what i need is a giant hook and a pond.
EDIT: that invertebrate heap of pixels is clearly trolling me. harvester number 8 was fully loaded and had almost made it to rocky surface when he was swallowed whole, immediately after i got the "worm-warning".
But it is still one of the coolest games ever including the top notch cut scenes. Harkonnen 4 EVER
Where did you grow up and where do you live now? Here in the Ruhrgebiet we get much more snow than 20 years ago. In my childhood there were only a handful of days where we could use a sled. If we wanted to see snow, we had to go to the Sauerland.
I grew up in western Austria we had plenty of snow during winters with moderate temperatures. I remember because we had a small hill near our house and we spend a lot of time there challenging our bones. In Graz winter is normally with a lot less snow than this year and colder temperatures - I guess some weather stuff is really shifting.