during the next Day, but GC could be bussing his own teammate. Mafia gets rid of their most suspicious member and clears another in one go, letting GC live relatively unharmed.

But it does ultimately come down to Royal and his flip.
I think if he doesn't win today, you all know who to lynch.

I agree with people saying that GC's behavior after he gave his results from N1 and N2 is strange. I don't want to put words in his mouth, but look at it from his POV. Perhaps GC just feels that the game is over since, according to him, we'll have caught two mafia by the end of this day phase. All we need to do is catch one more (there can't be more than that), and a cop certainly isn't required for that.
I don't even know what GC is doing. I thought about him bluffing to put pressure on me, but why keep it up for so long. Really, the only explanation I have is that he wants to get me lynched.

I think Flush is pleading the Fifth, in fear of saying something that will lead us to his partner.
Or he just accepted that he is, from an outside perspective, the best lynch target for today. (Btw, that is consistent with my final DR day. Building a case against Swamped, seeing that most people ignore it, accepting my fate. Here: Going all open, seeing that people believe the claimed cop (can't blame them for it), accepting my fate)

It won't matter either way afterwards, I'll be killed soon enough & I've never had a Power Role before. I don't see why you're concerned Roy, I've assured EVERYONE you're 100% town just in case they ever doubted you, now no one ever can.
Or because you've won after today...

i'm going to sleep like... now.

Well, that's that, lol.

Someone asked me to claim something else. Why in the world would I do this?
As I said earlier, I'm already dead unless I make GC slip up. He kind of already did (thanks to roytheone and squidyj for pointing it out, but I prepared this yesterday, so I may as well use it:

vote: GreatCharlston

Alright, El Topo (or whoever you are), let's settle this like men (or weird, simplified pieces of meat): Let's play Guess who for liars! The looser gets lynched (Well, if the others play along)


First question: Do we know the identity of your character yet (as in confirmed by the Mod)?

ok, that idea popped up in my head yesterday.b If someone wants to jump onto it, I'm fine with it. But I am also still available for reasonable discussion.
I don't know why I'd play this game when I know I'll end up the winner even if I lose, although your post is definitely one of the reasons I play Mafia. But if you can willingly convince everyone else to vote for me I'll be impressed.
I don't know why I'd play this game when I know I'll end up the winner even if I lose, although your post is definitely one of the reasons I play Mafia. But if you can willingly convince everyone else to vote for me I'll be impressed.

Because I have nothing better to do right now:

Why GreatCharleston is the better vote

Again, formatting as usual: bold especially suspicious posts, italic posts that push more towards town. Because he only has 37 posts, I'll list every post since D1 started instead of prefiltering them like I did with Swamped in DR

posts by GC and inconsistencies therein


274: Says one has to be aggressive. Isn't aggressive at all afterwards.

326: Mocking comment from the sidelines

387: "oh please, put pressure on me if you want"

391: Nothing to see here.

490: Jokes, says Sorian is an early mafia target (What a foresight)

500: Wants to increase his postcount to not look suspicious

524: Heyhey, early, weakly reasoned reads (for future reference: Ouro is town there)

562: Says he likely will end bandwagoning someone

574: Out of the blue vote for Ouro, who has zero votes at this time. So much for bandwagoning and Ouro being town

579: asks me who to vote for


793: Hints at coprole investigating roytheone. Lame excuse for the Ouro vote

799: Says he voted for Ouro because of high activity. Doesn't want to vote for Ouro again. Kind of conflicts with the excuse in 793.

837: okay-ish listpost

1104: Complains about role reveals

1152: Doesn't want to vote Retro. (Would make sense if he is really an roytheone-lyncher because Blarg is nor roy)

1173: wants us to vote for someone else than Blarg

1182: Continuing that path

1190: Something about the puzzles. Nothing to see here

1207: Changed his mind, possibly to offend noone should he flip scum

1216: votes Retro


1255: This refers to 1212, where Ouro suggested the Cop to investigate me

1259: Says people should vote for me.

1262: wants our/your trust. wtf is the spoilered thing to mean?

1328: Reiterates his narrative

1339: Nothing to see here

1366: says he wanted to "try out his power" N1. Why not investigate on principle, wtf? Also votes me

1368: Claims to be crab

1372: some weird post I don't fully can make sense of.

1378: Challenges me to make this post. Otherwise the win would be too easy?

Conclusion: Even tough he knows townsfolk should play aggressive, he is vary unaggressive the whole game. Also made some weird plays (such as revealing very early in the day) and comments about his claimed role (wanted to try it). Something is definitely off. Since he's going after me, I can only imagine he is a lyncher...

Evidence against me

621: I defend ScraftyDevil, because I thought that Rats looked scummier than she did. That is because I missed his damn listpost D1! I. Missed. One. Fucking. Post (and therefore drew the wrong conclusions). AFAIK noone has yet brought up anything else yet that has not to do with GC being cop.
I try not to stick to a straight path when playing the game, otherwise everyone plays the same and the game grows stagnant that much is true. No point being aggressive when ROTY is around. :^)

Pretty good list though, if everyone else agrees with Royal_Flush then please vote for me instead, I've already put everything on the table myself.

I am Police. Roy is Town, Flush is Scum. After tonight I'm out regardless. So you can vote me and I'd encourage it just to read some of the reactions otherwise you'll be getting Flush tomorrow anyway.

Who do you go with? Me or him?
VOTE: Royal_Flush

I appreciate the effort you've put into your defense, but I'm pretty sure this is the right option. Even if GC is a neutral who's meant to lynch you, him fulfilling his win condition doesn't really do anything other than remove both of you from the game, further lowering our pool of suspects- not a bad deal, considering we've got one scum out already, the SK gone, and a few more suspects to think about (admittedly it would technically help out the mafia's win condition too, but I think the momentum is still in town's favor).


Yeah, even with my reservations about GC his role claim, I still think lynching Royal_flush will give us the most information. Even if royal is speaking the truth about being an odd day cop, he would have to use his power on himself today to prevent getting NK and then he will likely just eat it during N4, so his claimed power is no longer that useful to us. Also, him claiming to be an odd day cop was a very convenient explanation for the fact he didn't protect Ourob N2, a bit to convenient for my taste. I think we need one more vote to hammer him? I do get the feeling not a lot of us are available around this time of day, so hammering him right now and thus moving the day start/end time to this time maybe isn't that great of an idea?


Sorry Royal, even if you are right about everything the best choice is still to lynch you
welcome to my world
. The only way this is the wrong move is if it would instantly end the game in a GC win, and I doubt that's the case (is that even a thing?)


Yeah, even with my reservations about GC his role claim, I still think lynching Royal_flush will give us the most information. Even if royal is speaking the truth about being an odd day cop, he would have to use his power on himself today to prevent getting NK and then he will likely just eat it during N4, so his claimed power is no longer that useful to us. Also, him claiming to be an odd day cop was a very convenient explanation for the fact he didn't protect Ourob N2, a bit to convenient for my taste. I think we need one more vote to hammer him? I do get the feeling not a lot of us are available around this time of day, so hammering him right now and thus moving the day start/end time to this time maybe isn't that great of an idea?
Huh, he's top suspect, why would he be vulnerable to a night kill?


Huh, he's top suspect, why would he be vulnerable to a night kill?

The only way for him not to be lynched today is if we lynch GC. And if Flush is speaking the truth (which I doubt), GC will flip scum or neutral lyncher, not town cop. That would instantly clear Flush to a degree and then he would be an outed doctor, so he will be a NK target.


The only way for him not to be lynched today is if we lynch GC. And if Flush is speaking the truth (which I doubt), GC will flip scum or neutral lyncher, not town cop. That would instantly clear Flush to a degree and then he would be an outed doctor, so he will be a NK target.
Ah, was forgetting the doctor claim


By the way if GC really was El Topo and had to find Roy, surely he'd have to NK him? Having to lynch someone as a win condition just seems really random. You could be barking up the wrong tree all game and still win because town lynched the wrong person, or you could be dead on but "Roy" gets cleared by a cop or NK'd.

Is "Neutral Lyncher" actually a thing?
By the way if GC really was El Topo and had to find Roy, surely he'd have to NK him? Having to lynch someone as a win condition just seems really random. You could be barking up the wrong tree all game and still win because town lynched the wrong person, or you could be dead on but "Roy" gets cleared by a cop or NK'd.

Is "Neutral Lyncher" actually a thing?

Yup, I was one in the Cthulhu game and managed to win on Day 2 thanks to a series of extremely fortunate events.


Yup, I was one in the Cthulhu game and managed to win on Day 2 thanks to a series of extremely fortunate events.
So did you have to somehow "lead" the vote on your target or do something to identify him first? Or is it literally just "you win if this person gets lynched"?


Sorry Royal, even if you are right about everything the best choice is still to lynch you
welcome to my world
. The only way this is the wrong move is if it would instantly end the game in a GC win, and I doubt that's the case (is that even a thing?)

No, this is not a thing in these games. That would make it possible for us to lynch his target D1, and then the game would end incredibly quick, which isn't fun for anyone. If GC is a lyncher with flush as his target, he would win and will leave the game, but it will not end.

By the way if GC really was El Topo and had to find Roy, surely he'd have to NK him? Having to lynch someone as a win condition just seems really random. You could be barking up the wrong tree all game and still win because town lynched the wrong person, or you could be dead on but "Roy" gets cleared by a cop or NK'd.

Is "Neutral Lyncher" actually a thing?

Yes, This is a thing in these games, there actually was a neutral lyncher in the cthulhu game. To make your life a bit easier, the lyncher target is often NK immune to prevent situations where the lyncher target dies N1 and the lyncher is now just a survivor. Flush didn't mention anything about being NK immune so that isn't in his favor.
So did you have to somehow "lead" the vote on your target or do something to identify him first? Or is it literally just "you win if this person gets lynched"?

I wasn't given their username, only the role name and some information as to what would happen if they got lynched (in that situation, I would win and scum team couldn't use their night kill that night). Each night I was able to spy on a player and receive a Y/N response as to whether or not they were my target.


I wasn't given their username, only the role name and some information as to what would happen if they got lynched (in that situation, I would win and scum team couldn't use their night kill that night). Each night I was able to spy on a player and receive a Y/N response as to whether or not they were my target.

I forgot, did Blarg (he was your target, right?) got any indication whatsoever that someone was hunting him?


Interesting, thank you for the answers. I guess I have to entertain the possibility that Flush is telling the truth, but since it's not a game-ender I still can't see any reason not to lynch him. We'd lose our doctor but we're otherwise in a pretty good position so far
I forgot, did Blarg (he was your target, right?) got any indication whatsoever that someone was hunting him?

His role did hint that I was looking for him.

Interesting, thank you for the answers. I guess I have to entertain the possibility that Flush is telling the truth, but since it's not a game-ender I still can't see any reason not to lynch him. We'd lose our doctor but we're otherwise in a pretty good position so far

Yeah, I really can't think of a compelling reason not to lynch him. We should get useful information no matter which way Flush flips, so there's that at least.


Yes, This is a thing in these games, there actually was a neutral lyncher in the cthulhu game. To make your life a bit easier, the lyncher target is often NK immune to prevent situations where the lyncher target dies N1 and the lyncher is now just a survivor. Flush didn't mention anything about being NK immune so that isn't in his favor.

Not only that, the target was also Neutral last game (though I guess there's nothing saying the target can't be town aligned). I guess royal_Flush didn't say he was town-aligned, but an odd-night-only doctor role (like he claims) doesn't quite seem like something the mafia or a neutral would have. That strikes out to me as a weird win condition.


GC wanted to 'test' his power? Perhaps he's an insane/unreliable cop. Either way, we unfortunately need to lynch Flush to find out.
Not only that, the target was also Neutral last game (though I guess there's nothing saying the target can't be town aligned). I guess royal_Flush didn't say he was town-aligned, but an odd-night-only doctor role (like he claims) doesn't quite seem like something the mafia or a neutral would have. That strikes out to me as a weird win condition.

Yeah, I already have trouble imagining a second neutral, but a third? I would have trouble believing that. If he is a doctor, he's either town or scum (the latter case would actually mostly line up with the facts if GC is indeed a cop).
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