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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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I actually prefer Hamburg to Berlin. Although that obviously depends on your partying preferences (Berlin is unrivalled if you're into all kinds of electronic dance music, which I'm not). And I guess Hamburg loses some of it's appeal if you're living in Holland, as it's a bit closer in style to Dutch cities.


Are Frankfurt and Muenchen really good places to go to? Or are there any other places to go in southern Germany that are really good?

München ist super!
Wenn du nach München kommst sag Bescheid, dann gehen wir einen (oder 2 oder 3...) trinken!
Und ich bin zwar stolz auf München, verspreche aber dich nicht damit zu nerven ;)


München is incredibly awesome. Beautiful city. The people can be somewhat annoying, as they're overly proud of their traditions, but there's a certain flair to it.
For a good reason! Munich IS great and their traditions ARE awesome ;-)
Great city!
München ist super!
Wenn du nach München kommst sag Bescheid, dann gehen wir einen (oder 2 oder 3...) trinken!
Und ich bin zwar stolz auf München, verspreche aber dich nicht damit zu nerven ;)

:lol Sie haben etwas billig wochende Ticket fuer 35 euro hin und zurueck so das ist gut. Viele Personen haben auch gesagt dass es sehr gut ist so ich werde in eins oder zwei Woche vielleicht. Und wenn nervst du mir dann muss ich mehr trinken. ;)

:lol My grammar feels terrible in those sentences. :(

For a good reason! Munich IS great and their traditions ARE awesome ;-)
Great city!

And where might you be from? :p


For a good reason! Munich IS great and their traditions ARE awesome ;-)
Great city!

Yesterday, I was drinking Glühwein with some friends at the local Christkindlesmarkt, and we were talking about German traditions, especially those that enjoy some success outside the country. We arrived at the conclusion that German traditions are awesome mainly for one reason: They all include drinking!
Berlin isn't the obvious answer. It really depends on what you're looking for, though. Do you want to go to Clubs or do you want to go to Bars?

Mostly bars, we're all 20'ish so maybe we hit a club, but really just want to walk around the city and into random bars.
kann jemand mir erklären "bloß" ?

und wäre dies geht; Ich mag überhaupt nicht irgendeine Sprache geschweige denn jede Sprache!

as a way of saying "let alone"


and what about "however", not as jedoch, but as in "however the hell you'd say it" "however that's spelled"

und wer sagt Nö??? Bavarians? lol


kann jemand mir erklären "bloß" ?

und wäre dies geht; Ich mag überhaupt nicht irgendeine Sprache geschweige denn jede Sprache!

as a way of saying "let alone"


and what about "however", not as jedoch, but as in "however the hell you'd say it" "however that's spelled"

und wer sagt Nö??? Bavarians? lol

For "Bloß" I would refer you to: http://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/bloß
This will teach you new words, so get your dictionary open! :)

Your sentence with "geschweige denn" is very odd. Not the usage, but the entire sentence. But, sense wise, it is correct with what you asked. At least to me :)

As for "however", I would suggest, "Wie auch immer"
Example: Wie auch immer man das schreibt. (However you spell that)
wie würdest du ihn verbessern? lange rede kurzer Sinn; "i don't like any language, let alone alllll the languages"

thank you btw

and Fettes brot ist leidlich unterhaltsam, um ehrlich zu sein. Ganz besser als ich erwartete. Ich bin zwar ein "Hip Hop Head" so AZ und Big L are meine übliche Reimers

Ich heiße „Heißes Eisen", bring’ die
Züge zum entgleisen und die Wüsten zu
vereisen; ich gehör’ nicht zu den Leisen

spass zu sagen


wie würdest du ihn verbessern? lange rede kurzer Sinn; "i don't like any language, let alone alllll the languages"
Ich mag (überhaupt) keine Sprache, ganz zu schweigen von allen Sprachen.

No one would say that though. I actually don't know why you would say the English sentence in the first place. It's... weird.


Who here reads Titanic regularly? I thought they've lost it in the last years but the latest cover is as dark and bitter as ever:


I loled
yo! wie würde ich sagen "nothing but"

im Wortebuch ist es so etwas wie "lauter" aber das macht kein Sinn, weil "Laut" bedeutet so etwas wie "Rein" oder?

z.B. "He's nothing but a fool, vagrant (Lausbud?)

"he has nothing but a coat on"

"he knows nothing but what's in his sick head"
yo! wie würde ich sagen "nothing but"

im Wortebuch ist es so etwas wie "lauter" aber das macht kein Sinn, weil "Laut" bedeutet so etwas wie "Rein" oder?

z.B. "He's nothing but a fool, vagrant (Lausbud?)

"he has nothing but a coat on"

"he knows nothing but what's in his sick head"

"Er ist nichts als ein Idiot, Landstreicher". Vagrant goes more into the direction of bum.
"Er hat nichts außer einem Mantel an"
"Er weiß nichts außer was in seinem kranken Kopf ist"

So you could use "außer" or "als". And "laut" can mean "loud" and "according to". "Lauter" can mean "louder" or it sort of can mean "a lot". It's used as an adverb to phrase integrity or completeness. "Der Bundestag besteht aus lauter Idioten" = "The Bundestag consist only/is full of idiots"


Nice, they actually for the new station to be built. Let's hope all that bullshit is now over. I don't think so, though...


Neo Member
Bin ich eigentlich der einzige Deutsche hier, der die Posts auf deutsch extra langsam liest, weil er es einfach nicht gewöhnt ist hier kein Englisch zu lesen?

Mehr so, als wenn ich meiner eigenen Muttersprache nicht mächtig wäre und sie als Zweitsprache lesen würde. Komische Sache, super Thread!

Ich liebe Deutschland, die EU und unsere miteinander kommunizierende Welt, macht weiter so Jungs!

Edit: gewohnt oder gewöhnt? Jetzt fühle ich auch noch die Last des Muttersprachlers... :D
No to Stuttgart 21!!!
it didn't pass, but only by like %2?

i got all worked up about it, i was preaching about it hahaha and i can't even vote.
So, I've got another grammar question if anyone is willing to help. When do you use wie and when do you use als for comparing. For example: He's as big as a house! I've heard wie used before to mean "as" but I"ve also seen als and I don't understand which you use when. Do you only use als and not wie and maybe that was just bad grammar? Like the girl from school wrote a note for me saying I wanted the paper work so I can work in Germany also and it said something along the lines of Er moechte einen Mini-Job als Student. Ignore any bad grammar or whatever in the sentence. (I'm trying to go by memory and my memory sucks :p) But I distinctly remember her using als. Or is wie to mean "as big as". Ex: Wie gross ein Haus! And in the mini-job example "als ein Student" is used only to mean as a student so you use als? I just don't understand how it's used. :(
In comparisons you use "wie". For example "as big as a building" would be "so groß wie ein Gebäude" or "This coin is as big as Mario's head." would be "Diese Münze ist so groß wie Marios Kopf."
There may be exceptions to the rule, but I can't think of any.

"als" is only used outside of comparisons. So "It's as if these walls are talking to me." would be "Es ist als ob die Wände mit mir redeten." or "It was used as a table" would be "Es wurde als Tisch verwendet".
There too may be some exceptions to the rule, and again I can't think of any.

There are people saying "als wie" in sentences like "Er ist größer als wie mein Kopf" (literal translation would be something along "He's bigger than like my head") when it should actually be "Er ist größer als mein Kopf" ("He's bigger than my head").
If you hear people saying that, punch these people in the face. That should be, like, a law or something.

EDIT: Did it really take me over ten minutes to write this post?


Haha, that's a bit tricky, because it's often done wrong by (southern) Germans, and because you're actually describing two ways of using "als".

1. The rule for "als" and "wie" is actually pretty easy: "als" is "than" and "wie" is "as" when you're putting things into relation: "bigger than" = "größer als" vs. "as big as" = "so groß wie". The problem is that many people in the south say "wie" when they should be using "als", which is confusing. I think you're in BaWü? Then just use "wie" when in doubt, fully knowing you might be wrong, and you'll fit right in ;-)

2. The other instance where you're using "als" may be a bit confusing now, as it means "as". "I want to work as an engineer" = "Ich will als Ingenieur arbeiten"

I hope this helps and doesn't confuseyou even more. Maybe you should just learn it as vocabulary instead of grammar: "than = als", "as [big,...] as = wie", "as [a job,...] = als"
Haha, that's a bit tricky, because it's often done wrong by (southern) Germans, and because you're actually describing two ways of using "als".

1. The rule for "als" and "wie" is actually pretty easy: "als" is "than" and "wie" is "as" when you're putting things into relation: "bigger than" = "größer als" vs. "as big as" = "so groß wie". The problem is that many people in the south say "wie" when they should be using "als", which is confusing. I think you're in BaWü? Then just use "wie" when in doubt, fully knowing you might be wrong, and you'll fit right in ;-)

2. The other instance where you're using "als" may be a bit confusing now, as it means "as". "I want to work as an engineer" = "Ich will als Ingenieur arbeiten"

I hope this helps and doesn't confuseyou even more. Maybe you should just learn it as vocabulary instead of grammar: "than = als", "as [big,...] as = wie", "as [a job,...] = als"

:lol Making fun of the southerners again eh? :p And ya, I guess instance #2 is why she wrote als Student instead of wie Student. Does that only apply to working then? I knew als=than and but I remember hearing wie for "as" so I always used that but then her note using als confused me. :( Thanks again for the help everyone!
Well, I can't seem to fall asleep so I'll ask another grammar question. I know when you ask a question you reverse the order of the subject and the verb. It's a basic thing you learn at the beginning of learning german but what do you do when you're not asking that statement as a question?

z.B. Ich weiss nicht was brauchst du. (I don't know what you need)

Would you still switch the noun and verb since there is something other than the subject beginning the second part of the sentence or since it's not a question would it instead be.

Ich weiss nicht was du brauchst.

I know you flip the order when you ask a question but is that because it's a question or because something other than the subject leads the sentence? Just like if you start the sentence with "Heute" for example it gets switched. (Heute, gehe ich ins Kino).



"Ich weiß nicht, was du brauchst" is the correct sentence. I think it's because it's a subordinate clause (Nebensatz), though.

Btw, the comma after "heute" in your example is wrong.
"Ich weiß nicht, was du brauchst" is the correct sentence. I think it's because it's a subordinate clause (Nebensatz), though.

Btw, the comma after "heute" in your example is wrong.

Awesome, thanks again. And ya, the comma being used a little differently between german and english always screws me up. I sat there for a minute or two deciding whether there's a comma there or not.
irgendeine Empfehlungen für Musik, Film oder Serials (uh, Fernseher Sachen)

konnte kein Untertiteln für Arrested Development oder Abenteurzeit finden


irgendeine Empfehlungen für Musik, Film oder Serials (uh, Fernseher Sachen)

konnte kein Untertiteln für Arrested Development oder Abenteurzeit finden

Well, the classic would be "Tatort". But you really shouldn't expect a lot from German TV.
You could watch "Stromberg", which is pretty much an exact copy of "The Office" and rather funny. Another older show I liked back then was "Berlin, Berlin", although I don't know how it holds up today.

Another thing you could do is just watch The Simpsons. It's dubbed pretty well. I actually still prefer the German voices to the original.


irgendeine Empfehlungen für Musik, Film oder Serials (uh, Fernseher Sachen)

konnte kein Untertiteln für Arrested Development oder Abenteurzeit finden

You could look for "im Angesicht des Verbrechens". It's a thriller mini series about the Russian mafia in Berlin I really liked.

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