You haven't posted your daily limits El Topo, how do we know you are just a day killing doctor with 3 lives? Seem awful confident.
Minimal post quota to avoid that problem.
You haven't posted your daily limits El Topo, how do we know you are just a day killing doctor with 3 lives? Seem awful confident.
KATHWACK: HalyI had this crazy idea for RPG mafia where town gets to post quests for adventurers who can level up and need a certain amount of attack power to defeat the Dragon lich mafia.
That's my thing. Too much craziness. We need normal games.
I had this crazy idea for RPG mafia where town gets to post quests for adventurers who can level up and need a certain amount of attack power to defeat the Dragon lich mafia.
Yeah put me down for one of those when I'm done moderating/mentoring.I just want to play vanilla mafia with classic roles (only like 3-4 max).
I just want to play vanilla mafia with classic roles (only like 3-4 max).
Part of the problem is game size. With 23 players, only having 4 power roles means there are a ton of generics. I don't particularly mind being Ordinary, but some people seem to.
Anything I host will be fairly mundane. Similar to Crab's first game. All roles would be pre-existing from the wikis.
15 mins til the ONUW madness begins anew.
After spending too much time working on my video that should have been spent actually working, there is no way I'm not running a Rick and Morty themed game next season.
I'm not saying ONLY vanilla games. I'm just saying fewer crazy games. I'm making assumptions about Archer, but I'm alright with our current spread of games. I'm just worried that there are a dozen game ideas being thrown out, and very few of them sound vanilla.
The current community seems to run the full gambit on how vanilla to crazy they want the game they participate in to be. I have faith that things will balance out. The games that sound super crazy right now will be pushed more towards vanilla once the person making it sits down with someone else and they discuss balancing. Some crazy ideas just can't work because they end up being broken.
I'm just going to let Sorian keep posting in the ONUW spectator thread.
Here's my phone number in case you want to wiretap me to check my activity.
Here's my phone number in case you want to wiretap me to check my activity.
Wait... that's my phone number.
Not good enough Haly, need you to to step up and pop on some google glass and stream that shit so we always know where you are and what you're doing.
Not good enough Haly, need you to to step up and pop on some google glass and stream that shit so we always know where you are and what you're doing.
Still alone, Sorian?
Sorian should stream ONUW on Twitch. It would be more interesting than Cthulhu right now.
am I allowed to join this spectator chat?
Mazre said:Also since others were posting gaming IDs
I want to spectate the madness.
Wait, has ONUW started?
Someone give me a summary of wtf happened.