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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Bier, Bratwurst und Fußball sind super!


Es gab doch mal gute Krimis in der ARD...

Edit: FUUUUUUUUUUUCK bei RTL hätte es Twilight gegeben :-D

Ich muss ja gestehen, dass ich die Bella bzw. Kristen Stewart schon recht anziehend finde :)

Weil das Fernsehen nichts bot, habe ich mir zwei Episoden Twin Peaks reingezogen. Muss die Serie jetzt noch beenden bevor ich Deadly Premonition anfangen darf. Herrliche Serie.


Weil das Fernsehen nichts bot, habe ich mir zwei Episoden Twin Peaks reingezogen. Muss die Serie jetzt noch beenden bevor ich Deadly Premonition anfangen darf. Herrliche Serie.

Mein Verhältnis zu Twin Peaks ist total komisch. Ich würde mich absolut als Fan bezeichnen, aber ich hab die Serie nie zu Ende geschaut. Die erste Staffel hab ich etwa fünf mal komplett gesehen, die zweite hab ich zwei mal angefangen und immer irgendwann aufgegeben...

PS: Alan Wake ist eins meiner Lieblingsspiele dieser Generation.


Kennt irgendjemand einen Zeitschriftenladen in Hamburg mit guter Auswahl an internationalen Magazinen?

Musste erstaunt feststellen, dass die beiden Läden im Hbf keine amerikanische Wired haben :-(


Kennt irgendjemand einen Zeitschriftenladen in Hamburg mit guter Auswahl an internationalen Magazinen?

Musste erstaunt feststellen, dass die beiden Läden im Hbf keine amerikanische Wired haben :-(

Das wundert mich. Hätte gedacht, dass ich die schonmal in dem großen Laden am Eingang der Wandelhalle gesehen hätte.

Ansonsten würde mir aber auch kein anderer Laden einfallen. Zum Flughafen wirst du sicherlich nicht extra fahren wollen...
Kennt irgendjemand einen Zeitschriftenladen in Hamburg mit guter Auswahl an internationalen Magazinen?

Musste erstaunt feststellen, dass die beiden Läden im Hbf keine amerikanische Wired haben :-(

Meyer'sche Buchhandlung? Zumindest die an der Kö in Ddorf führt Wired (und eine Reihe anderer europäischer und außereuropäischer Zeitschriften).
Ja, merke gerade erst, dass das ne NRW-Kette ist. :/

Und was wäre mit Thalia? Die haben sowas ja auch recht häufig und die gibt's laut Google auch in Hamburg.
from the french thread:

reine d'Europe!

"Shitstorm", seriously? Ich hab das Wort noch nie auf einer Seite einer seriösen englischen Zeitung gesehen, aber in Deutschland sieht man das überall uns es wird wie ein normales, völlig akzeptables Wort benutzen. Wtf? Versuchen die irgendwie einen auf Modern zu machen? Wissen die nicht, wie lächerlich das ist?

Zeiten ändern sich, Sprache ändert sich. Kein Grund aus einer Mücke gleich so einen shitstorm zu machen.
Anyone know how I can get a German Dragon Quest IX?
I want it to help with learning. I thought it would be fun to play a game in German.

I am trying to order a copy from amazon.de but it won't let me. I selected sellers who say they ship internationally, but then amazon tells me that the item can't be shipped to my location (U.S.A.).


No no no no, I can't accept that. Using an english slang word as an everyday term does not belong in respectable magazines like Spiegel or Welt. I cringe everytime I read something like that.


No no no no, I can't accept that. Using an english slang word as an everyday term does not belong in respectable magazines like Spiegel or Welt. I cringe everytime I read something like that.

It's not really "English slang", is it? It's basically the same thing as "Handy", a German invention.
And it's a) widely known and accepted in its meaning (Spiegel doesn't have to explain it) and b) beautifully descriptive ;-)
Absolut richtig, die Springer-Presse hat ein Faible für bescheuerte Wortkonstruktionen und sieht sich dabei als dem 'Volksmund entsprechend'. Ganz übel ist z.B. auch 'Dönermorde' gewesen.
No no no no, I can't accept that. Using an english slang word as an everyday term does not belong in respectable magazines like Spiegel or Welt. I cringe everytime I read something like that.

neither spiegel, nor welt are the pinnacle of german news media...
Das wird auch mein erster Tatort. Wobei... Schimanski hab ich einen oder 2 gesehen, aber das ist schon lange her :]

Ich hab erst vor ~3 Wochen angefangen zu schauen, bisher bin ich eigentlich positiv überrascht. Gerade im Gegensatz zum restlichen Sonntagsprogramm schneidet der Tatort bei mir im Schnitt besser ab. Klar sind die Plots, Handlungen, etc. mal seichter und vorhersehbarer aber das ist bei Spiderman und Co auch der Fall.


Respected, I would say. I don't think I can call Die Welt respectable for all their populism. We'll see if the new editor in chief can turn around the Spiegel, because they've been drifting off into the same bullshit, especially SpOn.

I love Stephen Fry and I wish we had someone like him in Germany.

This was in the related videos and I thought the bit starting around 0:30 was rather striking.
That's why I roll my eyes every time someone complains about 'politically correct' language. Some people act like they're being persecuted for not adhering to it. "Why can't I say [something]" as they are saying that very thing. It'd be amusing if it weren't so transparently dishonest, because what I believe they're actually expressing is "Why won't you accept my reality? How dare you challenge my opinion?".
That's why I roll my eyes every time someone complains about 'politically correct' language. Some people act like they're being persecuted for not adhering to it. "Why can't I say [something]" as they are saying that very thing. It'd be amusing if it weren't so transparently dishonest, because what I believe they're actually expressing is "Why won't you accept my reality? How dare you challenge my opinion?".

I don't agree with you - some stories get treated differently if they are told by someone from Britain, Germany or Israel (*). This has nothing to do with "my opinion is the only one" but more "why has my statement not the same validity than others".

(*) exchange nations with skin color, religion, etc.
What does it mean? I know it should be something like "Comeback" but I don't see a translation - is it a made up word? Drives me crazy.

PS: Remontada or Remuntada?

PPS: Better luck next year with La Decima ;-)

Remuntada is in catalan I think. Remontada in spanish.

I'd like to see a german final though. The only way the Verraeter could redeem himself is if he scored the winning goal against Bayern.


Awesome thread.

I studied German for 2 years in undergrad and have visited Germany and Austria.

Been several years since I have practiced speaking/reading/writing German.

Anyone have any recommendations on how to brush up on German? Either German TV shows, games, or books maybe...?

Also, I used to watch this German TV sitcom about this Turkish family that moved in with a German family. IIRC it was fairly popular in Germany and I thought it was really funny. Does anyone know the name of the show? Wouldn't mind catching up on it.
Awesome thread.

I studied German for 2 years in undergrad and have visited Germany and Austria.

Been several years since I have practiced German.

Anyone have any recommendations on how to brush up on German? Either German TV shows, games, or books maybe...?

Also, I used to watch this German TV sitcom about this Turkish family that moved in with a German family. IIRC it was fairly popular in Germany and I thought it was really funny. Does anyone know the name of the show? Wouldn't mind catching up on it.

I can only think of two original german tv shows worth watching
Stromberg (the german office version) and Switch (which is probably not as funny if you don't know at least a wee bit of german tv.
otherwise watch Der Untergang or stuff like that in its original.
oh and the show you mean is Türkisch für Anfänger


I can only think of two original german tv shows worth watching
Stromberg (the german office version) and Switch (which is probably not as funny if you don't know at least a wee bit of german tv.
otherwise watch Der Untergang or stuff like that in its original.
oh and the show you mean is Türkisch für Anfänger

Wow quick response, thanks!
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