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GAF Mafia [Mafia] lOTl Should've Gone for Bagels...


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
To answer the questions presented:

I always knew that I was to protect Swamped. I do not know her alignment. In fact, that was the main reason for voteing her on day one, so that I could gauge how much legwork I would have to put in to keep her alive. I win by keeping her alive to endgame. If I fail I become a 'lame duck' and can continue to place a vote, but I will be unable to win.

Of course all of this is a summary of my role PM. Let me know if I missed any questions.
To answer the questions presented:

I always knew that I was to protect Swamped. I do not know her alignment. In fact, that was the main reason for voteing her on day one, so that I could gauge how much legwork I would have to put in to keep her alive. I win by keeping her alive to endgame. If I fail I become a 'lame duck' and can continue to place a vote, but I will be unable to win.

Of course all of this is a summary of my role PM. Let me know if I missed any questions.

Are the rest of us informed that you will become unable to win?


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
I don't really know.

The PM doesn't specify, it just says that if Swamped dies I can continue to vote but can no longer win.
Fair enough. I'll need to think about how I feel about this- on the surface, Terra's claim makes sense and at the very least explains his interactions with Swamped. If Swamped is scum though, Terra would have an vested interest in siding with her, so I need to reassess how I feel about her.


Wow, so many exciting things happened!

First, I'm not sure what to make of Splinter's death. Definitely odd.

Swamped, you mentioned having found something on Star that 'made you pause' but you never ended up sharing it. What did you find and would you consider a lynch towards Star?

Ok, I shall share. We are nearing the endgame, what harm can it do? Anyway, it's definitely possible that I am reading far too much into it, but in any case StarSketch is here to answer any questions I have about what she said/did.

Matt also brought up a good point about the likelihood of both Retro's ability and a mafia kill being blocked by two different role block type skills. I have reason to believe only Ouro roleblocked last night. Assuming there's not two people with that exact ability, that is.

Initially, I didn't want to bring too much attention to this post, because I thought that you might be a PR. You weren't getting NK'd so I assumed that maybe Mafia hadn't figured it out. I think you are some sort of follower or tracker, because you knew with precision what action Ouro took that night. Then I thought that I read too much into that post, because you never mentioned any other actions people took in the days that came after.

Anyway, that's all fine. Again, I'm making an assumption about what you are, and this whole idea might be really really stupid, but I think it's a thread that I have to pull at right now. Question is, if you are a follower/tracker, why did you go after Ouro? He was widely trusted by many D1. I feel like only scum would have something to gain by tracking Ouro that night.

If you're town, then I shouldn't have outed you, sorry! But that action really planted a seed in my head that you could be mafia. That, coupled with the fact that there was no more information from you on the subsequent days. I'm having trouble seeing why an ordinary would say something like the above quoted.

You see, I'm a second neutral,nin1000 the protector, who's job was to protect Swamped from being lynched. The flavor explanation is that since I've been playing GAFia since day one I decided to make my own personal goal for a bit of challenge. If GC is just a regular cop who receives innocent/guilty, it would be possible for him to read me as guilty without myself being framed as I'm not town aligned.

LOL, what?! I don't know why, but I find this so hilarious. To tell the truth, I had a suspicion that maybe that's what you were, but it's just so ridiculous because my role doesn't say anything of the sort, that there is someone protecting me. So, are you essentially an Unlyncher? What happens to you if I get NK'd?

There is still the possibility that this is a Mafia who is latching on to me so that if he gets lynched, I will definitely be the next to go because of your association with me. But I do believe your claim for a few reasons. First, it explains your odd behavior towards me, especially on D1, and why you were adamant I was Town even though I have done some things that could be construed as anti-town. And secondly, I can totally see a Nin1000 role being a town-aligned neutral. That dude is hilarious.


Ok. Now.

Roy - He was 'cleared' N1. Regardless of whether GC is scum or town, it would be pretty risky to 'clear' a mafia.

Um...yeah that's pretty much it. All the rest of you are quite murky, I could see any of you as scum.

I guess in terms of least scummy to most scummy, it would go like this:

Terra (only because his claim is believable)

I'm going to be voting for GC today.

He checks Roy N1, a pretty useless check imo, it feels like a move to gain trust.
He checks Flush N2, a good choice. But remember that Flush was secret scum that the main team didn't know about. So there's always the possibility that GC thought that would be a good lynch, but it backfired on him.
He was wrong about Squeegee. Sure, there could be a framer.
He just presents his results and doesn't offer any additional insights. He never asks for people's top scum, which is something I would expect because he needs to have a good idea of who to inspect next.
He just said Terra was scum and again, just left! It feels like he's hoping we just go along with it.
He is not getting NK'd. Cop would be one of the first people to go, especially an outed cop. This sort of role can be absolutely detrimental to scum, especially in the late game (as my team found out in DR).

If he is mafia and we continue believing him, it's going to be game over for us D6 (when we will probably be in lylo).

I do think he is a cop of some sort, or that maybe he has a teammate who is a cop. I do think it would be risky to claim cop otherwise (still, why did he claim so early? To draw out a potential town aligned cop?)

If he is town, then we have a clear scum target for lylo - Terra (unless he was framed? But how would a frame affect a neutral? Ugh...)

Anyway, I feel pretty good about this vote. I think it's risky to keep him around for lylo when he could be mafia. But remember guys, only 4 votes to majority so be careful.

VOTE: GreatCharleston
Wow, so many exciting things happened!

First, I'm not sure what to make of Splinter's death. Definitely odd.

Ok, I shall share. We are nearing the endgame, what harm can it do? Anyway, it's definitely possible that I am reading far too much into it, but in any case StarSketch is here to answer any questions I have about what she said/did.

Initially, I didn't want to bring too much attention to this post, because I thought that you might be a PR. You weren't getting NK'd so I assumed that maybe Mafia hadn't figured it out. I think you are some sort of follower or tracker, because you knew with precision what action Ouro took that night. Then I thought that I read too much into that post, because you never mentioned any other actions people took in the days that came after.

Anyway, that's all fine. Again, I'm making an assumption about what you are, and this whole idea might be really really stupid, but I think it's a thread that I have to pull at right now. Question is, if you are a follower/tracker, why did you go after Ouro? He was widely trusted by many D1. I feel like only scum would have something to gain by tracking Ouro that night.

If you're town, then I shouldn't have outed you, sorry! But that action really planted a seed in my head that you could be mafia. That, coupled with the fact that there was no more information from you on the subsequent days. I'm having trouble seeing why an ordinary would say something like the above quoted.

I'm not a tracker or follower. That much I can say. Also it wasn't with precision at all. I have a power role, and Ouro had just said what his role was. I had asked if there was a possibility of there being multiples of the same type of ability right before I made that comment. I just took my knowledge of what roles can prevent a night death and compared it with what was on the table.
For reference, here's the question I asked and the answer I got:

Quick question before I drop my reads - what are the odds of there being more than one of a power role? Like, how likely is it that there's 2 people with Roleblock?
Depends on the role I think. Something like a Doctor or investigator it's not likely, since those are typically more powerful. Something like a "Your vote counts double once a game" I could see having 2 copies of.

I assumed that there was only one roleblocker, and in retrospect, I guess I assumed we didn't have a doctor, since people were calling Sorian's role a doctor type role.

So Doctor, My role and Roleblock were all accounted for in my head.


Alright, so I promised Sawneeks a more in depth post about the GC situation, and here it is. I actually made this post during the night and adapted it a bit when I saw the NK results, with the intention to post it ASAP, but I decided that it would probably be a better move to hold it back for a while and let other people discuss it first. Since everyone has now contributed, I can post it. Please note that this post was made BEFORE discussions and role claims during this day. I will follow up with another post detailing my feeling about that.

- First of all, he was correct about me being town. However, that tells us nothing because if he was scum he would also know I was town and confirming that could be because he wanted to make sure I believed he was the cop.

- He was correct about flush being scum. This one is interesting. It could be a ploy of a scum GC to try and bus one of his partners to be seen as a "confirmed cop". That would be a very balsy move, but there is one problem with that: The scum didn't knew 100% that flush was their partner, and if flush had flipped town, GC would have been fucked. Would they risk GC while they are not even certain flush is scum?

-He was not correct about squidyj being scum. If GC was scum pretending to be the cop, this move was to make sure we would lynch Squidyj yesterday. But was such an ploy really necessary? Squidyj was already a top suspect for a lot of people, so why risk your "fake confirmed cop" by outing Squidyj as a scum? Was making sure Squidyj being lynched really worth it to sacrifice a "fake confirmed cop" AND flush the day prior? I doubt it. Also, it was pretty clear GC would target Squidyj, so if scum has a framer or a switcher, it is pretty likely they would have used it N3 to frame both squidyj and GC.

-Him selecting me as his N1 target is still weird though, as is him coming out so soon with is flush investigation results during D3. Him refusing to share his results at the start of D4 is actually NOT weird to me. If he would have given us his Squidyj result the discussion would be pretty much over and a Squidyj lynch would be assured. By keeping the results for himself for a while, he forced everyone to talk, which helps us with finding the other scum. In my eyes, it was a pretty town thing to do.

-Him surviving N3 is not that weird if the plan of the scum really was to try and frame both squidyj and GC. Him surviving this night is also not weird because scum would suspect he would be a hot topic today.

Also, I want to confess that while I did found his prior behavior a bit suspect, in my posts where I talked about that suspicion I actually exaggerated those feelings quite a bit. I hoped scum would think that it was possible to make GC a suspect, so that he was less likely to get night killed.

So all in all, if I think about it, I actually believe that GC being the real town cop and that someone has tampered with his squidyj result to frame both squidyj and GC is more likely than him being scum putting up an act.

Therefore, I think it is interesting to take a look at the people that were openly advocating lynching GC if Squidyj would flip town. And look who seems to be the most in favor of just lynching GC if squidyj flips town?

Wait... Weren't you the likely target for NK?

I'm wondering why they went after Coppa now....

To be honest, the two Night Kills we got were completely out of left field for me at first. But like GC said, they really were carrying most of the conversation the past few nights, and since we currently have a perfect Lynch record, taking one of those two out makes sense. As for Coppa killing Rats, I agree with the idea that Coppa was trying to take a scum out with Rats- but in that case, why not target GC? He claimed cop and is probably a good target for NK...unless he's Scum, in which case, of course he's not getting targeted.


The hell am I doing. I'm sorry you all had to see that.

I feel like that by the time I get around to posting, a lot of what I come up with has already been asked or brought up. I literally just wrote and deleted a sentence asking GC why he decided to not tell us he searched Squidy right off the bat...but he already answered that. He also eventually gave the info, so it's not really much to get a read on.

I also want Swamped to talk about why she's suspicious of me. As those last two posts proved, I feel like nothing I say is going to drop suspicion off me so I want her to be out with it, 'right time' or no.

As for the ongoing conversation on squidy....I say we lynch him still. if he flips town, then we know GC is lying and we can hit him next. Unless LYLO = Mafia autowin, in which case that's not a good idea obviously.

This made my already existing suspicion of Starsketch even bigger.


Now, a few things have happened in the mean time, so I will go over them:

Why did the scum target *splinter?

I already have talked about this. The way I see it,there are two logical explanations for targeting splinter:

- Terra is town, and since Squidyj his last request was to focus on him, scum wanted to make him the lynch candidate today. So they used their framing power on him, and killed someone that was very suspicious of Terra, hoping that would drive us even more towards lynching him.

- Terra is scum, and they simply killed *splinter because they were afraid he would try to get terra lynched today.

I was actually leaning towards the first option, but then......

Terra is role claim

...Terra claimed to be a bodyguard of swamped. Now, it does fit with his behavior at the beginning of the day, so I was inclined to believe him, until

To answer the questions presented:

I always knew that I was to protect Swamped. I do not know her alignment. In fact, that was the main reason for voteing her on day one, so that I could gauge how much legwork I would have to put in to keep her alive. I win by keeping her alive to endgame. If I fail I become a 'lame duck' and can continue to place a vote, but I will be unable to win.

Of course all of this is a summary of my role PM. Let me know if I missed any questions.

So if Swamped dies, you will not leave the game, can still vote, but will also be unable to win? What? I seriously doubt that is true, it would be such a weird thing for launch to put into a game, the possibility of creating a player that is literally playing for shits and giggles because he no longer can win in any way? That sounds like complete bullshit to me. I think you would either die together with swamped, or get changed into a survivor, something along those lines. And that would be bad for us, assuming swamped is town (and if he actually is swamped her bodyguard, I would think swamped is town, because else we would be against 4 scum and one scum aligned neutral, that would be insane for a 16 player game):

-If you would die together with swamped, that would mean we are in MYLO today. Because if we lynch a town, scum will kill swamped, remove you too and that puts us on 2 VS 2 tomorrow, pretty much a guaranteed loss.

-Same case if he becomes a survivor, because that would put us in 2 VS 2 VS 1 tomorrow, and he could just side with the scum and win.

So yeah, I don't fully believe Terra his role claim, and I think letting him live could be VERY dangerous for us, even if he isn't scum but a neutral.

However, I also have some problems with this:

I'm not a tracker or follower. That much I can say. Also it wasn't with precision at all. I have a power role, and Ouro had just said what his role was. I had asked if there was a possibility of there being multiples of the same type of ability right before I made that comment. I just took my knowledge of what roles can prevent a night death and compared it with what was on the table.

Doing a partial role claim in this phase of the game? That is weird to me. If you have any information that could help us make sense of this mess, now is the time to share, the game very well could end tomorrow.


I'm not a tracker or follower. That much I can say. Also it wasn't with precision at all. I have a power role, and Ouro had just said what his role was. I had asked if there was a possibility of there being multiples of the same type of ability right before I made that comment. I just took my knowledge of what roles can prevent a night death and compared it with what was on the table.

For reference, here's the question I asked and the answer I got:

I assumed that there was only one roleblocker, and in retrospect, I guess I assumed we didn't have a doctor, since people were calling Sorian's role a doctor type role.

So Doctor, My role and Roleblock were all accounted for in my head.

I see. Well, in any case, if you have an info gathering role, today would be the day to share any of that info, because if you are town you are likely to get killed tonight.

- First of all, he was correct about me being town. However, that tells us nothing because if he was scum he would also know I was town and confirming that could be because he wanted to make sure I believed he was the cop.

As a rebuttal to your first point - YOU say he is correct about you being Town. Don't make it sound like it's a given :p. Nothing is proven until you flip. Of course, I do think you are Town though, just playing devil's advocate here.

-Him selecting me as his N1 target is still weird though, as is him coming out so soon with is flush investigation results during D3. Him refusing to share his results at the start of D4 is actually NOT weird to me. If he would have given us his Squidyj result the discussion would be pretty much over and a Squidyj lynch would be assured. By keeping the results for himself for a while, he forced everyone to talk, which helps us with finding the other scum. In my eyes, it was a pretty town thing to do.

The thing is, he made it so obvious that he had gotten a 'scum' result, and that it was squgee. I don't think he was fooling anyone. And if he had really wanted discussion why didn't he himself contribute anything that day (apart from his investigation results)?

-Him surviving N3 is not that weird if the plan of the scum really was to try and frame both squidyj and GC. Him surviving this night is also not weird because scum would suspect he would be a hot topic today.

I still think that if GC was truly a town aligned cop, he would be dead after mafia had 'framed' squji and gotten that mislynch. It's just far too risky for mafia to let a cop remain alive, especially with lylo coming up. The results from a cop would be disastrous for them, and could guarantee a mafia loss (And remember, I'm talking from experience - AbsolutBro did such a fantastic job of being a cop in DR that we the Mafia team there were truly backed into a corner and lost the game). Would mafia really risk keeping the cop alive in the hopes he gets lynched, even though there are still many other more suspicious people who could be lynched? Seems far to risky to me.

GC mentioned that he inspected Roy N1 to 'test' his power (will eventually find the quote...). Not only was his target a strange one, but the fact that he wanted to 'test' is power is raising red flags to me.

You know, the framer idea is certainly a possibility if GC is Town, but there is another solution to the whole sqgee fiasco. GC could be an unreliable cop...he probably wouldn't know it though. I still think he could be lying.


Thanks Roy! GC definitely seems to be the dividing topic for today and I will admit that not hearing from him isn't doing him any favors. I'm not ready to jump and call him scum but I'm not certain of his alignment.

Also, I'm sorry for outing Star if she is Town. But everyone was insisting, including her!

I was actually going to ask her about that claim myself! Soft claiming at this phase isn't going to get you anywhere except a NK so if Star has any sort of info then sharing it now would be the best bet.
I see. Well, in any case, if you have an info gathering role, today would be the day to share any of that info, because if you are town you are likely to get killed tonight.

As a rebuttal to your first point - YOU say he is correct about you being Town. Don't make it sound like it's a given :p. Nothing is proven until you flip. Of course, I do think you are Town though, just playing devil's advocate here.

The thing is, he made it so obvious that he had gotten a 'scum' result, and that it was squgee. I don't think he was fooling anyone. And if he had really wanted discussion why didn't he himself contribute anything that day (apart from his investigation results)?

I still think that if GC was truly a town aligned cop, he would be dead after mafia had 'framed' squji and gotten that mislynch. It's just far too risky for mafia to let a cop remain alive, especially with lylo coming up. The results from a cop would be disastrous for them, and could guarantee a mafia loss (And remember, I'm talking from experience - AbsolutBro did such a fantastic job of being a cop in DR that we the Mafia team there were truly backed into a corner and lost the game). Would mafia really risk keeping the cop alive in the hopes he gets lynched, even though there are still many other more suspicious people who could be lynched? Seems far to risky to me.

GC mentioned that he inspected Roy N1 to 'test' his power (will eventually find the quote...). Not only was his target a strange one, but the fact that he wanted to 'test' is power is raising red flags to me.

Now, a few things have happened in the mean time, so I will go over them:

Why did the scum target *splinter?

I already have talked about this. The way I see it,there are two logical explanations for targeting splinter:

- Terra is town, and since Squidyj his last request was to focus on him, scum wanted to make him the lynch candidate today. So they used their framing power on him, and killed someone that was very suspicious of Terra, hoping that would drive us even more towards lynching him.

- Terra is scum, and they simply killed *splinter because they were afraid he would try to get terra lynched today.

I was actually leaning towards the first option, but then......

Terra is role claim

...Terra claimed to be a bodyguard of swamped. Now, it does fit with his behavior at the beginning of the day, so I was inclined to believe him, until

So if Swamped dies, you will not leave the game, can still vote, but will also be unable to win? What? I seriously doubt that is true, it would be such a weird thing for launch to put into a game, the possibility of creating a player that is literally playing for shits and giggles because he no longer can win in any way? That sounds like complete bullshit to me. I think you would either die together with swamped, or get changed into a survivor, something along those lines. And that would be bad for us, assuming swamped is town (and if he actually is swamped her bodyguard, I would think swamped is town, because else we would be against 4 scum and one scum aligned neutral, that would be insane for a 16 player game):

-If you would die together with swamped, that would mean we are in MYLO today. Because if we lynch a town, scum will kill swamped, remove you too and that puts us on 2 VS 2 tomorrow, pretty much a guaranteed loss.

-Same case if he becomes a survivor, because that would put us in 2 VS 2 VS 1 tomorrow, and he could just side with the scum and win.

So yeah, I don't fully believe Terra his role claim, and I think letting him live could be VERY dangerous for us, even if he isn't scum but a neutral.

However, I also have some problems with this:

Doing a partial role claim in this phase of the game? That is weird to me. If you have any information that could help us make sense of this mess, now is the time to share, the game very well could end tomorrow.

I don't have an information gathering role, sorry. If I did I probably would have contributed more.

As for the late role claim the sentence that Swamped was suspicious of was an attempt at breadcrumbing. To be honest though I probably didn't need to role claim at all though.

I'm a bit wary about saying my role name, but I think the hints I've dropped should give some context on what it is. Also I looked at my role PM again and I laughed because Swamped was the one who started this conversation, and I got her role.


I don't have an information gathering role, sorry. If I did I probably would have contributed more.

As for the late role claim the sentence that Swamped was suspicious of was an attempt at breadcrumbing. To be honest though I probably didn't need to role claim at all though.

I'm a bit wary about saying my role name, but I think the hints I've dropped should give some context on what it is. Also I looked at my role PM again and I laughed because Swamped was the one who started this conversation, and I got her role.

OMG seriously? This day phase just keeps getting better and better! This is so funny!
I just realized I may have screwed myself over more than I was expecting. Oh well too late now.

Also, GC has survived 2 nights with his role claim wide open, unless taking out a non role claimed Coppa and Splinter were high priority for some bizarre reason.


I still think that if GC was truly a town aligned cop, he would be dead after mafia had 'framed' squji and gotten that mislynch. It's just far too risky for mafia to let a cop remain alive, especially with lylo coming up. The results from a cop would be disastrous for them, and could guarantee a mafia loss (And remember, I'm talking from experience - AbsolutBro did such a fantastic job of being a cop in DR that we the Mafia team there were truly backed into a corner and lost the game). Would mafia really risk keeping the cop alive in the hopes he gets lynched, even though there are still many other more suspicious people who could be lynched? Seems far to risky to me.

I think it wouldn't be that risky to keep him alive for the scum. I mean, look at what happened today. GC got a 'scum" read on terra, yet we aren't all voting for Terra. The squidyj situation made his results unreliable, either because he is scum or because there is a framer in play. He himself doesn't even trust his results! And even if we lynch GC and he flips town cop, we still don't know if his Terra results are to be believed or not. So even if GC is truly a cop, he isn't that dangerous for scum anymore because we simply can't believe his results.

You know, the framer idea is certainly a possibility if GC is Town, but there is another solution to the whole sqgee fiasco. GC could be an unreliable cop...he probably wouldn't know it though. I still think he could be lying.

If GC is an unreliable cop without knowing it, that would mean Launch roped us into a bastard game without warning us. I seriously doubt Launch would do something like that, he can be kind of an ass at times, but I doubt he would be that much of a dick ;)

Oh wait, Mafia get fake names too right? Hype deflated.

Seriously, I was kind of disappointing that "roytheone" was probably a fake role given to Flush. Is that really what you think of me Launch? Just a fake role to be used by scum and then thrown away? :(


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Hey, has GC posted at all since his initial post at day start?? I'd really be curious about what he thinks of the current state of affairs.


Hey, has GC posted at all since his initial post at day start?? I'd really be curious about what he thinks of the current state of affairs.

He hasn't, just like last time where he dropped info and disappeared. I'm also somewhat inclined to put more stock in Swamped's post against him because, well, a lot of it makes sense.

His lack of any sort of response after his first also feels weird. No answering questions, no discussion, nothing despite claiming that he is doing things 'for Town' and trying to generate discussion.

Bluh, I don't know. I dislike when it gets down to small groups like this because every little thing counts and one wrong move could spell the end of the game.
The game has been on my mind I've just been doing other things.

My alignment is with the TOWN and always has been but like I said before I don't always play for their best interest which is why you doubt me as you do. Roytheone was a wild play and to be honest you kinda need to get over it, he's still alive and kicking as a TOWN player. I have no real objective or any way of winning or escaping the game early we're a bit short on players for more than one of those to run around. But after getting bad info about Squiddy and playing you all like a damn fiddle I don't really know what to do now. My power has fucked me over so I'm not sure I'm the most trustful source anymore.

I do think it's kinda weird though how early game Terra & Star were both like "Woe is me, I can't play for shit." Sympathy card got good and now they seem to be playing completely fine. So that's got me thinking a bit and they're both still in the game too... Could be a good play to keep under the radar as SCUM.

I only run with the information I've been given btw, nothing besides their alignment is given to me so there's no stronger plays or details besides that. My informant might just want to throw a spanner in the works to tip the scales a little bit. I won't rally against Terra though not after the previous mistake but if you have any suspicions about him then go ahead & vote for him.

I will say though right now I feel the strongest about Matt, Roy & Sawn but that just be me taking to the ones with the strongest plays at the moment.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
The game has been on my mind I've just been doing other things.

My alignment is with the TOWN and always has been but like I said before I don't always play for their best interest which is why you doubt me as you do. Roytheone was a wild play and to be honest you kinda need to get over it, he's still alive and kicking as a TOWN player. I have no real objective or any way of winning or escaping the game early we're a bit short on players for more than one of those to run around. But after getting bad info about Squiddy and playing you all like a damn fiddle I don't really know what to do now. My power has fucked me over so I'm not sure I'm the most trustful source anymore.

I do think it's kinda weird though how early game Terra & Star were both like "Woe is me, I can't play for shit." Sympathy card got good and now they seem to be playing completely fine. So that's got me thinking a bit and they're both still in the game too... Could be a good play to keep under the radar as SCUM.

I only run with the information I've been given btw, nothing besides their alignment is given to me so there's no stronger plays or details besides that. My informant might just want to throw a spanner in the works to tip the scales a little bit. I won't rally against Terra though not after the previous mistake but if you have any suspicions about him then go ahead & vote for him.

I will say though right now I feel the strongest about Matt, Roy & Sawn but that just be me taking to the ones with the strongest plays at the moment.

How many times do I need to say it, that was a real talk post venting RL frustration! I never meant that to be a true defense post and I'm sorry it's caused this game to derail everytime it gets brought up. I was not in the best frame of mind when I wrote and posted that, and if I could, I would edit it out, but this is mafia and that's against the rules.
I'm on mobile and so I'm not going to attempt to quote a large post for a single paragraph again but-

GC, You keep mentioning an informant. Are you allowed to tell us who that is?

Also, I'm 100% town. Not that anyone will believe me at this point but it's worth a shot.


Hey GC, I noticed you didn't mention Swamped in your post and I was wondering what your current thoughts on her are now that Terra has claimed Protector.

Also for your investigations I'm assuming you just get a flat 'Mafia or Town' answer, correct?


All right, going to bed now and since there aren't a lot of votes cased yet I might as well make my Terra suspicion official:


I don't believe his role claim, him becoming a player that can't win but stays in the game and can even vote if swamped dies seems very unlikely to me. I am also still very suspicious of starsketch, see my earlier posts for that.

Also, I agree with sawneeks that I want to hear a lot more of GC his thoughts about everything, now that his cop results are very unreliable and kind of useless to us for now.
Hey GC, I noticed you didn't mention Swamped in your post and I was wondering what your current thoughts on her are now that Terra has claimed Protector.

Also for your investigations I'm assuming you just get a flat 'Mafia or Town' answer, correct?

I forgot about that tbh, Swamped sways back and forth a lot for me so I saw her overall as neutral. But this many roles with this amount of people? Didn't Royal_Flush role claim as well to save himself? It's probably bullshit what benefit is there to keeping Swamped alive? Is there an end game benefit to it?

My info was either just "TOWN" or SCUM" and that's all. Roy was the former while everyone else has been the latter.


I forgot about that tbh, Swamped sways back and forth a lot for me so I saw her overall as neutral. But this many roles with this amount of people? Didn't Royal_Flush role claim as well to save himself? It's probably bullshit what benefit is there to keeping Swamped alive? Is there an end game benefit to it?

My info was either just "TOWN" or SCUM" and that's all. Roy was the former while everyone else has been the latter.

Taking Terra's claim at face-value just means that as long as she lives then Terra will win the game. If you mean why role claim now? Maybe it's scum trying to cover their tracks by producing a fake claim to explain why he would defend Swamped so adamantly for so long. I mean, it is one of the major points Terra has against him and this claim would 'explain' all of these things.

Hmmm, okay, thank you. Given what you know who are you feeling is the best candidate for today out of your 3 'possible scum' players?
Star, Terra & Swamped. Although before I make judgement I'd like Terra to explain the role a bit more first. If the worst possible situation comes of it though I'd probably vote Swamped first then maybe the following night unless I fucked up badly again then I don't know what way to go about it providing I'm not killed.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Star, Terra & Swamped. Although before I make judgement I'd like Terra to explain the role a bit more first. If the worst possible situation comes of it though I'd probably vote Swamped first then maybe the following night unless I fucked up badly again then I don't know what way to go about it providing I'm not killed.
Sure, what would you like to elaborate on?


Won't be here for the end of the Day again so I wish to get my vote in before I sign off for the night.

Vote: Terrabyte20xx

Compared to the wording for Retro's neutral role I have a hard time believing that there are 2 neutrals in play. This plus your description of your role in which Swamped gets lynched/NK you simply become a 'lame duck' doesn't make sense. Even Retro's neutral role had him become a Survivor if he failed his objective so I don't see why yours should be any different.

And if I somehow don't make it through the Night phase I implore everyone to look more closely at Swamped. I had her on my Top Scum list for the previous Day and I still stand by my read that something doesn't seem right. She has already answered it before but her quick belief of Scrafty's claim on Day 1 is still odd, Scrafty ( Mafia ) and Terra ( probably Mafia? )both defended her on Day 1, and she has sat more in the sidelines this game as compared to Dangan and has somewhat coasted by despite this.

It's something to look into more on the next Day phase but if it comes down to it I would go for Swamped.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
It's midnight right now so I don't have the time to make the post but please don't hammer me until I do it tomorrow. Once you all hear my thoughts then you can make your decision.


All right, since I need to go to work in about two hours and I may get night killed, here are my final reads for today:

Matt Attack: Kind of a question mark. Hasn't done anything that stands out to me as scum behaviour, but also not as town behaviour.

Probably town. Has a lot of good, in depth posts analysing situations and persons.

Terrabyte20xx: I don't believe his role claim. It is either because he is scum, or because he is a neutral and he is hiding a part of his role that would make us want to lynch him. It is simply too dangerous to let him live.

GreatCharleston: Probably really our town cop, mainly because I doubt scum would bus one of their own (flush) to get a fake confirmed cop, only to waste that on getting squidyj lynched. That play doesn't make any sense to me.

Swamped: Also a question mark, but this time because she said and did things I found scummy, but she also said and did things that I found towny. My opinion on her is pretty dependent on what Terra flips. If I am wrong and Terra really is her bodyguard, I doubt Swamped is scum because having 4 scum and 1 scum aligned neutral would be crazy for a 16 player game that also had retro as a neutral.

StarSketch: She has been very in the background, is this because she is a new player still trying to find her footing, or is she scum that tries to hide this way? I find her openly calling for lynching GC if squidyj would flip town yesterday quite suspicious, because if I am right about my theory that scum was trying to frame both GC and squidyj in one move, that would be exactly what a scum player would post. Also, her half claiming a PR today also doesn't help.

This is all assuming we still have 2 scum to find, which I find likely because like scrafty her role PM told us, scum can't kill and use their ability during the same night. So if scum had framed Squidyj, they couldn't also do a night kill that night if there is only one scum left.
Yeah I tunneled really hard on squid and he turned out to be town. I was so convinced he was scum. Obviously I'm trying to not make that mistake again.

Also terra answered the alignment question already. In fact it's the page topper.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Okay so I had this really big post all planed out for me to type, but then life happened and so there is not enough time to make it.

I'll try to see if I can salvage it, but don't get your hopes up.


Okay so I had this really big post all planed out for me to type, but then life happened and so there is not enough time to make it.

I'll try to see if I can salvage it, but don't get your hopes up.

Unfortunately, I have to go to work now, so I will not be able to keep up with the day's end. So my vote on you is final.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Note: I'm kinda rushed with getting to class, eating lunch and typing, so I will be cutting it VERY close, fair warning.


This is so frustrating. I feel like you're all blind and deaf! I can't scream it any louder!

(Is this how Goshu felt in DR, when he kept supplying overwhelming evidence against me but nobody was listening?)

GreatCharleston: Probably really our town cop, mainly because I doubt scum would bus one of their own (flush) to get a fake confirmed cop, only to waste that on getting squidyj lynched. That play doesn't make any sense to me.

But the main scum team didn't know about the secret scum! So this point is invalid.

I've presented all my evidence suggesting GC is scum. Now let me just come out and say it: I've known since the start of this day phase that GC was 100% verified scum, and I've known since he 'came out' D3 that he was lying. By lynching him, you are guaranteed to NOT be in lylo tomorrow, giving you some breathing room.

I don't have any other useful information. Although, the night I checked Terra I got "NO RESULT" (N2). At the time I thought it was because I was roleblocked, but since he came out with his unlyncher claim I'm not sure.

I was hoping to just keep a low profile and avoid getting killed, but there's no need for that now. You guys will make it.

Terra, if your claim is really true, protect me tonight. Unlynchers generally have some limited protective capabilities, right?

If I die tonight and Terra comes with, at least you guys will be 3 against 1 on D6.

If I miraculously survive until the next day, you can lynch me if I'm wrong about GC (since we won't be in lylo). But I know I'm not.

Sorry for doing this an hour before the deadline.
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