What does it mean in Malay?
Edit: It means... Dangge?
malayans are just germans in disguise, right mutes?
What does it mean in Malay?
Edit: It means... Dangge?
malayans are just germans in disguise, right mutes?
Es ist wirklich schlecht dass ich kann nicht gut schreiben. Wenn ich ein Text lese, verstehe ich die meisten Wörter, genau als ich ein Audio höre...aber für mich, schreiben ist ein echtes Problem.
It's "Merci". Sorry, that just stuck out to me.
Do tell
I told you to trust me on this one. I'm a delicious cookie, how can you not trust me?
I told you to trust me on this one. I'm a delicious cookie, how can you not trust me?
I think Amaro would be a better comparison.
But amaro is delicious.
Germany with 13 percent of its population being foreign-born, INTERESSANT.
Where are these people coming from? Polska? Russia? Italy? Turkey? Our mother nation (Spain)? China? India?
mostly from turkey and the balkans.
Germany with 13 percent of its population being foreign-born, INTERESSANT.
Where are these people coming from? Polska? Russia? Italy? Turkey? Our mother nation (Spain)? China? India?
mostly from turkey and the balkans.
Also quite a few German-Russians.
Oesterreich is not far behind multiculturalism. After all, who would've guessed this guy was an Oesterreicher 20 years ago?
switzerland has 23%. try harder neighbours.
switzerland has 23%. try harder neighbours.
80% German?
Oesterreich is not far behind multiculturalism. After all, who would've guessed this guy was an Oesterreicher 20 years ago?
"Wieso redet denn der Englisch mit mir?" Österreichs Fußballstar David Alaba war am Dienstag im ÖFB-Teamcamp in Seefeld einigermaßen verwundert, dass der zu Besuch gekommene Tiroler Landeshauptmann Günther Platter (ÖVP) mit ihm auf Englisch kommunizierte.
"How do you do?", soll Platter gesagt haben. "Danke, gut. Sie können ruhig Deutsch mit mir reden, ich bin Österreicher", so die Antwort.
speed limit on the Autobahn? NEVER!!
Ich muss prinzipiell bei jedem Wiener grinsen...Ich muss immer etwas grinsen wenn ich den Alaba mit seinem österreichischen Akzent höre.
There's a commentary on SPON which likens the knee jerk reaction anytime someone proposes a speed limit to America and gun control. I think he might have a point.
And I must say I actually preferred driving US highways. Much less stressful.
120 is damn low, though.
I drove 180 with my VW Polo and tailgated BMWs and women today on the Autobahn. Felt good.
Ich muss prinzipiell bei jedem Wiener grinsen...
Video was actually really cool. Needs more of the guy in your avatar though.
Holy shit, is that a really bad fitting jacket or is his chest really that wide? He looks like a human rectangle.
I thought he might have swallowed a camping table before filming. There is just nothing redeeming about this "work".
GAF. Where Austrians and Germans get along.
Why would you both NOT get along? Austrians are ethnic germans.
Austrians are to Germans what Canadians are to Americans.
So basically Germany is the place where all the crazy shit happens, while Austria is the pacifist and has the hottest women?Austrians are to Germans what Canadians are to Americans.
But Canada is kinda superior to the US :-(
Edit: Oooooh, I get it. Brot is trying to make this a place where we don't get along.
There's a commentary on SPON which likens the knee jerk reaction anytime someone proposes a speed limit to America and gun control. I think he might have a point.
So basically Germany is the place where all the crazy shit happens, while Austria is the pacifist and has the hottest women?
So basically Germany is the place where all the crazy shit happens, while Austria is the pacifist and has the hottest women?
So basically Germany is the place where all the crazy shit happens, while Austria is the pacifist and has the hottest women?
So basically Germany is the place where all the crazy shit happens, while Austria is the pacifist and has the hottest women?
Lo and behold, tis Vaddertag! Prost!
Oha....some heavy accusations in the Luxembourg trials, where one witness claims his father helped BND initiate/prepare/plan the Oktoberfest terror attack of 1980.
Pretty much no one actually believes that it was really just the act of a single person, so given the shit we've heard in the Luxembourg trials it wouldn't be shocking if this (and similar stuff) happened in Germany as well.
I think the actual news is already a few weeks old, but it went completely past me. Obviously I'd argue the witness isn't particularly reliable (and frankly I don't believe the insane story), but it would certainly explain a lot. If that turned out to be true...holy shit. That would send shockwaves through society and politics.
http://www.heise.de/tp/artikel/39/39086/1.htmlWas zunächst lediglich nach einem inner-luxemburgischen Fall aussieht, hat sich schnell zu einem Prozess entwickelt, in dem das dunkle Kapitel der NATO-Geheimarmeen, die unter dem Namen Gladio oder Stay Behind bekannt wurden (Der lange Arm von Gladio und das Eingeständnis eines Bild-Reporters), neu in das Licht der Öffentlichkeit rückt.
Kramer, der immerhin unter Eid in Luxemburg ausgesagt hat, dass sein Vater, der Offizier der Bundeswehr, Mitarbeiter des Bundesnachrichtendienstes (BND) und dazu noch in in das Netzwerk der NATO-Geheimarmeen eingebunden war, für das Attentat auf das Münchner Oktoberfest verantwortlich sei, rückt nun auch in das Interesse größerer deutscher Medien.
Haha. Right now we're more likely to split up.After the EU finally gets its act together and federates,