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GAF Mafia [Mafia] lOTl Should've Gone for Bagels...


Alright, I think it is time for me to dump my premade post here. Enjoy!

Damn, that final hour yesterday was crazy. I actually was able to kinda keep track of it with my phone, but couldn't post, that would take too long and I had to constantly hide my phone when my boss was near :) It really was infuriating, there were so many things I wanted to comment on but couldn't :( Anyway, on to the order of the day:


God damn Terra and Swamped, I have to be honest here: what an amazing plan you guys had. No, really, I can respect smart plays from my opponents. And man, the more I think about it, the more impressed I get with your plan. You almost got away with it too! That would have been a scum win that would go down in Gafia history. Now, some of you guys may be wondering what plan I am talking about, well, it took a while after Terra his role flip for me to realize what he and Swamped were trying to accomplish today, but after I got it, it made perfect sense. Terra used his tailor power on GC during N4. He made him look like a scum. Then, they tried to lynch GC during D5, and he would flip a fake scum PM. Just think about what that would accomplish for Terra and Swamped: since we now would think GC was scum, Swamped her cop role claim would be believed. That also would make Terra his bodyguard claim more believable. Swamped not getting night killed as an "outed cop" would be able to be explained by Terra protecting her:
Terra, if your claim is really true, protect me tonight. Unlynchers generally have some limited protective capabilities, right?
and she could pretend to have found scum today to get a towny lynched. Which towny? Probably either starsketch or me. Not only that, but they could use the good old "well, if I am wrong, you could always lynch me tomorrow!" line to try and get me or starsketch lynched, and since we all would wrongly think we had only 1 scum left, we would probably fell for it. WE WOULD BE IN LYLO, WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING IT! You guys would lynch me or starsketch with the idea that if we flipped town, you could always lynch swamped tomorrow, only to be badly surprised when the game would actually end in a scum victory after that mislynch. Really, it was a pretty damn good plan. Who came up with it swamped? Was it you, or Terra? I was impressed by it, you decided not to just sit it out and hope thing would go your way, but instead you went for our throats with this play, I appreciate that, I really do! You guys almost won the game with it, but unfortunately for you, A SINGLE LITTLE SENTENCE in Terra his role claim became your undoing:
If I fail I become a 'lame duck' and can continue to place a vote, but I will be unable to win.
This was your mistake, I actually believed Terra his roleclaim to a certain degree until this. This one sentence made no sense. This one sentence will be the biggest reason you guys lose and we win. This one sentence has decided the game. You guys were so close, so incredibly close, but you tripped over one tiny little detail.


You actually have a role Star? Or are you just a ordinary that fake hinted at having a PR to try and get NK instead of our real PR? Also, don't pay to much attention to Swamped, a final scum that is cornered will to weird things.


I do have a role power though admittedly it turned out to be no help to me in the end.

Even ruder! You're me, aren't you?

Man, hope we hear from GC soon. He seemed a little out of it, but I do hope my claim at the end of the day made things more fun for him (and the rest of you!).



It was a risky plan to be sure, but it would have put us both in a fantastic position to win the game. We only had 24 hours to plan though, so we couldn't really think things through completely. Ultimately we probably should have gone with Terra's plan, which was to tailor his own PM to an Unlyncher one, and get him lynched D5, which would have put me in a strong position. But yeah, we decided to play on the edge!

Sorry Scum team :'(

One day my gambits will actually fall in place and I shall lead the scum team to victory!


It was a risky plan to be sure, but it would have put us both in a fantastic position to win the game. We only had 24 hours to plan though, so we couldn't really think things through completely. Ultimately we probably should have gone with Terra's plan, which was to tailor his own PM to an Unlyncher one, and get him lynched D5, which would have put me in a strong position. But yeah, we decided to play on the edge!

Sorry Scum team :'(

One day my gambits will actually fall in place and I shall lead the scum team to victory!

I'm curious, what PM did you make GC? Also, we could end the day and let the dead thread people join the conversation, but naaaaaaah, lets make them wait a while >:)


I'm curious, what PM did you make GC? Also, we could end the day and let the dead thread people join the conversation, but naaaaaaah, lets make them wait a while >:)

I don't need your permission Roy. Also, just for this, I'm going to go pad the post count in the dead thread so it takes longer for you to read.

Even ruder! You're me, aren't you?

Man, hope we hear from GC soon. He seemed a little out of it, but I do hope my claim at the end of the day made things more fun for him (and the rest of you!).

Based on the flavor text, it sounds like you pulled the same thing you tried to pull yesterday and it didn't work.

So it didn't help either of us?


I'm curious, what PM did you make GC? Also, we could end the day and let the dead thread people join the conversation, but naaaaaaah, lets make them wait a while >:)

I'm sure Launch will release them in the end. I can torture you while you torture the dead thread >:)

Question for you is, who else did we tailor...?


I'm sure Launch will release them in the end. I can torture you while you torture the dead thread >:)

Question for you is, who else did we tailor...?

My guess: either rats or coppa during night 3. That whole night was such a clusterfuck, you guys probably did something there........


It feels like I'm the final boss having a casual conversation with the four heroes right after she's been ruthlessly taken down.

Based on the flavor text, it sounds like you pulled the same thing you tried to pull yesterday and it didn't work.

So it didn't help either of us?

My terrible, risky plans never work :(
But it's kind of boring otherwise, right?
At least tell me you guys were entertained a little? It was all worth it if so!


At least tell me you guys were entertained a little? It was all worth it if so!

Trust me, I was hiding from my boss, looking at my phone, and screaming at the screen: NO, DON'T BELIEVE SWAMPED, HER ROLE CLAIM IS SO OBVIOUSLY FAKE! It's a last minute role claim from someone that at no point even alluded to having a PR, that didn't gave her name and other investigation targets until someone (sawneeks in this case) insisted, and then those other targets were all people that already flipped with the exception of GC and Terra having an incredibly convenient "no results". It was kind of frustrating to see that role claim and not being able to comment on it :)


Mm, I guess.

Star, I hope you don't blame us for putting the heat on you from time to time. It's part of the game, we never meant it personally of course!

Still want to know one thing though: why did you try to cause a tie in the last minute? that would have caused a 4 VS 2 today, so a mislynch would create a 2 VS 2 tomorrow, and unless someone of us has a double vote or an override, that would still mean we would lose. I also don't get why GC was openly asking someone to do that. It was so weird.
I fucked up. That's all.

I had miscalculated because I didn't realize terra wasn't going to die with swamped so I made my vote without noticing there was like 5 posts made while I was thinking. That's what the " you're right" was about. Plus I was sort of rushing because this was literally a minute before day end.

I'm honesty condsidering making a "local girl (almost) ruins everything" image, that was so close.


I think the important lesson to be learned here is to never trust Swamped.

I'm waiting for the day I end up as Town. I've been Mafia aligned in all three games I've played lol. Although I think I'd probably miss having a secret thread to gossip in.


No, the most important lesson to be learned here is that if you and me are on the same team, the opposite team has no chance to win!


The tag team duo strikes again! No Werewolf or Mafia Scum can hide from us. B)

I'm hoping one day you and I end up on the same Scum team, now that would be fun.

I'm waiting for the day I end up as Town. I've been Mafia aligned in all three games I've played lol. Although I think I'd probably miss having a secret thread to gossip in.

Watch, the one time you end up 100% Town is the day everyone thinks you're Scum in the early game and lynches you.


Also, I just realized something. I am going to be part of the winning team this game, and look who we lynched day 3:

Welcome to GAF Mafia Mafia!

You are Fireblend, the Sniper!

Sure, it may not be the "real" Fireblend, but we did kinda lynched Fireblend in this game, and AGAIN I win after lynching him. Seriously, this is starting to become more than just a coincidence :)


Eh, you know what? I want to see what you guys have said about me in the dead thread.

VOTE: swamped

I hope for you guys sake that not a single bad word about me has fallen in that thread, NOT A SINGLE BAD WORD!


Eh, you know what? I want to see what you guys have said about me in the dead thread.

VOTE: swamped

I hope for you guys sake that not a single bad word about me has fallen in that thread, NOT A SINGLE BAD WORD!

I recommend post 1543 when you get there. Also, El Topo is here.


I recommend post 1543 when you get there. Also, El Topo is here.

There are more then 1500 posts there??? God dammit Sorian. Also, I love the fact that launch still counted my vote on el topo on day 1. It is a bit hidden, but it is still there in the document :)
It feels like I'm the final boss having a casual conversation with the four heroes right after she's been ruthlessly taken down.

My terrible, risky plans never work :(
But it's kind of boring otherwise, right?
At least tell me you guys were entertained a little? It was all worth it if so!

I know I was!!! Everyone was like nuuuuu etc and I was going, swamps played big yooooooooo~~~~

Amazing gambit tbh, swamps! Helllllaaaaaa entertaining! It also hit on the perfect timing...i think there was a lull that stretched a lil long toward the end game and I saw even some people telling others for slacking off but then you and terra brought that habit gambit into play and I was.... Yaaaaaassssssss


Scum MVP 👑 !!!


I've been pulling for you, roy!

I know I was!!! Everyone was like nuuuuu etc and I was going, swamps played big yooooooooo~~~~

Amazing gambit tbh, swamps! Helllllaaaaaa entertaining! It also hit on the perfect timing...i think there was a lull that stretched a lil long toward the end game and I saw even some people telling others for slacking off but then you and terra brought that habit gambit into play and I was.... Yaaaaaassssssss


Scum MVP 👑 !!!

Game's not over, go away!


I know I was!!! Everyone was like nuuuuu etc and I was going, swamps played big yooooooooo~~~~

Amazing gambit tbh, swamps! Helllllaaaaaa entertaining! It also hit on the perfect timing...i think there was a lull that stretched a lil long toward the end game and I saw even some people telling others for slacking off but then you and terra brought that habit gambit into play and I was.... Yaaaaaassssssss


Scum MVP 👑 !!!

LOOOOL thanks :3 i heard the dead thread had fun with it.

Alright guys, let's party it up in season 4. Thanks again for a super fun game Launch, the flavor and powers were hilarious!

VOTE: Swamped


Did yeeny just confirmed swamped is scum? How could she, spoiling dead thread information like that in the main thread :mad: Here I was, fully convinced swamped was actually town making a crazy gamble to lure out the final scum! Thanks a lot yeeny!

But seriously, we are kind of in a weird situation right now since the game has basically ended, it is just not official yet.


21. Once an option has received a strict majority (more than half) of the available votes, the day ends with the Lynch of that player or a No Lynch (whichever applies). Once this has happened, any further votes or unvotes that Phase will not be counted, and the Night Phase will begin shortly.

Pretty sure the only people who like Kark Math are Kark and Traube :p


Alright, can someone finally tell me the story behind kark math? I see it pop up occasionally, but never understood where it came from.


Alright, can someone finally tell me the story behind kark math? I see it pop up occasionally, but never understood where it came from.

It's just the majority +1 rule. It basically exists to make a situation like the end of election more difficult to occur. There is nothing inherently wrong with it and we just like to poke fun at Kark because he is a fun fellow. Here are his words on it:


Edit: I won't change what I wrote but I meant "50% +1" in my post above.


Alright, can someone finally tell me the story behind kark math? I see it pop up occasionally, but never understood where it came from.

it's his idea of torture.

lets say there are 7 players, how many votes would you expect to require for turbo?
if the answer isn't 5, you're not doing Karkadorian Arithmetic.


it's his idea of torture.

lets say there are 7 players, how many votes would you expect to require for turbo?
if the answer isn't 5, you're not doing Karkadorian Arithmetic.

Actually! 4.5 is required for turbo. I have my degree in Karkadorian Arithmetic, you see.


Ah, so it is basically a way to handle majority when you have an odd number of people left? Because I have seen every host use the 50 % +1 rule when there is an even number left.


Ah, so it is basically a way to handle majority when you have an odd number of people left? Because I have seen every host use the 50 % +1 rule when there is an even number left.

Yeah it's the exact same thing as regular majority when it's even number of players left. And it changes pacing when there is an odd number.

I'm dying to know what Star's role was. Don't spoil it until the game end summary though!

You'll laugh.
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