Haha. Right now we're more likely to split up.
I wouldn't mind...
Haha. Right now we're more likely to split up.
I wouldn't mind...
i wholeheartedly agree.It's painful at the moment, but long term, it's something that needs to happen.
The problem is that this process should have been done already. With each year more problems arise. It is a failed experiment in my eyes. Important decisions are blocked while the EU politicians waste money on banks and other minor issues.It's painful at the moment, but long term, it's something that needs to happen.
It's painful at the moment, but long term, it's something that needs to happen.
The problem is that this process should have been done already. With each year more problems arise. It is a failed experiment in my eyes. Important decisions are blocked while the EU politicians waste money on banks and other minor issues.
The problem is that this process should have been done already. With each year more problems arise. It is a failed experiment in my eyes. Important decisions are blocked while the EU politicians waste money on banks and other minor issues.
I also like to think so.
And it might be because of GAF, but to a certain degree I feel "European". And I love how simple travelling across most of Europe is.
Saving a bank is not a minor issue but it shows that certain problems are more important than others. Spending money on the "rich" and the curve of a cucumber is the EU in a nutshell and of course for every law made there is an exception for a country. Minor stuff gets boxed through while important issues for the future are postponed or implemented with enough holes so nothing changes.i wouldn't call the Bank-crysis a minor issue and it is an international issue concerning the market - the EU can't do much about it by itself. one market alone can't introduce (as popukar example) a Tobin-tax.
Did they handle it the best possible way? i have no fucking idea.
i agree that the "process of federalization" should move on faster, but the more it happens, the more resistance it meets.
my biggest problem atm is that EU politics seem to happen on another planet. big issues make the headlines, but in the daily news i still learn more about small town mayors than developments in the EU and even major national parties treat it like a secondary objective. take the austrian greens for example: during the last EU elections their main candidate was a lesbian who's biggest point on the agenda was gay and lesbian rights.
now i'm all for gender & gay equality, but it is far from the biggest issue that has to be adressed. i care about a unified europe and see myself much more as "european" than "austrian" and i'd like to see the EU treated as serious business that we can influence - instead of how it is treated now: a surreal senat in a country far away, that usually only breaks the news if there's a scandal, crysis or silly laws like a minimum diameter for carotts.
No need I am already drunk. #BuschenschankGeht GAF aufs Oktoberfest?
Saving a bank is not a minor issue but it shows that certain problems are more important than others. Spending money on the "rich" and the curve of a cucumber is the EU in a nutshell and of course for every law made there is an exception for a country. Minor stuff gets boxed through while important issues for the future are postponed or implemented with enough holes so nothing changes.
Geht GAF aufs Oktoberfest?
No need I am already drunk. #Buschenschank
Just saw the EU Day spot on RAI and it kinda made me feel good, being European and all that. Then I come back in this thread ...
Damn we have to meet. I still have so much cheap "park" beer.
Damn we have to meet. I still have so much cheap "park" beer.
Pittinger Märzen for the win. Uns habens gestern mit nem kaputten Licht rausgewunken, haben uns aber ziehen lassen.that's awesome, because now i have none (und die letzte fahrt in die heimat war teuer, ich brauch 'nen "radarmelder")
Pittinger Märzen for the win. Uns habens gestern mit nem kaputten Licht rausgewunken, haben uns aber ziehen lassen.
Geht nur ums Geld machen aber Ich brauch momentan eh nix sagen. Geldtasche hinüber und den Führerschein irgendwo verloren. Mal schaun ob wer so nett war und ihn abgegeben hat.mich haben's nur geblitzt. aber die strecke salzburg - münchen - lindau ist auch hinterhältig. keine beschränkung, dann 120, wieder aufgehoben und gerade wenn man wieder reisegeschwindigkeit erreicht hat kommt schon wieder der nächste 120 abschnitt - und genau da wird geblitzt. kein entkommen ohne bremsfallschirm.
Geht nur ums Geld machen aber Ich brauch momentan eh nix sagen. Geldtasche hinüber und den Führerschein irgendwo verloren. Mal schaun ob wer so nett war und ihn abgegeben hat.
Richtig seriös wie man es von einem Arzt erwartet. Ich hab meinen Schein seit knapp 9 Monaten ;-)Definitiv, ist aber eh offiziell seit sie Blitzer-Warnungen im Radio erlauben. *shrugs*
Aber ich besorge mir jetzt wirklich so einen Sensor, gerade in der BRD ist das Risiko ordentlich abkassiert zu werden ja immens. Da sieht man einmal kurz in den Seitenspiegel und verpasst die 120er-Tafel und schon fährt man mit 180 Sachen in die Radarfalle (ich war nicht ganz so schnell, nur als Beispiel) - und das in einem Abschnitt, in dem das wirklich nicht ersichtlich ist (tlw. 3-spurige Gerade mit 120er Beschränkung, dann wieder 'ne kurvige, 2-spurige Strecke ohne Limit - das verstehe wer will).
EDIT: apropos Führerschein - ein Führerschein-Foto thread könnte ganz witzig sein. "Damals & Heute"
EDIT2: Damals:
Richtig seriös wie man es von einem Arzt erwartet. Ich hab meinen Schein seit knapp 9 Monaten ;-)
Fuuuuuck no. I think like three people have seen my driver's license pic. I was drunk on all occasions.
i was stoned while taking it. (at least i think i was. don't really remember. it looks like i was.)
i was stoned while taking it. (at least i think i was. don't really remember. it looks like i was.)
Honestly, you don't look like the same person :-D
(the lady next to me will be 102 years old a month from now. still lives alone, prepares a 3-course meal for herself everyday and can touch her toes with her fingers with knees streched, without taking ANY medication. awesome woman, lived to see 2 world wars, the first cars, the moon landing and the internet)
I look like a redheaded Lesbian.
Looks like you posted 3 pictures from 3 different persons.
The beard suits you.
i LOVE redheads. no problem with lesbians either.
Why did you stop sporting that license's photo look? It looks bad-ass.
But I look like an ugly one with a jeans jacket.
what a nice way of saying that the other 2 pics suck. thank you!
oh, so what you really ment to say was that you look like a redheaded lesbian as depicted by RTL between 12:00 and 18:00?
What happens at that time? :O
Most weird compliment was from a 90 year old patient who told me "Young man, you would have been perfect for the Waffen-SS!", turned around and continued with his business, while his wife stood there, facepalming.
I had the perfect pic on my license, until some fucker stole my wallet on Reeperbahn.
at least you'll always have the memory... of the Reeperbahn.
Hardly, I was an easy bait for pickpockets that night.
so the night ended early?
for shame... (hamburg is #1 on my list of cities i want to visit.)
so the night ended early?
for shame... (hamburg is #1 on my list of cities i want to visit.)
Let's have a beer when you do!
i want a hamburger