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GAF Mafia [Mafia] lOTl Should've Gone for Bagels...


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
This is so frustrating. I feel like you're all blind and deaf! I can't scream it any louder!

(Is this how Goshu felt in DR, when he kept supplying overwhelming evidence against me but nobody was listening?)

But the main scum team didn't know about the secret scum! So this point is invalid.

I've presented all my evidence suggesting GC is scum. Now let me just come out and say it: I've known since the start of this day phase that GC was 100% verified scum, and I've known since he 'came out' D3 that he was lying. By lynching him, you are guaranteed to NOT be in lylo tomorrow, giving you some breathing room.

I don't have any other useful information. Although, the night I checked Terra I got "NO RESULT" (N2). At the time I thought it was because I was roleblocked, but since he came out with his unlyncher claim I'm not sure.

I was hoping to just keep a low profile and avoid getting killed, but there's no need for that now. You guys will make it.

Terra, if your claim is really true, protect me tonight. Unlynchers generally have some limited protective capabilities, right?

If I die tonight and Terra comes with, at least you guys will be 3 against 1 on D6.

If I miraculously survive until the next day, you can lynch me if I'm wrong about GC (since we won't be in lylo). But I know I'm not.

Sorry for doing this an hour before the deadline.
All that work... The links, the images, the charts... Down the drain.

So much for my mega post.

VOTE: GreatCharleston
Seems it's come down to a heated bout of finger pointing. But no, I am absolutely 100% TOWN. The first night is the only weak evidence you have against me with my read on Roy but after that it's always been on who people suspect the most or have their eyes on. I'm simply being kept alive right now because it's easier to take out others one by one and use me as a scapegoat until it's truly safe and you have the advantage over the remaining players to guarantee victory.

For some reason or other when I checked up Squidyj it came up as SCUM but I was absolutely mislead my intentions weren't for him to be taken down that's just what came up and I was so confident in the information although he himself didn't put up the best defense but I still felt a bit off about it, but that's what happens sometimes you mess up. If you vote to kill me now then you're one less member down for TOWN and closer to a loss. I honestly don't even trust any of you until the moment the game is over but you have to believe what I'm saying.

Swamped is lying for that last minute save, I can't say for sure if Terra is truly the one to kill today but killing me you will end up with:

100% confirmation of Town Cop upon lynching
Loss of Town player
Another guaranteed town player kill tonight along with me

If I had no power I'd honestly just say kill me and get it over with but at least with this power I can help the remaining few of you left to victory or try to, at least.


If i were truly scum, why would i risk a ridiculous claim to get a town cop lynched? That's just going to guarantee my death for the next day phase, leading the Mafia team to a fairly certain loss.

I honestly don't know about Terra. But i know about GC.


Swamped, if you really are the cop, who did you investigate and what results did you get? If you are telling the truth you may die tonight so get that info out now.

Also your reasoning against GC bussing Royal would make sense but that is a huge risky move for Mafia to even play that early. If Royal had flipped Town GC would have instantly been lynched and killed and the next day for hitting a townie. They were taking a huge risk for playing a fake cop early and I don't think that's what happened.
If i were truly scum, why would i risk a ridiculous claim to get a town cop lynched?

Because you'll be rid of me and you'll attract attention to yourself for the following night if all goes well so your partner gets off free for a few nights once the dust has settled.

I die now.
Someone else is killed during night phase.

That leaves seven players left and then if you are SCUM it'd be:

You're killed from your wrong play.
Someone else is killed during night phase.

Then we have five players remaining. One is SCUM, it's a bit of a home stretch for SCUM to win for sure but it's possible if you can put the effort in and blend in perfectly throwing your trail off.

I'd say we had 4 scum players. One rogue that was Flush and 3 normal players with one of them being Scrafty.


You all will have to trust me on GC. Why would i risk doing something like this if i was scum? I could have just tried to keep floating by.

N1 - Flush, scum. I started D2 with a vote on Flush, but we got caught up with Retro
N2 - Terra, no result
N3 - Rats, Town (i was suspicious of him, that's why i checked. Didn't check GC because i knew he was lying)
N4 - GC, scum (wanted to double check my suspicions)

If i survive, lynch me tomorrow if in wrong. You will not be in lylo so it will be ok.

No more posts from me now, have to work.
Assuming I'm understanding this right.

If GC is scum:

5/1 end of day
Either 3/1 or 4/1 at start of day depending on if terra wasn't lying and if Swamp is NK'd

If GC is town:
4/2 end of day
Presumably 3/2 start of day

However ...If swamped is scum she basically just outed herself.

But if terra is telling the truth we can't attack her because he'd go with her.

End of day 5 : 2/1?

Start of day 6 1/1


Just trust me on this one. Everything I've done has been for town, even though i may have made some mistakes along the way.
4 minutes remain, I refuse to die under these false accusations, kill me during the night phase if you'd be so kind.

Vote: Terrabyte20xx

That's 3 for 2.


Terra never said he would be out of the game is Swamped got lynched.

Even if we are wrong about Terra we still have tomorrow to correct our mistake. If Terra is scum I'm pretty certain Swamped is also scum. If Terra isn't scum then it's probably GC and someone else.

My only gut guess is Roy, the one person who has actively defended GC.

Still, I'm willing to test Terra now. This feels like a last minute scum play to save themselves. Do or die.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
I am neutral unlyncher whose job is to protect Swamped. I have yet to lie about anything... Oh who am I kidding...




From day one... Since I have been in GAF Mafia, I have done NOTHING but deal with the [redacted] politics that go on behind that curtain. I have been so obvious of my true intentions that I can't even begin to describe how baffled I am that I even made it this far.


FIRE ME! I'm already fired. FIRE ME! I'm already fired!


I am neutral unlyncher whose job is to protect Swamped. I have yet to lie about anything... Oh who am I kidding...



Aw son of a bitch. :p
Day 5 Ends
The vote came down to the wire between Terrabyte20xx and GreatCharleston. But, ultimately, GC chose to save himself. Suddenly, Terra began acting erratically, referencing random images that have nothing to do with the game. He began saying things like “please stop asking me dumb shit and shut up already,” and from beneath the mask, you could tell he was saying it with a smile on his face.

Launchpad stood up and said, “You’re done. Get out.”

Terra stood up and removed his own paper bag, revealing himself to be nin1000.

“Oh, that’s ok, I need to go pick up my wife and kids to go to church anyway,” nin said, grabbing his things and leaving the shop.

StarSketch, who had dozed off minutes earlier, suddenly woke up and said, “OH WAIT,” but it was too late for Terra.

“Go the fuck to sleeeeeep.”
Welcome to GAF Mafia Mafia!

You are nin1000, the Tailor!

You are aligned with GAF Scum. You win when scum holds a majority of the votes.

You’re a sporting young fellow who is possibly wacked out of his mind. You have moments of clarity, followed by more madness. I’m pretty sure you’re not really acting on town’s behalf most of the time, but who cares, it’s fun. As such, you have a role that exists to fuck with people…

Twice per game, you can visit a player by sending me the command TAILOR: <player name>. In addition, you must include a written out role PM with some the details of the player’s supposed actions (which I will, in turn, put into my role PM format). In doing so, if a player is removed from the table during the night phase or the following day phase, your tailored role PM will be posted instead of that player’s actual role. This effect wears off at the start of the following night phase. You cannot use this ability if you are assigned to perform the “kill” for your team.

As a member of GAF scum, you and your allies will discuss what action to carry out at night. You dirtbags decided to bring a hot sauce with a high concentration of ghost peppers to eliminate the competition. Once per night, you can choose a player to target with this hot sauce, then one of your members will plant it on the target player’s tacos. The player assigned to carry out the deed needs to PM me with the command KILL: <player name>. Barring interference from other roles, that player will be unable to continue playing and the circumstances will be announced at the beginning of the following day phase. This uses up your “kill” for the night.

Feel free to PM me any questions about your role.

Time remaining in night phase



But seriously you guys, whenever I can actually be there for the day's end it is boring as shit and we are just waiting for the timer to tick down, and when I can't be there because of work, it suddenly becomes crazy town.
Day 6 Begins
”Alright, this shit is almost over, let’s just get it done,” Launchpad announced.

He looked around at the table to see who would be the one to fall to the scum’s death, when suddenly someone started reacting to something. The person, Matt Attack,lifted up his bag to reveal his true identity - Hyperactivity! He collapsed on the ground behind the table, then started to crawl towards the door.

“Mrs. Blargonauts, wait for me, please!,” he exclaimed before spasming and passing out.

Launchpad looked at the lifeless body disappointingly.

Matt Attack has been removed from the table.

“Alright, carry on.”

Welcome to GAF Mafia Mafia!

You are Hyperactivity, an Ordinary!

You are aligned with GAF Town. You win when no GAF scum remain.

You don’t have a power role, unfortunately. I mean, when is GAF going to learn to play those role madness games, right? Make everyone feel special? I know you agree with me. I’m sure you wish you were a 15-shot vig that could remove every other player in the game. That’d be an awesome role. Anyway, until then… yeah, you’re ordinary. If you’d like, just for fun, you could use that player’s character quirks. But that’s up to you. But it’d be fun. Just saying.

Your one power is the power to vote… but you know you guys are going to fuck that up too. I mean, this is GAF and you’re on town. I mean, lol, amirite? Ok, I’ll stop negging you.

Feel free to PM me any questions about your role.

Time remaining in day phase



But OK, since we are here anyway, I will play along for a bit. Who did you investigated this time?


StarSketch checked out as 'scum'.

I really want to hear from GC!

Btw, I have a super important date all day tomorrow. We should try and end this tonight if possible.



StarSketch checked out as 'scum'.

I really want to hear from GC!

Btw, I have a super important date all day tomorrow. We should try and end this tonight if possible.

Hmmm hmmm, suuuuuuuuuuuure. But wouldn't that mean Starsketch is our final scum, and not GC? All the scum PM clearly told us that they can't use a power AND kill at the same night. There is only one scum left. That scum killed matt. That would mean that he/she couldn't also use a power to frame Star during the night. That would mean Star is for certain our final scum. Yet you still think GC is our final scum. This makes no sense.


Damn I thought they'd try to kill me, thought the role claim would draw attention to me

-looks up-

Wait what the fuck

You actually have a role Star? Or are you just a ordinary that fake hinted at having a PR to try and get NK instead of our real PR? Also, don't pay to much attention to Swamped, a final scum that is cornered will to weird things.
...you know what, I'm not going to even waste time here.


  • we've had 2 cop role claims, one being swamped
  • I've already made myself suspicious - if she's the framer she doesn't need to use her role power, she just needs to claim I'm scum.
  • I'm town.
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