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GAF Running Club |OT| - Couch to Marathons, All abilities


<--- Has first Half Marathon coming up this Sunday
Comes down with wicked head/chest cold today


I'm completing that damn thing no matter what. Cold be dammed.
My legs used to hurt like hell when I started running. I'm talking "Oh my god something is wrong!" kind of pain. It got better and better until it went away altogether. Running really puts a strain on your body so you have be patient and allow it time to adjust.

Stop stretching. Stretching is pretty much a placebo. Just take a fast walk before your run and another walk after.

Shorten your stride. See a few tutorials about proper running form. It's actually pretty simple to achieve.

And above all run slow. 2/3 of the distance you run should be at a pace that allows you to easily keep a conversation going.

Thanks, this is pretty reassuring. I think I was mostly expecting to be able to do more from the outset, I guess. I'm just going to focus on increasing my form and fitness over attempting to run longer distances gradually. At least until I start recovering quicker.

Thanks man.


Thanks, this is pretty reassuring. I think I was mostly expecting to be able to do more from the outset, I guess. I'm just going to focus on increasing my form and fitness over attempting to run longer distances gradually. At least until I start recovering quicker.

Thanks man.
This is only my first year running, but I've been at it consistently since January. My biggest takeaway is that your body is constantly adapting as you progress which means you need to let it recover. Getting over the fear of losing progress due to taking days off was my biggest hurdle.

After a wicked IT band issue, I forced myself to not run until it disappeared. Took 3 weeks of zero running with some light cycling (to keep the cardio up). Came back to running and it was almost like it never happened. Worth it!

Also, cycling really helped me recover but still get a workout in at the same cadence. I highly recommend it!


Just discovered that the predicted weather for the Sunday morning half is 30 degrees. I have no idea what to even wear in that weather. I always run in shorts and a tech shirt...



Just discovered that the predicted weather for the Sunday morning half is 30 degrees. I have no idea what to even wear in that weather. I always run in shorts and a tech shirt...


Target has a line of thermal wear. Worked well enough for the bf, though you should try it out ASAP to make sure it won't be more trouble than it's worth.


Just discovered that the predicted weather for the Sunday morning half is 30 degrees. I have no idea what to even wear in that weather. I always run in shorts and a tech shirt...

Hands and head lose a lot of heat in cold weather, gloves and hat help.

Long sleeve and/or tights could be good too, but like Zoe said, maybe give it a try first if you get a chance. It's easy to overdo it and to end up running too hot. Humidity changes things as well.


Target has a line of thermal wear. Worked well enough for the bf, though you should try it out ASAP to make sure it won't be more trouble than it's worth.

Hands and head lose a lot of heat in cold weather, gloves and hat help.

Long sleeve and/or tights could be good too, but like Zoe said, maybe give it a try first if you get a chance. It's easy to overdo it and to end up running too hot. Humidity changes things as well.

Just got back from my first 5K. I wanted to finish it in around half an hour, and I ended up at 29 minutes, so that was good. I'm halfway through 10K training, so I wasn't really worried about the distance.

I didn't sleep much last night and was mildly hung over, so it was a pretty bad experience. My pace was all over the place because I kept worrying I wasnt going fast enough and then I would go faster and get nacuous from the hangover, so that sucked. Maintaining a solid pace is definitely something I need to work on for longer races.

It was a pretty bad experience in the moment, but I hit my goal and learned a lot for the future, so that was cool. I've been lurking here since I started a couple of months ago, and learned a lot from it, so thanks guys.


First Half went roughly a expected. Recovering from a head & chest cold certainly made breathing much harder. Many thanks for the cold weather gear feedback. Made such a huge difference!

Anyways, 1:58:00. My goal was to get under 2, so mission accomplished. Plenty of room for improvement.


Brrr, after spending so long acclimating to the upper 90's, I need to get used to the "cold"
weather again.
Just got back from my half and it went about as good as I could honestly expect it to be, satisfied with my time of 2:10 and see lots of room for improvement which will come in time by getting stronger and faster. Still finished in top 45% for the Golden Gate Half- which was filled with tons of hills and elevation changes.

All this and I had a nasty cold last night that I was worried was going to persist through the run. Luckily it didn't. So stoked!


Ran my first marathon on Saturday and was happy to reach my goal of sub 4 hours with a time of 3:50:33.

I ended up bring my camelback and was definitely happy to not have to worry about dealing with the congestion at water stations.

Now I have to figure out what my running schedule will be. I hate to lose the ability to run a marathon, but my next set of races will be to 5-14-mile obstacle course races. So there really isn't a reason to keep the same mileage.


Can you guys help explain what the fuck happened to me? =/

I hadn't run for a LONG, LONG time and I decided to run up this giant fucking hill outside my place back in like, May or something. I can't even remember.

It was a cold night and I hit that shit really hard.

The next morning my voice became extremely hoarse and I was coughing NON-STOP.

The weird sounding voice eventually went away, but I am still. Fucking. Coughing. MONTHS later.

Now don't get me wrong, the cough is nowhere near as bad as it was in that first week, but dear lord is it fucking annoying. Every minute or so I feel like my chest is imploding, and it's difficult to speak sometimes. I'm not in pain or anything, it's just extremely bothersome, and I'm someone who hasn't been to the doctor in years and hates going (I'm currently in the process of getting my health insurance sorted out so I can finally go).

Did I make some noob running mistake on running out in the cold? Will I be coughing for the rest of my life? Did going on that run uncover a deeper rooted health issue?


Did I make some noob running mistake on running out in the cold? Will I be coughing for the rest of my life? Did going on that run uncover a deeper rooted health issue?

This doesn't make any sense to me. I'm no doctor, but there HAS to be something else going on. I would see a doctor as soon as you can afford to.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I'm finally, slowly, getting back into running. I started preparing for a 18K obstacle run early this year, ran it in april and everything seemed fine, but afterwards when I tried a short run again my right knee didn't feel too good. Then I lost motivation for a while. I did get back into squash so I decided to take it easy for a while since that's pretty taxing on the knees too. I've begun running again three weeks ago, once a week, 5-6K max. with 2-3 breaks in between So far no pain in the knee. I'm trying to take it really slow, both in the amount of times I go running and the top speed I'm going for, I'd hate to end up with an injury again.


Did I make some noob running mistake on running out in the cold? Will I be coughing for the rest of my life? Did going on that run uncover a deeper rooted health issue?

I have no input from the running side as I'm a total noob, but it really could be anything. With coughs that last over 2 weeks you've always got to see the doctor - catching certain stuff early can make all the difference.

tl;dr regarding my own persistent cough:
I had a similar nagging cough last over 3 months before I caved and tried to do something about it. I was told by my GP that basically there was some nasty shit going around and it'd be best to let my body just fight it off naturally. Not very helpful. Months later, with recurring problems each time one of us picked up a little cold, I'd be the one left tired, aching, coughing and wheezing when the others were fit and well. Being self-employed this fucked over my financial position no end.

It was only recently I discovered I have previously undiagnosed allergies, pinpointed after attempting to find possible causes for some alarming blood pressure readings after a post-40 routine health check. Peanuts and celeries - my health kick involved ingredients that were poisoning me daily and heightening the effects of minor illnesses (and apparently intense exercise exacerbated some of the issues).

As for running, my little daily dash back from dropping my son off at school has somehow ended up with me running 10 miles for what must be the first time in my life the other week. Still only doing it for something to do, enjoying it, but would love for any similar not-at-all-leet runners to join the Strava GAF group Andrew (sorry, forgot GAF username) created, just for a bit of activity there.
Just received my first sports massage at Massage Envy earlier as part of recovery week and all I have to say is- I'm an idiot for not trying it earlier.

Anyone else get massages to help soothe their muscles when training?

Also just joined the Strava group.


Don't think I can join the strava thing as of right now being on pos nike+. My watch is about to die though, thinking of picking up a forerunner, will join then.

@Red: gj on the semi btw! :D

Edit: joined the thingy, won't be able to post runs for a while probably.

Edit2: ended up looking up an export tool, uploaded a bunch of GPS data. Their estimates are a little weird compared to nike's. Strava seems a lot more generous on longer distances, and a little stingy/harsh on shorter ones.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Top of my right foot hurts while running. It's the foot I injured in July doing on 14 mile walk in improper socks. Should I just soak it after running or are there better alternatives?


My podiatrist recommended some insoles as I over pronate, I tried them underneath the proper sole of my running shoe while I was with her. But now I've got them, should I have them on top or underneath the sole of my running shoes?

My wife is convinced that they should be on the top as I'm supposed to move the insole support around into my other shoes and that's not feasible if I need to keep taking it out from under my main insole. On the other hand, the insole support is plastic and I can't see it being nice to have your feet on compared to the fabric of the original insole.


My brother told me about parkrun recently, called me last night to say he was doing the one near me this morning. Gave it a go, attempted to keep up with him, failed by about 20s over the 5k :) Was surprised to see 100s of people there, although tbh I didn't know what to expect never having done one and with such terrible weather.

Was a ton of fun despite not knowing what would be around the next corner or how to attempt to pace myself. Lots of mud, puddles, leaves and people of all abilities doing their thing. Don't think it'll be my last one.

And nice to see more people join the GAF strava group.


My brother told me about parkrun recently, called me last night to say he was doing the one near me this morning. Gave it a go, attempted to keep up with him, failed by about 20s over the 5k :) Was surprised to see 100s of people there, although tbh I didn't know what to expect never having done one and with such terrible weather.

Was a ton of fun despite not knowing what would be around the next corner or how to attempt to pace myself. Lots of mud, puddles, leaves and people of all abilities doing their thing. Don't think it'll be my last one.

And nice to see more people join the GAF strava group.

Yep, Parkrun is really addictive and a nice idea.
With the sun setting around 4:15 these days in MA, I just purchased a Black Diamond Spot headlamp. Looking forward to trying it out a bit later when the wife gets home! Night running go go go!


Zevenheuvelenloop coming up tomorrow, 15km. Looks like it's gonna be a wet day tomorrow. Temperature should be good for running though. First time I'm doing that event so I'll see how things go.


In my infinite wisdom, I just spent four hours walking around a hard convention floor the day before a half marathon. Oh well :lol


So awesome.


Today went quite alright. Did the 15km in 1:14:07. Weather conditions were pretty bad, strong wind, rain and chilly overall. And well it's a course that consists of several hills (the translation of the event would be "Seven Hills Run") so my legs really started to feel it nearing the end. Luckily the last 2km is only downwards.


The ONE day it rains in Vegas, it rains during the start of our race. Brutal winds throughout as well, particularly during the second half.
Well, the good news is my legs and calves recover nicely between runs (and by runs I mean run/walk/jog/walk etc) and I've been making what I'd call decent progress in my ability to actually run for longer, though I have only been running for about 1.5 months now. The bad news is my right knee is fucked. I was finishing a run last week and my route finishes up some stairs. There was no one moment of pain but that was the first time I realized that I had a slight ache in my right knee. So, I did what I thought was smart - nothing. 4 days later, I'm feeling fine and a friend asks if I want to go for a jog. Again, I'm ok for about 50% of the distance, but the ache grows and towards the end I'm limping a decent amount. That was 3 days ago and I've been walking with a limp. Not really due to pain, but occasionally a step will cause discomfort and so I end up compensating 100% of the time for something might happen 1 in 10 steps. I've no intention of doing anything whatsoever until it feels better (and probably for a little while after that, just to be sure) but I am wondering if anyone else has had to put up with anything similar, and what you guys might have done. I'm hoping it's just tendinitis and all I've got to do is take it easy for a week or two.

TLDR: New to running, develop a "knee ache" in one leg only. Not so much a pain, more of a discomfort that's completely stopped me running. Don't expect it's anything terrible, just looking for any advice.
Well, the good news is my legs and calves recover nicely between runs (and by runs I mean run/walk/jog/walk etc) and I've been making what I'd call decent progress in my ability to actually run for longer, though I have only been running for about 1.5 months now. The bad news is my right knee is fucked. I was finishing a run last week and my route finishes up some stairs. There was no one moment of pain but that was the first time I realized that I had a slight ache in my right knee. So, I did what I thought was smart - nothing. 4 days later, I'm feeling fine and a friend asks if I want to go for a jog. Again, I'm ok for about 50% of the distance, but the ache grows and towards the end I'm limping a decent amount. That was 3 days ago and I've been walking with a limp. Not really due to pain, but occasionally a step will cause discomfort and so I end up compensating 100% of the time for something might happen 1 in 10 steps. I've no intention of doing anything whatsoever until it feels better (and probably for a little while after that, just to be sure) but I am wondering if anyone else has had to put up with anything similar, and what you guys might have done. I'm hoping it's just tendinitis and all I've got to do is take it easy for a week or two.

TLDR: New to running, develop a "knee ache" in one leg only. Not so much a pain, more of a discomfort that's completely stopped me running. Don't expect it's anything terrible, just looking for any advice.

Build up your core muscles, do interval running for a while. You can shorten your runs, then slowly work up to longer distances. That's what I did after I tore a meniscus in my right knee. Cycling and using elliptical machines at the gym are also good ways to do cardio without putting pressure on your knees.
How much if you don't mind my asking?

Also, what do you all wear for cold weather running gear? I'm wanting to pick up some gloves and maybe a balaclava. I've found tons of stuff, but before I drop 30-80 bucks I'm curious to know what you guys have had good experiences with.

Super cheap, actually. 30 bucks on Amazon.

For winter stuff, it depends how cold it is. I wear some medium weight Asics gloves most of the time when it is cold, then layer from there. I mix and match the following usually: underarmor compression shirt for really cold days, a long sleeve moisture wicking top, a performance fleece half zip, and a wind-blocking full shell. Warm hat is a must. I use some Nike running pants that aren't tights but are close. I have a pair of tights to wear under if it's really cold. And Yaktrax for the snow!


Good luck on the run and do your best to enjoy it. I have great memories of my first marathon :)

I got out to Panola Mt, just south of Atlanta this morning. Little over 8 super hilly miles, but it's so great getting away from everything. Plus the leaves changing makes the runs super picturesque.


I have one week left to decide if I want to run a marathon. I have no idea if I even want to but the thought of having done it keeps nagging at me.


First snow of season fell last night. Should provide a decent challenge when I go through the forest part of my route later this morning.
Thanks, dude.

Currently setting up a heavy playlist. Hoping to shit a couple more times. Gonna try to get to bed at a decent hour.

If I die, I've enjoyed my time here, even with all the assholes and dummies.

Best of luck! Enjoy your race and try not to die :)

Awesome, good luck! Still never done a marathon.

I have one week left to decide if I want to run a marathon. I have no idea if I even want to but the thought of having done it keeps nagging at me.

Never done a marathon either, but I'm considering signing up for a half-marathon this February, and the prospect of doing a full marathon a month later is very tempting.
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