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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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I´m trying to stay away from German TV as much as possible. There is too much cringeworthiness in life as it is.

so much this. My TV is just being used for consoles and as a second monitor. Since i got Netflix working, German tv can kiss my a** goodbye


Haha that's awesome. I'm happy that the more light-hearted / fun German-Rap is making a comeback. Sido's "Bilder im Kopf" is pretty great too.

I kinda dig Cro even though I never really enjoyed German Studentenrapper or whatever you might call them. They always felt toothless and "German" in a negative sense. The same probably applies for Cro but for some reason he resonates with me. Makes me smile.


same here. after they replaced all those awesome cartoons with digimon and other inferior shit I stopped watching TV. But recently I have started watching drehscheibe Deutschland on ZDF. I watch it everyday. I'm getting old...


YESSSS!! I really dig the guy because he doesn't seem to feel the need to be edgy at all. He's fresh in every sense of the word.

Yeah I guess fresh is the right word, I'd call is panda mask edgy, tho. ;) . The German-Ganstar-Rap shit never flew with me anyway (except a couple of songs, of course, but a broken clock* is right twice a day.)

Cro is basically the 'chillout /non-emo' version of Casper –the 2011 saviour of German rap. ;)

*analog, non-functional


You guys never mentioned it's snowing in Berlin.



Jesus Christ, Germany! Why did you have to go after Russia's money in Cyprus? It wasn't even that bad!

Achtung dude, we know where you live now!
My interest in Prussia comes from Grand Strategy gaming (i.e. EU3, Victoria 2 etc) which I was into before I watched that show. In fact, I believe she originally recommended it based on my casual mention of how Prussia was awesome is in some conversation once.


you don´t have to pay for a VPN service. Google for mediahint.com and off you go. Works for hulu and iplayer of course too. But yeah, unblock-us would be my second choice, if the free one will stop working.

i occasionally watch ZDF NEO/ Info and Phoenix for documentations and shows like Bambule, neo paradise, Leschs Kosmos , etc...

thanks@Milchmann... great page


Sorry, my grammar there was way off. Did you ever come across this book?


I kinda want to know what Nancy Mitford thought about Frederick II. They were both pretty out there.
Sorry, my grammar there was way off. Did you ever come across this book?


I kinda want to know what Nancy Mitford thought about Frederick II. They were both pretty out there.

Never heard of it. I hardly read books anymore, though. Last book I read in its entirety was Guns, Germs & Steel.
That's Jared Diamond isn't it? I read his "arm & reich" (poor & rich). Might just be the German title for the very same book.

Yes, that is the same book (1998 Pulitzer prize winner). I felt like he could have delivered the content sans the minute details in a single chapter, but I still got through it all. I'm part-way through Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid but it's a bit heady for me. I'll get back to it some day.


Yes, that is the same book (1998 Pulitzer prize winner). I felt like he could have delivered the content sans the minute details in a single chapter, but I still got through it all. I'm part-way through Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid but it's a bit heady for me. I'll get back to it some day.

Frankly I couldn't make it through the whole thing for the exact same reason. I completely bought his theory though. Never heard of the other one though.

Edit: Just checked amazon:

It's hard to explain, very weird. It talks about the lives and works of the three titular people, Kurt Godel (logician/mathematician), M.C. Escher (artist) and Johann Sebastian Bach (composer), common themes in their works, symmetry, intelligence, and how meaning can arise from non-meaningful parts. It has chapters that are dialogues between fictional characters, and some chatpers that are like excerpts from Formal Logic textbooks.


It's hard to explain, very weird. It talks about the lives and works of the three titular people, Kurt Godel (logician/mathematician), M.C. Escher (artist) and Johann Sebastian Bach (composer), common themes in their works, symmetry, intelligence, and how meaning can arise from non-meaningful parts.

I mean that does sound super interesting but pretty demanding nonetheless.

I am about to read a friend's manuscript for a novel he just send me. It's supposedly heavy stuff. His agent says the book has a good shot at being published by one of the big German publishers, which is pretty ace for your first novel. Kinda excited, but godamn, i hope there is nothing too weird in there. Thought twice, I actually hope there is some really weird stuff in there.
The main problem is that I'm a fucking idiot and have no background in most of what it talks about. I will hopefully get through the whole thing next time I have a crack at it, but damn, it's like doing homework in a class you haven't been attending. Anyway, sleep time.
I never set foot in there. Wouldn't wanna risk finding a middle ground with the enemy.

Don't worry about that. There's no middle ground for that one guy. It's all about:

"Merkel is managing to achieve what Hitler couldn't: to control Europe with a fist of steel. Just instead of invading by war, it is just invading subtly economically, saying what has to be done, how and when, making us all dependent of them (the Germans)."

(not his quote, but the general mood in the thread)


Don't worry about that. There's no middle ground for that one guy. It's all about:

"Merkel is managing to achieve what Hitler couldn't: to control Europe with a fist of steel. Just instead of invading by war, it is just invading subtly economically, saying what has to be done, how and when, making us all dependent of them (the Germans)."

(not his quote, but the general mood in the thread)

It's ridiculous. I like to tell myself people affected are just desperate. It's a terrible situation.
It's ridiculous. I like to tell myself people affected are just desperate. It's a terrible situation.

What is so terrible? Compare the interest rate you got over the last few years from your bank and now look at what the people in Cyprus got. I am not a fan of asset seizure but everyone who profited on that "system" should pay back. There is a big difference if you get 5% for your 10.000€ or 0.5%. So now "paying" back 6% for one year doesn't sound as bad anymore in my eyes. (I of course would never post that in the thread directly)

The left German girl is "Sexy Cora", right? She's dead, died during a surgery for bigger boobs.

How would I know.

Yes it looks like her


The left German girl is "Sexy Cora", right? She's dead, died during a surgery for bigger boobs.

although i'm not a fan of supersized boobs and despite the fact that anesthesiology is my favoured speciality i feel the need to emphasize that she didn't die because of "breast implants", but the anesthesiologist fucked up.
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