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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Patrick Bateman said:
It's somewhat relevant to this thread, so I post it. It's a video of a speech from a delegate of the German Green Party adressing the idiotic babble of the Nazi party, who intend to make everyone speak more "clean" German than the mixture of German and English, called Denglisch.

I can't say I would support NPD if was german, but they're clearly right about Denglisch.
volturnus said:
I can't say I would support NPD if was german, but they're clearly right about Denglisch.

Watch the video and you'll think else about it. The thing is that even what most people consider as "Hochdeutsch" is heavily influenced by English, French, Italian, Scandinavian, Eastern European languages, Hebrew and many more. It's the stupidity of the NPD to say that German becomes a mixture of languages NOW.
Patrick Bateman said:
It's somewhat relevant to this thread, so I post it. It's a video of a speech from a delegate of the German Green Party adressing the idiotic babble of the Nazi party, who intend to make everyone speak more "clean" German than the mixture of German and English, called Denglisch.


his general gist was; "who cares if we take words like 'Download' and 'Computer' , when our language has been just as much transmuted through 'various examples' "

yeah? he was speaking really fast T_T

FUCK can someone give me a quick and dirty transcript of the first 20 seconds? where he just shoots lightning out of his mouth, when i can't understand speech like that i transcribe it and listen to it a bunch of times. but that opening part is just straight Blitz; soweit 'sie merken die antrage zu spät Stunde jetzt...........zu rechnen"


the piano man
weisst jemand ob morgen (also, dienstag) ein feiertag in Bremen ist??

ich sollte eigentlich zur Uni gehen, jetzt bin ich aber nicht sicher ob die Vorlesungen stattfinden..


Alpha-Bromega said:
eine grosse Auffordung; Kennen sie irgend Deutsche Sprache forums? nämlich Videospiel oder Mediatheke sowie Gaf... würde ich akzeptiert werden, zumal ich nicht ein Deutsch bin?
Leider kenne ich nur sehr wenige deutsche Foren dieser Art, aber vielleicht kannst du ja etwas mit meinen Vorschlägen anfangen.

You should take a look at Nexgam, a forum dedicated to video games in all their forms. Other media is also discussed there.

The only other forum I know (but that I no longer visit) is Multimediaxis. There are many jRPG and Anime fans there, but there are also some general media and games discussions.

If you visit Nexgam, be aware that many users don't really care much for correct grammar and spelling. I don't know why it's that way but Nexgam is especially "dangerous" in that regard. It's friendly and welcoming though :)

Alpha-Bromega said:
FUCK can someone give me a quick and dirty transcript of the first 20 seconds? where he just shoots lightning out of his mouth, when i can't understand speech like that i transcribe it and listen to it a bunch of times. but that opening part is just straight Blitz; soweit 'sie merken die antrage zu spät Stunde jetzt...........zu rechnen"
"Ja, Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Sie merken, der Antrag zu später Stunde sorgt jetzt schon für 'ne gewisse Heiterkeit und das auch zu Recht. Die NPD im sächsischen Landtag hat den Antrag gestellt auf Anglizismen, insbesondere aus den letzten Jahren und Jahrzehnten, zu verzichten und zu diesem Zwecke für die Verwaltung ein Handbuch erstellen zu lassen."

Is that enough? It's the first 20 seconds exactly.

EDIT: typo.
danke!!! ich probiere gerade die Foren

ich freue mich über, dass ich meistens die richtige worte ausgeschrieben habe. Kannte ich doch nicht ein paar worte; weder Sächsischen (ich schrieb 60) oder Anglizismen habe ich gehört.

Ich habe nur bis die 1:10 minute geschrieben, es word für mich ganz zu schwierig... er spricht wirklich wie Blitz
Alpha-Bromega said:
his general gist was; "who cares if we take words like 'Download' and 'Computer' , when our language has been just as much transmuted through 'various examples' "

yeah? he was speaking really fast T_T

FUCK can someone give me a quick and dirty transcript of the first 20 seconds? where he just shoots lightning out of his mouth, when i can't understand speech like that i transcribe it and listen to it a bunch of times. but that opening part is just straight Blitz; soweit 'sie merken die antrage zu spät Stunde jetzt...........zu rechnen"

Just got around to watching the video and holy crap does that guy talk fast. He needs to calm down. -_-
"Erpressung, Lügen und Festklammern an der Macht"

Can someone help me translate that Sentence.

Blackmail, Lies, and ?

Festklammern mean to clip or clamp on? And "an der Macht" doesn't make sense to me. On the make? Does it just mean like accusations?


Confirmed Asshole
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
"Erpressung, Lügen und Festklammern an der Macht"

Can someone help me translate that Sentence.

Blackmail, Lies, and ?

Festklammern mean to clip or clamp on? And "an der Macht" doesn't make sense to me. On the make? Does it just mean like accusations?
The ? means "holding on to power". Festklammern is a desperate clinging to something. "Er klammerte sich verzweifelt mit einer Hand an der rutschigen Kante fest, um nicht in die brodelnde Lava zu fallen." Macht is might, or power.
wolfmat said:
The ? means "holding on to power". Festklammern is a desperate clinging to something. Macht is might, or power.

Ah, whoops. I didn't notice Macht was capitalized so I thought it was just the conjugation of machen. That makes sense then. Thanks.
I have another question, I went to do my laundry and the person said something along "waschmagen" for the coins you put in the machine to wash or dry your clothes. Does magen just mean coin or something else? I've always said coins/muenze and I never heard waschmagen until today so I was just curious. Thanks!


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
I have another question, I went to do my laundry and the person said something along "waschmagen" for the coins you put in the machine to wash or dry your clothes. Does magen just mean coin or something else? I've always said coins/muenze and I never heard waschmagen until today so I was just curious. Thanks!

He was referring to "Waschmarken" which would be "laundry coins". "Marke" (singular) and "Marken" (plural) kann also mean "badge" though. And there is even another meaning for those two which would be "brand" and "brands".

Deutsch macht Spass ! :p
I've never heard that before. What I could think of is that it might be "Waschmarke".

Google gives me results that this might be the word you are looking for. A "Marke" is like a tag or plastic coin, I guess.

Could be, it was an older guy so I may have just misheard him. I just never heard another word for it so I was curious.

Edit: Ya, considering you get this when you search for waschmarken and it's the exact coin they have there I'm assuming he said marken and I misheard him. :p


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Could be, it was an older guy so I may have just misheard him. I just never heard another word for it so I was curious.

Edit: Ya, considering you get this when you search for waschmarken and it's the exact coin they have there I'm assuming he said marken and I misheard him. :p

Also reminds me of a particular dialect but I can't quite put my finger on it.


the piano man
anyone knows a way around the stupid GEMA stuff restricting videos in youtube???

it's one of the few bad things about living in this country -_-


sphinx said:
anyone knows a way around the stupid GEMA stuff restricting videos in youtube???

it's one of the few bad things about living in this country -_-
Guck mal auf die letzte Seite, so ziemlich ganz unten.


Confirmed Asshole
Note explicitly that proxies are potentially harmful. So heed the advice of turning it off when doing e-mail, bank, facebook, general private stuff where you're flinging data around you don't want to be known to third parties.
wolfmat said:
Note explicitly that proxies are potentially harmful. So heed the advice of turning it off when doing e-mail, bank, facebook, general private stuff where you're flinging data around you don't want to be known to third parties.

Yup, just don't do personal things on a proxy.


the piano man
Phantast2k said:
Klick mich hart
Just turn it off when you access your e-mail account and such.

keine Ahnung was der Text im Link zu bedeuten hat...

kann jemand mir erklären, wie ich ein Proxy benutze bzw. aktiviere oder was auch immer ich lernen/wissen muss um die GEMA scheisse loszuwerden? Danke! :)


sphinx said:
keine Ahnung was der Text im Link zu bedeuten hat...

kann jemand mir erklären, wie ich ein Proxy benutze bzw. aktiviere oder was auch immer ich lernen/wissen muss um die GEMA scheisse loszuwerden? Danke! :)

Denke, dass es dabei um Stealthy Addons für Deinen Browser geht. Google mal danach (nimm einfach den Begriff "Stealthy"), Schnarchnase. ;) Dass es sowas schon als Addon gibt, war mir auch neu. Genehme Sache.


the piano man
Lireu77 said:
Denke, dass es dabei um Stealthy Addons für Deinen Browser geht. Google mal danach (nimm einfach den Begriff "Stealthy"), Schnarchnase. ;) Dass es sowas schon als Addon gibt, war mir auch neu. Genehme Sache.

mmhh, meinst du ich muss fremde, unbekannte Dinge in mein Laptop installieren???

sowas täte ich wirklich ungern, youtube videos habe ich auch nicht so dringend..



Confirmed Asshole
sphinx said:
keine Ahnung was der Text im Link zu bedeuten hat...
Google das mal. Das ist ne Firefox-Extension, die das Einrichten von (angeblich) schnellen Proxies automatisiert, damit die Gegenstelle denkt, Du bist im richtigen Land.

kann jemand mir erklären, wie ich ein Proxy benutze bzw. aktiviere oder was auch immer ich lernen/wissen muss um die GEMA scheisse loszuwerden? Danke! :)
YouTube findet Dein Land über die IP-Adresse raus, über die Du ins Internet gehst. Die gehört einem deutschen Unternehmen, also ist das nicht allzu kompliziert.
Solch ein Proxy tut so, als würde er die Anfrage stellen, und leitet das Ergebnis nahtlos an Dich weiter. Also sieht YouTube nur die IP-Adresse vom Proxy. Der steht natürlich irgendwo in den USA (standardmäßig, kann man einstellen). Also denkt YouTube, dass Du irgendwo in den USA vor Deinem Rechner hockst.

Das Teil ist ne Firefox-Extension. Die installierst Du und startest den FF neu; danach hast Du so ein Symbol, das rot ist, wenn die Funktionalität aus ist (er sucht keine Proxies für Dich), und grün ist, wenn's an ist (er sucht Proxies für Dich). Mit nem Klick drauf kannst Du hin- und herschalten.

Also klickst Du's grün und solltest dann in der Lage dazu sein, die GEMA-Kacke zu umgehen.

Der Proxy kann natürlich rein hypothetisch alles Mögliche mitschreiben, oder fröhlich falsche Tatsachen vortäuschen. Deswegen die Warnung von mir.


the piano man
wolfmat said:
Google das mal. Das ist ne Firefox-Extension, die das Einrichten von (angeblich) schnellen Proxies automatisiert, damit die Gegenstelle denkt, Du bist im richtigen Land.

YouTube findet Dein Land über die IP-Adresse raus, über die Du ins Internet gehst. Die gehört einem deutschen Unternehmen, also ist das nicht allzu kompliziert.
Solch ein Proxy tut so, als würde er die Anfrage stellen, und leitet das Ergebnis nahtlos an Dich weiter. Also sieht YouTube nur die IP-Adresse vom Proxy. Der steht natürlich irgendwo in den USA (standardmäßig, kann man einstellen). Also denkt YouTube, dass Du irgendwo in den USA vor Deinem Rechner hockst.

Das Teil ist ne Firefox-Extension. Die installierst Du und startest den FF neu; danach hast Du so ein Symbol, das rot ist, wenn die Funktionalität aus ist (er sucht keine Proxies für Dich), und grün ist, wenn's an ist (er sucht Proxies für Dich). Mit nem Klick drauf kannst Du hin- und herschalten.

Also klickst Du's grün und solltest dann in der Lage dazu sein, die GEMA-Kacke zu umgehen.

Der Proxy kann natürlich rein hypothetisch alles Mögliche mitschreiben, oder fröhlich falsche Tatsachen vortäuschen. Deswegen die Warnung von mir.

alles klar, danke dir... muss nur überlegen ob ich das tue, mein Laptop ist alt und kann solche Änderungen schwer ertragen... (der bleibt für einige Sekunden stehen wenn der Antivirus ganz gewöhnliche Aktualisierungen durchführt..-_-)


So I installed it, it's green, but still no hulu. What am I doing wrong?

edit: nvm, had to set it on "US" and wait for it to find a proxy apparently
ich installiert vor eine Woche die Proxy, fing sie an, und dann ich sie vergessen hatte. Ich dachte dass ich verrückt wurde, als die Proxy mich zum Yahoo Ireland, Google Frankreich, und sogar Google Chinesisch (mit den Buchstaben!) nimmt D:

dann ich errinerte mich sie an und nie bevor hatte ich mich so dumm gefühlt.


Confirmed Asshole
Fritz said:
So I installed it, it's green, but still no hulu. What am I doing wrong?
Does it explicitly say "You no US, fuck you"?

If yes: Something with the settings probably, I don't know.. Explicitly tell it to take a US proxy, maybe?
If no: Proxies tend to be crazy slow. Also, deactivate ABP because Hulu needs ads playing in order to work, so you don't want to block 'em.

I'm not using the extension myself; proxies in other countries take too long for me to take them seriously when it comes to media-oriented browsing.

Honestly, if you're jumping through such hoops, you might as well do the piracy thing and download series. You're never gonna generate money for the involved companies through Hulu anyway if you're in Germany.

Edit: Not that I condone piracy, but you're pretty far out into the greyzone with proxy magic.


wolfmat said:
Does it explicitly say "You no US, fuck you"?

If yes: Something with the settings probably, I don't know.. Explicitly tell it to take a US proxy, maybe?
If no: Proxies tend to be crazy slow. Also, deactivate ABP because Hulu needs ads playing in order to work, so you don't want to block 'em.

I'm not using the extension myself; proxies in other countries take too long for me to take them seriously when it comes to media-oriented browsing.

Honestly, if you're jumping through such hoops, you might as well do the piracy thing and download series. You're never gonna generate money for the involved companies through Hulu anyway if you're in Germany.

Edit: Not that I condone piracy, but you're pretty far out into the greyzone with proxy magic.

You make a very good point there. Haven't looked at it that way and I am a freaking IP lawyer for christ's sake. I fucking hate piracy.


Confirmed Asshole
Fritz said:
You make a very good point there. Haven't looked at it that way and I am a freaking IP lawyer for christ's sake. I fucking hate piracy.
Well, I thought about my statement for a bit. Maybe it motivates you to buy some DVD boxsets of series you see there or something! For example, I watched some Office (UK) episodes on YT and eventually bought the whole series on DVD. Same goes for NGE. So it's probably not universally true. Might even extend to the products they're advertising there, since some of them are globally distributed.

However, you're not properly trackable for Hulu's data collection purposes, so either you generate false ad revenue for Hulu, or you schew the ad impact vs viewing ratio. Both isn't good for their numbers and the business model.

I don't know if there's any morally wrong action there, it's hard to tell from a hypothetical standpoint. Can't really project German proxy viewers' buying behavior following out of Hulu ads, I suppose.


wolfmat said:
Well, I thought about my statement for a bit. Maybe it motivates you to buy some DVD boxsets of series you see there or something! For example, I watched some Office (UK) episodes on YT and eventually bought the whole series on DVD. Same goes for NGE. So it's probably not universally true. Might even extend to the products they're advertising there, since some of them are globally distributed.

However, you're not properly trackable for Hulu's data collection purposes, so either you generate false ad revenue for Hulu, or you schew the ad impact vs viewing ratio. Both isn't good for their numbers and the business model.

I don't know if there's any morally wrong action there, it's hard to tell from a hypothetical standpoint. Can't really project German proxy viewers' buying behavior following out of Hulu ads, I suppose.

It's still argued whether streaming can qualify as copyright infringement though courts here are leaning towards "yes" to get the problem under control.

The ad revenue thing is a completely different question though.


Confirmed Asshole
Fritz said:
It's still argued whether streaming can qualify as copyright infringement though courts here are leaning towards "yes" to get the problem under control.

The ad revenue thing is a completely different question though.
The bolded part doesn't make much sense from a technical POV — the easier it is to infringe copyright over internet as an individual, the harder it gets to track people, or even follow up with appropriate legal work.

What needs to be done is early content control on the side of streaming providers, so that copyright infringement isn't even possible as long as the providers adhere to global copyright agreements. It's easier to track media than to track people watching tracked media.

That, and how do you assess knowledge of the copyright status of some work? I mean, I know the "I know it when I see it" phrase, but this gets really blurry at some point. Music would be an excellent example. How the fuck should I know what's associated with the GEMA and what isn't? Can't expect me to look it up every time I want to listen to some stuff on the internet. How am I supposed to check whether this-and-that internet radio stream reports its GEMA-related stats? It gets laughable at some point.

And ultimately, you can't do anything about participants that just do not adhere to global copyright standards (Russia, for instance).


wolfmat said:
The bolded part doesn't make much sense from a technical POV — the easier it is to infringe copyright over internet as an individual, the harder it gets to track people, or even follow up with appropriate legal work.

What needs to be done is early content control on the side of streaming providers, so that copyright infringement isn't even possible as long as the providers adhere to global copyright agreements. It's easier to track media than to track people watching tracked media.

That, and how do you assess knowledge of the copyright status of some work? I mean, I know the "I know it when I see it" phrase, but this gets really blurry at some point. Music would be an excellent example. How the fuck should I know what's associated with the GEMA and what isn't? Can't expect me to look it up every time I want to listen to some stuff on the internet. How am I supposed to check whether this-and-that internet radio stream reports its GEMA-related stats? It gets laughable at some point.

And ultimately, you can't do anything about participants that just do not adhere to global copyright standards (Russia, for instance).

Yes very true. Just to add one thing about the element of Knowledge: Knowledge is not part of infringement. That means you probably will not have any punitive consequences but the copyright owner might still claim forbearance and damages (negligence is sufficient).
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:

Am I right? :D

Nevertheless: I have an interesting question, I have been thinking about for quite a while now.
We all now the difference between "So groß wie" ("As big as") and "Größer als" ("Bigger than") and the correct use of "als" and "wie". Now I know that both sentences are "Komparativsätze", but wiki tells me that the only difference between "Komparativsätze" can be that there are real and unreal ones. WTF is this shit?

There must be more that explains the difference right?


Patrick Bateman said:
Am I right? :D

Nevertheless: I have an interesting question, I have been thinking about for quite a while now.
We all now the difference between "So groß wie" ("As big as") and "Größer als" ("Bigger than") and the correct use of "als" and "wie". Now I know that both sentences are "Komparativsätze", but wiki tells me that the only difference between "Komparativsätze" can be that there are real and unreal ones. WTF is this shit?

There must be more that explains the difference right?

I think those aren't "Komparativsätze". "Komparativsätze" are a kind of subordinate clauses, the sentences above are just normal main clauses where some fact is set in a relation with another.
Well I put them short, but you could write them out longer.

I'm just looking for a satisfying difference between "als" and "wie". You can use both to compare, where the one thing or person is different and the other one you compare is similar.


Patrick Bateman said:
Well I put them short, but you could write them out longer.

I'm just looking for a satisfying difference between "als" and "wie". You can use both to compare, where the one thing or person is different and the other one you compare is similar.

"Ich bin so groß wie du."

"Ich bin größer als du."

Both main clauses, no comparative clauses to be found.

"als" and "wie" are conjunctions which are, in this case, used with the respective adjective.
"als" is used when the adjective is in its comparative form, "wie" is used when the adjective is in its positive form.
Additionally, "wie" is used when something is compared without the use of an adjective, for example: "Du stinkst wie eine Kuh."
LazyLoki said:
"Ich bin so groß wie du."

"Ich bin größer als du."

Both main clauses, no comparative clauses to be found.

"als" and "wie" are conjunctions which are, in this case, used with the respective adjective.
"als" is used when the adjective is in its comparative form, "wie" is used when the adjective is in its positive form.
Additionally, "wie" is used when something is compared without the use of an adjective, for example: "Du stinkst wie eine Kuh."

"Der Mann der dort steht, ist größer als ich."

"Der Mann der dort steht, ist genau so groß wie ich."

Happy now?
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