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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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I heard that "Dutch Monkeys" are named as such because that's what the locals said they looked like.

I heard that too, the natives thought the monkeys looked like those colonial bastards.

Also, Pugs are also called Dutch Bulldogs, because the royal Dutch family made them popular.

Was passiert, wenn ein Holländer fünfmal durch die Führerscheinprüfung fällt?

Er kriegt ein gelbes Kennzeichen.

Sorry, it's extremely bad, but it's the only joke about Dutchies I remember :-D

What's a kennzeichen? A license plate (The Dutch ones are yellow). You're also lying, I'm sure you know some caravan jokes.


I heard that too, the natives thought the monkeys looked like those colonial bastards.

Also, Pugs are also called Dutch Bulldogs, because the royal Dutch family made them popular.

I imagine a scene like this



What's a kennzeichen? A license plate (The Dutch ones are yellow). You're also lying, I'm sure you know some caravan jokes.

I'm sure this particular joke can't get any worse by explaining/translating it:

What happens if a Dutchman fails his driving test five times in a row?

He gets a yellow license plate.
i'm not sure. could also be english.

We need to see his teeth for that.


I'm sure this particular joke can't get any worse by explaining/translating it:

What happens if a Dutchman fails his driving test five times in a row?

He gets a yellow license plate.

I got the joke, just wanted the conformation that it indeed meant license plate. Looks a bit like the Dutch word for it: 'kenteken'.


I heard that "Dutch Monkeys" are named as such because that's what the locals said they looked like.

That is true. They are called Belanda (Dutch) by the Malay people because in their eyes the first Western seamen and the monkies looked alike (pink skin, huge noses, fat bellies)

They are called Monyet Belanda (Dutch monkey) or indeed even 'worse' Orang Belanda (Dutchmen)


you need to type/post faster.

I know, I'm such a sloth. My posts recently have also been peppered with typos. It's just that I am afraid that my boss could come in at any minute. You guys are putting my job on the line here.

That is true. They are called Belanda (Dutch) by the Malay people because in their eyes the first Western seamen and the monkies looked alike (pink skin, huge noses, fat bellies)

They are called Monyet Belanda (Dutch monkey) or indeed even 'worse' Orang Belanda (Dutchmen)

Well, you know what they say about a man's nose.
That is true. They are called Belanda (Dutch) by the Malay people because in their eyes the first Western seamen and the monkies looked alike (pink skin, huge noses, fat bellies)

They are called Monyet Belanda (Dutch monkey) or indeed even 'worse' Orang Belanda (Dutchmen)

Gheghe. Semen...


Yes, I'm that childish


I know, I'm such a sloth. My posts recently have also been peppered with typos. It's just that I am afraid that my boss could come in at any minute. You guys are putting my job on the line here.

afraid? from what i've heard he's probably just bringing you something to eat!


afraid? from what i've heard he's probably just bringing you something to eat!

No that's just true for that other German here. I have an oldschool 80s Wall Street-like boss. I have to bring him lunch, although he almost never eats, nor winks nor breathes.


Beschreibt gerade exakt meine Laune. Wenn ich schon daran denke alles wieder aufzubauen und einzusortieren .. Kill me pls.

hast wenigstens genug helfer?
mein letzter umzug fiel mitten in die prüfungssaison - hat fast 2 wochen gedauert bis ich alles in der neuen bleibe hatte.


hast wenigstens genug helfer?
mein letzter umzug fiel mitten in die prüfungssaison - hat fast 2 wochen gedauert bis ich alles in der neuen bleibe hatte.

Ja zum glück, das Ding ist ich ziehe in ein Haus, welches ich nun auch schon 3 monate renoviert habe. Somit habe ich immerschonmal paar Sachen rübergebracht, aber trotzdem natürlich ne nervige sache


Ich bin gerade auf Wohnungssuche, das macht auch keinen Spaß. Bin kurz davor schreiend zu einem Marktler zu rennen.


Habe den vor kurzem zum ersten Mal gehört und mich beömmelt. :D

Mainz is n Drecksloch.

Edit: IRL ist eh lustiger

Ich glaub den mit "koiner da" hab ich aber schon vor der Wende gehört, den mit Angola auch erst letztes Jahr oder so. Wahrscheinlich war die Mauer nicht Witz-permeabel.

gänsefleischmó den göwwaraum üwmórren?

Ding dong die Hexe ist tot...


Hilarious, the same guy always felt the need to tell me

Was passiert, wenn ein Holländer fünfmal durch die Führerscheinprüfung fällt?

Er kriegt ein gelbes Kennzeichen.

Sorry, it's extremely bad, but it's the only joke about Dutchies I remember :-D

Um die ganze Sache abzuschliessen, ihr Kackfressen... :D


Ich hab auch zwei Monate gesucht, nur am dann kurz vor den Klausuren eine zu finden. Die Klausuren haben schon drunter gelitten.


Ich hab auch zwei Monate gesucht, nur am dann kurz vor den Klausuren eine zu finden. Die Klausuren haben schon drunter gelitten.

Ich habe den Eindruck, dass man auf den gängigen Seiten im Internet nur Bauruinen findet und wenn doch einmal etwas gutes dabei ist, steckt da mit 98%er Wahrscheinlichkeit auch ein Marktler hinter. Inserate in den Regionalzeitungen sind auch nicht viel besser :/ Ist halt wirklich die Nadel im Heuhaufen suchen. (Ich Depp hatte natürlich im Februar beim 1. Suchen direkt die perfekte Wohnung gesehen aber dachte da noch "ne zu teuer, Marktlerprovision usw." AGRH)

Eben eine Wohnung mit 5000€ Abschlagszahlung auf eine IKEA Küche gesehen, die spinnen doch.

edit: For the non-Germans: I am just an angry German who hates everything.
To make the angry German even more furious. 78m^2 and 200€/month "cold" unlimited contract. I will never move out. The only downside is that our only source of heat is a small oil powered oven which manages to keep 2 rooms warm and is rather expensive.

I will study forever just to annoy the landlord (and probably my parents).


To make the angry German even more furious. 78m^2 and 200€/month "cold" unlimited contract. I will never move out. The only downside is that our only source of heat is a small oil powered oven which manges to keep 2 rooms warm and is rather expensive.

I will study forever just to annoy the landlord (and probably my parents).

Yeah, but Austria...

(Kidding, I'm actually jealous. Rents in Hamburg are horrendous.)


Griechischer Wein, komm schenk dir ein:


To make the angry German even more furious. 78m^2 and 200€/month "cold" unlimited contract. I will never move out. The only downside is that our only source of heat is a small oil powered oven which manges to keep 2 rooms warm and is rather expensive.

I will study forever just to annoy the landlord (and probably my parents).

nah I'm not furious, I'm happy for you! :)
It probably is a once in a lifetime deal and to be honest some of the neighbours and the landlord are pretty crappy. I think we had the 3rd broken water pipe, leaky roof, etc. within 2 years and it is always a pain in the ass to deal with that because nobody wants to pay or fix it. However it allows me to focus less on money and more on life so I am happy.
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