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GAF Mafia [Mafia] lOTl Should've Gone for Bagels...


Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's not get hasty here.
I apologize for my mostly non-posts, I've been really busy wrapping up Election Mafia, and I have an entire day of interviews to go through today (pray for me). I know, I know, Real Life(tm) - but I should have a lot more time after this afternoon.

(and yes, my list was a joke. It's bearly been a day, people).


I think fine points have been raised against you, but none of it means you're definitely scum. It just seems a bit too easy.

Sorian knows himself well enough to act like Town Sorian regardless of his actual alignment, so lacking any supporting evidence I can't give a read on him. His early aggression toward you is a bit uncharacteristic, but that could be symptomatic of this game's accelerated pace.

You could be two Townies butting heads, or one of you could be scum going for an early play. It's all very murky right now.

Hmm really? That looked like Sorian being Sorian to me

I'll address these two points and then move on so as to not be too meta. The difference you two are seeing is because Cthulhu was my first ever mafia game. I naturally talk a lot and can breed conversation but being new in Cthulhu made me hesitant in being too aggressive. Voting out Tucah was a repercussion of that because I chose to go after an inactive instead of really hunting scumminess. Once I got my feet wet and watched the community more, I got more confidence in my own reads which is where the more willingness to hunt scum down over little things comes from. My showing in NX and Election should show the natural progression of my thoughts and attitudes.

Fake edit: Okay, going back to gather my thoughts on other players I did notice that Sorian sort of ignored others who were doing exactly what he accuses Squidy of being guilty of. Voting without a reason, deflection, etc. but he doesn't question it. Tunneling too much?

Any examples of others doing the same thing? I'm aware that there are a lot of votes out for no reason but I'm ignoring votes based on prior games because they are haha so funny but don't really mean anything and otherwise, a lot of votes I've seen gone out made a lot of sense and I am watching how the votee responds and acts towards the voter. For example, Terra has been ignoring a decently reasoned vote from Matt (and others have used the same reasoning against him with no response). I notice it, I just wanted to apply pressure to squidy which has served its purpose of getting him to crack a bit and others to notice and comment.

Proposing chain-lynches in the early game because of OMGUS is like the most anti-town thing you could do (well except something really stupid like vigilante-kill the claimed cop or something)

Sorian seems like Sorian to me, tough that doesn't need to mean anything. Neutral and Scum Sorian also looked like Sorian, so that's that (Now that I think of it, I actually haven't seen Town Sorian yet)... The only thing I remember from sqidyj is his haly-gambit in Archer, so no metagame reads here. If it came to a late D1 thunderdome I probably would vote for Sorian, I guess? Because of his squidij role-fishing accusation that looks like he's trying to throw shade over nothing at someone. It's like 52%-48%. But don't quote me on this, any small suspicious remark could change this.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought the call for a chain lynch was stupid. Day 1 with no info: "hey guys, this person is hounding me, if I turn up town, they must be scum, kill them, avenge me!!!!!!" I feel like squidy should know better than this.

If it really matters, to see town Sorian in a prior game, you'd be able to look at Cthulhu day 1 and Election day 1.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's not get hasty here.
I apologize for my mostly non-posts, I've been really busy wrapping up Election Mafia, and I have an entire day of interviews to go through today (pray for me). I know, I know, Real Life(tm) - but I should have a lot more time after this afternoon.

(and yes, my list was a joke. It's bearly been a day, people).


This fucking guy.


I want real posts from the following: (this list is built from quiet people or people who have said all of like nothing)

Ouro - Real Life™

This list is just built from me looking at the front page list and thinking on what posts I remember from each player. I could be missing someone else coasting too but my point is, people are coasting and staying out of the talking points.

The list I made last night seemed to kind of get discussion. I'll give Ouro the real life card but leave him on the list. Terra and GC both did talk a bit last night but said so little that I don't feel like removing them (and I do enjoy pestering GC :D) and Star has just straight up ignored me in favor of being sarcastic instead of commenting on the proceedings so far. I was originally going to vote for Terra next to help apply the pressure because his odd defense of Swamped before she had even posted didn't sit right but other people are voting for him for that and I'm still waiting for him to answer so I'll do this instead.

VOTE: StarSketch

Maybe this can be some incentive to add your two cents to the thread.


Proposing chain-lynches in the early game because of OMGUS is like the most anti-town thing you could do (well except something really stupid like vigilante-kill the claimed cop or something)

I do kinda agree on chain lynches this early on being a bad idea, I'm not going to go in on Sorian just because squidyj hypothetically flips tourist. It's still too early to have a trend.

Also Sawneeks, thanks for the information and response. I still want to hear GC contribute something, since he's played relatively quiet so far. Do you have any strong insights here Charleston? Any major talking points you agree with, any you disagree with? Why?

VOTE: GreatCharleston



Awesome, you brought up some points I hadn't considered. I will say I think your thoughts on Matt Attack and Squijy being related are a little far fetched, but that's ok. I feel kind of weird keeping my vote on you now that you've replied to me.

I'm pretty curious what everyone except sorian thinks of me

and also what they think about sorian at this point, what they think of his play, and his arguments.

I could definitely see myself voting for you by the end of the day phase. I think Sorian's points are well explained and backed up (I also brought up some similar points about you before). Then again, this is D1, it's pretty easy to make anyone look scummy on D1 - whether it's intentional or not. I'm not committing my vote to you yet because I'd like to apply some pressure on others first.

Some people brought up some interesting points about Terra, and it would be great to hear more from him regarding those points.

VOTE: GreatCharleston

Dammit Coppa, I was going to vote for him! Well, two votes on him isn't doing anyone any harm. I see Sorian has also pinged StarSketch which is great, would love to see her contribute more.
I should probably clarify that I'm not opposed to voting for newbies D1 to apply pressure, but I won't vote to lynch then D1

VOTE: GreatCharleston


I do kinda agree on chain lynches this early on being a bad idea, I'm not going to go in on Sorian just because squidyj hypothetically flips tourist. It's still too early to have a trend.

Also Sawneeks, thanks for the information and response. I still want to hear GC contribute something, since he's played relatively quiet so far. Do you have any strong insights here Charleston? Any major talking points you agree with, any you disagree with? Why?

VOTE: GreatCharleston

If Squidyj flips town, I will probably go in on Sorian a bit more and he will rise in my suspicion list, but to immediately lynch him day 2 no matter what like Squidyj is proposing? That would be preeeety stupid, I agree.


This fucking guy.

I would totally modkill him for that remark ;)


If Squidyj flips town, I will probably go in on Sorian a bit more and he will rise in my suspicion list, but to immediately lynch him day 2 no matter what like Squidyj is proposing? That would be preeeety stupid, I agree.

The woes of being loud, when I'm right people love me, when I'm wrong people hate me (and vice-versa for scum team, they love when I'm wrong and hate when I'm right). That's fine though. I'll do what I do and deal with the fallout of my actions.


Awesome, you brought up some points I hadn't considered. I will say I think your thoughts on Matt Attack and Squijy being related are a little far fetched, but that's ok. I feel kind of weird keeping my vote on you now that you've replied to me.

To be very clear, I didn't come up with the idea of Matt and Squidy working together, and I agree that it's far fetched. Someone else called it a bandwagon, which I don't believe. I mostly say that it's worth keeping in mind because it COULD be important, but I think the chances of that are pretty low.

/shrug One vote doesn't bother me, especially since it was clearly a prod to get me talking more. I'm going to try to be more active this weekend.


If Squidyj flips town, I will probably go in on Sorian a bit more and he will rise in my suspicion list, but to immediately lynch him day 2 no matter what like Squidyj is proposing? That would be preeeety stupid, I agree.

Yeah, I don't think we want to go into any day (at least any time early on) with an obvious lynch candidate. It makes it way too easy for anyone else to be quiet and not show us anything, the only people that helps are the cultists. We should only go into days saying "Today we're going to lynch XXXXXXX for sure!" if we know 100% they're scum.

Dammit Coppa, I was going to vote for him! Well, two votes on him isn't doing anyone any harm. I see Sorian has also pinged StarSketch which is great, would love to see her contribute more.
I should probably clarify that I'm not opposed to voting for newbies D1 to apply pressure, but I won't vote to lynch then D1

Bandwagoning again?! Kidding, perfectly fine by me. If anything, more people voting on someone is just more pressure applied to talk.


Yeah, I don't think we want to go into any day (at least any time early on) with an obvious lynch candidate. It makes it way too easy for anyone else to be quiet and not show us anything, the only people that helps are the cultists. We should only go into days saying "Today we're going to lynch XXXXXXX for sure!" if we know 100% they're scum.

Old habits die hard :p

I agree though and I can use you as the perfect example. You were under the microscope for like 3 days in Cthulhu and you were ordinary town the whole time. My cult hid behind your lynch the entire time because as long as you were around, no one was seriously scum hunting anymore. Tunneling has always been my own biggest weakness and as time goes on, I've been trying to correct it and definitely hear outside opinions. I urge others not to fall into the same trap. It has always been town's downfall whenever they lose (that and trusting neutrals for far too long).


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Okay, so I only really skimied through the thread, so I missed Matt Attack's post the first time.

I completely understand why you would find my posts early in the day as odd. Looking back at it I had nothing to worry about, especially because there still would've needed to be 5 more votes before a majority could've been reached. I was caught off guard by how fast that wagon formed, especially so early in the day.

Now, assuming that the Google doc is up to date, it appears there have been a few who have yet to be voted for. So for the sake of making my vote usefull,(I'm starting to mellow out on Swamped) I'm going to vote for one of said people.


Remember, on day one everyone is just as likely to be scum as anyone else, so we can't leave any stone unturned.(this also means I don't consider anyone confirmed town, and I won't for quite a while.)


Now, assuming that the Google doc is up to date, it appears there have been a few who have yet to be voted for. So for the sake of making my vote usefull,(I'm starting to mellow out on Swamped) I'm going to vote for one of said people.


Remember, on day one everyone is just as likely to be scum as anyone else, so we can't leave any stone unturned.(this also means I don't consider anyone confirmed town, and I won't for quite a while.)

So, ehm, do you want me to explain something? Give my opinion on something? Or is this vote purely because I didn't had any yet? Because if your tactic to turn over some stones today is to vote for someone that didn't got any votes yet without asking him some questions, I don't think that will help us at all.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Oh shoot, I know I forgot something in that post.

Considering it's your only vote, What, specifically, makes you feel that squidy is scum?


If Squidyj flips town, I will probably go in on Sorian a bit more and he will rise in my suspicion list, but to immediately lynch him day 2 no matter what like Squidyj is proposing? That would be preeeety stupid, I agree.

I would totally modkill him for that remark ;)

I wouldn't normally say it but I don't like how Sorian has been conducting himself here.
I don't feel like Sorian is presenting evidence so much as narratives, he's telling you what he wants you to believe, not the things he thinks you should know. He narrows the focus onto a couple of events and tries to lead you to a conclusion there. He seems to want to ignore other things going on around him and is unwilling to entertain alternative explanations. Even viewed through the lens of an aggressive town there are things I very much do not like about what Sorian is doing.


Oh shoot, I know I forgot something in that post.

Considering it's your only vote, What, specifically, makes you feel that squidy is scum?

I first voted for Squidyj based on the wheel of RNG, at that time I didn't really suspected him (he didn't really did much back then, but to be fair, nobody really did). The thing that made me go: "hmm, maybe he really is scum?" was his reaction to the post of swamped. He immediately attacked it saying that "nothing sounded right about it". To be fair, the most was a bit weird, but I don't think a mafia player, who could plan and converse with his/her fellow scum before making a post, would make such a weird, stand out post so early in day 1 as swamped did. Yet Squidyj immediately jumped on it, almost like he wanted to see if he could get the back then more jokingly meant Swamped bandwagon to become a serious one.
Then there was the whole "starsketch is my most town player because her posts feel good" bit, because I looked back at all the posts star made (all 4 of them!) and I really don't see how anyone could get a "feeling from those, good or bad. They really don't have anything substantial in them.
Finally, him asking us for a Sorian lynch if we were to lynch him and he flipped town is also weird. Sure, I will look at Sorian a lot more suspicious if that happens, but to ask us to lynch Sorian no matter what in that situation? That's a bit much.

I know these aren't the strongest arguments every, but it is day 1, so it is all we have to work with.


I wouldn't normally say it but I don't like how Sorian has been conducting himself here.
I don't feel like Sorian is presenting evidence so much as narratives, he's telling you what he wants you to believe, not the things he thinks you should know. He narrows the focus onto a couple of events and tries to lead you to a conclusion there. He seems to want to ignore other things going on around him and is unwilling to entertain alternative explanations. Even viewed through the lens of an aggressive town there are things I very much do not like about what Sorian is doing.

Is your intention here to call me scum or to defend yourself by painting me in a bad light? Because if it is the latter then fair enough but if it is the former then I'm curious why you haven't voted for me yet considering you've had a natural progression on me so far starting from aggressive but trustworthy townie to shifty #falsehopeleader.

In regards to what you are saying though, I feel like this is what everyone always calls me out on. I'm sorry to say but I'd love to see where you could possibly think I am tunneling or not listening to alternative explanations. I'm pushing people that I find shady and seeing what comes of it. I find it doubly interesting that you would even bring up alternative explanations because you yourself asked what people thought about me and you and multiple people seem to agree that something is weird here (sorry there were so many posts that I got tired of linking each one) so I can't really say I'm tunneling when other people see it too.

I don't even know what to say to the narrative comment. It's day 1 and not much is going on, I cause drama which causes more to happen. I cause drama by picking at something small and seeing who it agitates. All in the game yo, I thought you made the weirdest early statement and I jumped at it to see what would happen, I expected a very different type of defense than what I got and now my base suspicion for you has grown.


I'm just happy I got the job.
I'll read over stuff when I get home. :)


And you celebrate by voting on Sorian? I guess we all have our own way to show we are happy!


Hi guys, so nice to finally meet you all. Makai really does have fat cheeks. Wait, what do you mean he's not in this game? WHO DO I DIRECT MY D1 AGGRESSION TOWARDS???

Well. I suppose it's heart-warming to know I've garnered enough 'fans' from my DR antics. If i get two more votes on me i promise to rat out my mafia buddies.

Also, let's not lynch StarSketch D1. Mafia, i ask that you don't kill her N1.

I apologize for killing you
but it was really fun. You died a slow death
. So did you pick me because of DR, or RNG? Surely it can't be both.

Killlll joyyyyy :p Stop annoying the following people: Sawneeks, Scrafty, Launchpad (especially Launchpad lol).

So...who should i vote for? I could vote Splinter for the exact same reason he voted me. But I think I'm going to start with someone who hasn't said much yet.


I'm going to go through what's been said in more detail once I'm on my desktop. I've just skimmed through so far.
I think this is the swamped post that everyone has a problem with, particularly the bolded? Well, the bolded was directed to me, and it makes sense to me.

Case closed

Although that last line is a paraphrasing of "I'll post reads tomorrow guys" (lol)


I think this is the swamped post that everyone has a problem with, particularly the bolded? Well, the bolded was directed to me, and it makes sense to me.

Case closed

Although that last line is a paraphrasing of "I'll post reads tomorrow guys" (lol)

Honestly, the issue I found with it at the time was the StarSketch defense which means less to me now since we've already gone down the route of arguing about whether its fair to new players to vote them day 1. She did call out a lot of names at once but I know that there has been some DR reunion moments going on in here. I had my vote on her at the time and her opening post wasn't enough to get me to go somewhere else so I pressed some more. She did give a lol I'll post reads later but she did actually post reads later, I had already moved my vote off of her by then but I saw nothing weird about her reads or her reactions so far.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
I first voted for Squidyj based on the wheel of RNG, at that time I didn't really suspected him (he didn't really did much back then, but to be fair, nobody really did). The thing that made me go: "hmm, maybe he really is scum?" was his reaction to the post of swamped. He immediately attacked it saying that "nothing sounded right about it". To be fair, the most was a bit weird, but I don't think a mafia player, who could plan and converse with his/her fellow scum before making a post, would make such a weird, stand out post so early in day 1 as swamped did. Yet Squidyj immediately jumped on it, almost like he wanted to see if he could get the back then more jokingly meant Swamped bandwagon to become a serious one.
Then there was the whole "starsketch is my most town player because her posts feel good" bit, because I looked back at all the posts star made (all 4 of them!) and I really don't see how anyone could get a "feeling from those, good or bad. They really don't have anything substantial in them.
Finally, him asking us for a Sorian lynch if we were to lynch him and he flipped town is also weird. Sure, I will look at Sorian a lot more suspicious if that happens, but to ask us to lynch Sorian no matter what in that situation? That's a bit much.

I know these aren't the strongest arguments every, but it is day 1, so it is all we have to work with.
Those... Are actually some interesting points. I agree with you on your day one point as well. With day one we don't really have anything to work with, so when there is logical and consistent thinking it is encouraging. With that in mind, I think I'll move on for now.

VOTE:Rata Off To Ya

You don't have any votes posted, so I'm curious as to what you think of the current status of the game.
Also, if you had to vote someone RIGHT NOW, who would it be?


So here's a question for the audience, what do you think the mafia behaviour would be if Sorian and I are two town?
if Sorian is scum?
if I'm scum?


So here's a question for the audience, what do you think the mafia behaviour would be if Sorian and I are two town?
if Sorian is scum?
if I'm scum?

I'd like the both of us to answer this question later as well, if you don't mind. But yes, I think audience participation is a must first.


Okay, so I only really skimied through the thread, so I missed Matt Attack's post the first time.

I completely understand why you would find my posts early in the day as odd. Looking back at it I had nothing to worry about, especially because there still would've needed to be 5 more votes before a majority could've been reached. I was caught off guard by how fast that wagon formed, especially so early in the day.

Now, assuming that the Google doc is up to date, it appears there have been a few who have yet to be voted for. So for the sake of making my vote usefull,(I'm starting to mellow out on Swamped) I'm going to vote for one of said people.


Remember, on day one everyone is just as likely to be scum as anyone else, so we can't leave any stone unturned.(this also means I don't consider anyone confirmed town, and I won't for quite a while.)
Terrabyte getting scummier and scummier.

Defending his early post on post Swampwagon. Fair I guess but I don't think that post becomes interesting until after you flip scum.

"Starting to mellow" on an RNG vote is weird. RNG seems like a pretty mellow position to begin with.

Votes for Roy to apply pressure while saying "HEY ROY DONT WORRY THIS VOTE IS JUST TO APPLY 'PRESSURE'" (it doesn't work like that).

Finally "I'm going to remember not to label anyone confirmed town... even though I know you're all town because I'm scum"

Actually, where did I leave my vote?
I think Rats did an adequate job of defending himself last night, but if his silence persists into the coming days then we should start thinking more deeply about him.

As of right now, I must admit that I am quite curious about this whole Sorian scenario. From my experience, goody-goody Sorian and bad boy mafia Sorian have very little difference in posting style, so searching for tells is going to be quite the delicate operation. I'm between him and squiddy-poo for my vote as of right now.


Oh Ouro had it. That was just a 'good luck' vote, obviously

VOTE: Terrabyte20xx

Side note: "I am voting to apply pressure" is dumb and going forward I'll be counter-voting anyone that says it.


Sorian, m8, you've got almost twice as many posts as the next person.

I won't tell you to slow down, but be cognizant of it.

I'm one of the suspects so I'm sorry but we're going to have to deal for now :/

I padded my post count a lot before the game started too because I didn't actually think I'd be participating in this game.


I think Rats did an adequate job of defending himself last night, but if his silence persists into the coming days then we should start thinking more deeply about him.

As of right now, I must admit that I am quite curious about this whole Sorian scenario. From my experience, goody-goody Sorian and bad boy mafia Sorian have very little difference in posting style, so searching for tells is going to be quite the delicate operation. I'm between him and squiddy-poo for my vote as of right now.
Interesting, even Sorian disagreed with that (based on past performances at least)


Oh Ouro had it. That was just a 'good luck' vote, obviously

VOTE: Terrabyte20xx

Side note: "I am voting to apply pressure" is dumb and going forward I'll be counter-voting anyone that says it.

Might as well just vote for me now, my vote is always there to apply pressure until near the end of the day.

Interesting, even Sorian disagreed with that (based on past performances at least)

Actually no, I'm very much aware that scum Sorian and town Sorian are nigh interchangeable, I actually pride myself on that fact. What I disagreed with earlier is the thought that aggression was a sign of anything. The purpose of my earlier post was to point out that, as I've gotten more used to this game and this community, I've become more confident which has translated to me being more aggressive when I'm dogging people.

I don't understand the question

You also missed "both are scum"

The question is, how would scum react to me and squidy in each of those scenarios?

I did notice he forgot if both of us are scum but I think it's pretty safe to say there are 3 scum and if both me and squidy were scum the third teammate would be staying as far away as humanly possible from these two wankers that they were unlucky enough to get as teammates.

Fair enough. Carry on.

17 posts before the game started. I'm so sorry. I promise I am biting my tongue and letting a few posts pile up before I reply to everything.





VOTE: Ourobolus
for what he has done to me


Yeaahhh, going back and reading it I should have been clearer with the question. BUT it worked out in the end because we lynched the despair mimic soooo it's a win in my book!

Any examples of others doing the same thing? I'm aware that there are a lot of votes out for no reason but I'm ignoring votes based on prior games because they are haha so funny but don't really mean anything and otherwise, a lot of votes I've seen gone out made a lot of sense and I am watching how the votee responds and acts towards the voter. For example, Terra has been ignoring a decently reasoned vote from Matt (and others have used the same reasoning against him with no response). I notice it, I just wanted to apply pressure to squidy which has served its purpose of getting him to crack a bit and others to notice and comment.

Terra is definitely weird but the two things I'm talking about are Scrafty ( which I mentioned in my post ) and Matt's vote against Terra here. Almost everyone that early on gave a reason for their first vote ( RNG or past game grudges ) but Matt did not and his vote went uncontested. It wasn't until people started asking for thoughts did he give the meaning behind his Terra vote. It wasn't as blatant as Squidy voting for Swamped but it still falls under the 'vote with no real explanation' banner.

I'm just happy I got the job.
I'll read over stuff when I get home. :)

Congratulations Ouro! :D


So here's a question for the audience, what do you think the mafia behaviour would be if Sorian and I are two town?
if Sorian is scum?
if I'm scum?

I think I am probably in the best position to answer the first question, since I was scum in NX and with kark/launch we pretty much had the EXACT scenario of two townies going pretty aggressively against each other. What I did there was choose a side (Launch in my case), support him, agreeing that Kark was indeed suspicious, but never be one of the more vocal persons against Kark. This way, after Kark was lynched and flipped town, I wouldn't be the one that got the most blame, and if Launch got the blame during day 2 and got lynched followed by a town flip, I could point to that and say: see! I was right, Launch was town!.
VOTE:Rata Off To Ya

You don't have any votes posted, so I'm curious as to what you think of the current status of the game.
Also, if you had to vote someone RIGHT NOW, who would it be?

Not a whole lot is jumping out at me. So far it's been a lot of early-game feeling out, wherein scum is mostly indistinguishable from Town. I commented on the Sorian/squidy thing, which is kinda the only thing of note to comment on. The immediate pile on swamped was kinda weird, but it was so early and so obvious that I don't think it's much a scum tell. I wouldn't say they're all necessarily Town, either.

Splinter's been standing out, lots of aggression. Could be overcompensating, or it could just be his style.

I really don't have a strong feeling on anybody right now, sorry. I'm not the type to play around with my vote; when I put one down, it tends to stay there. It's not quite the time to make that commitment, but I promise you I will commit before the day is over.


Might as well just vote for me now, my vote is always there to apply pressure until near the end of the day.
If someone won't give a satisfactory response without you voting them, that's further reason to be suspicious. By voting of the bat you skip the opportunity to see their "unpressured" response.

Also when it's obvious that it's purely for pressure it doesn't apply pressure at all, so you might as well not have bothered. Remember Hyper's comment about you in the election scum chat? "Just answer and he'll move on". You have devalued your vote already.

Just my 2 pence... but bear in mind that's like 3 or 4 cents, so...


Terra is definitely weird but the two things I'm talking about are Scrafty ( which I mentioned in my post ) and Matt's vote against Terra here. Almost everyone that early on gave a reason for their first vote ( RNG or past game grudges ) but Matt did not and his vote went uncontested. It wasn't until people started asking for thoughts did he give the meaning behind his Terra vote. It wasn't as blatant as Squidy voting for Swamped but it still falls under the 'vote with no real explanation' banner.

Fair, I'll be honest and say that I did let these two fly past when I did ding Squidy for them (Squidy got dinged for these in addition to other points though). Matt's vote read as applying stronger pressure to Terra at the time. I already know that he think similar to me that votes tend to get people talking and that vote was so early that I saw it less as bandwagon and more as "let's give Terra more reason to respond" it happened to work out that Terra did something weird later that made Matt keep his vote there, kind of like how Swamped did something weird that made me hold my vote even though it got placed on her specifically because I was waiting for her to post.

As for Scrafty, she's rough for me. From a fun perspective, I love her accents but as a player, it makes her super hard to read. I fully admit that it's hard for me to go after her just based on pure reads because it's hard to distinguish what is her setting her flavor and what are her real thoughts. She is more the type of person I would nail down after I start seeing players flip and start making connections that way.


If someone won't give a satisfactory response without you voting them, that's further reason to be suspicious. By voting of the bat you skip the opportunity to see their "unpressured" response.

Also when it's obvious that it's purely for pressure it doesn't apply pressure at all, so you might as well not have bothered. Remember Hyper's comment about you in the election scum chat? "Just answer and he'll move on". You have devalued your vote already.

Just my 2 pence... but bear in mind that's like 3 or 4 cents, so...

He actually said "just answer with a holeless defense." He knows that if I see something I will keep picking at it until it rips open. Plus, sure, answer and I move on. All I need is an answer, the more someone talks, the easier the lies are to spot. Even if you think you are giving a useless scripted answer, it's still something to compare with later.
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