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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Jedes Wochenende Sonne in HH.

So viel teures Bier kann ich doch gar nicht trinken :-/

Hauptsache am 29. ist gutes Wetter in Hamburg. Solange kann die Welt im Norden ruhig untergehen. Wobei das gute Wetter ja bestimmt gut fürs Hafenfest ist.
Jedes Wochenende Sonne in HH.

So viel teures Bier kann ich doch gar nicht trinken :-/

I hear you. Hours it is what it takes for a lot of games (Infamous for example) but I guess you are talking about the whopping 17GB of Hitman. It is hilarious how long it takes.

What? Installing for hours? Big games probably take 10-15 minutes at most. Now, downloading with my shitty internet takes days...
I downloaded the 15GB of Infamous 2 faster than it installed afterwards. I watched TV while it was crawling from 1% to 2%. No way that was only 10 minutes.

Probably your HDD was fragmented as hell? I'm downloading Infamous 2 so I guess I'll know soon enough (not really, its only 35% downloaded, shitty speed)
So Regenwetter heisst Schlag den Raab Zeit - heute mit dem Hulk gegen den Hobbit Raab. Unglaublicher Muskelprotz, da bin ich aber sehr gespannt auf die Vorurteilsspiele.
Why can't you guys watch a good movie instead?

Well I think Schlag den Raab is classic saturday night TV entertainment - modern day gladiators are always fun to cheer/hate for. I watch so many movies a week I am happy to just sit down and watch without really paying attention. However I am always open for good movie suggestions for other days.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
I got my German fishing license. Awesome. I'm not much of a fisherman, at all, so this is exciting. The process for getting it was totally different than in the US. You actually have to take a class and take a written test. So who has access to great fishing?
Watch Grave Encounters 1 (the second kinda sucks) if you like horror movies. It's pretty entertaining.

Last horror movie I watched was "The cabin in the woods" which was sleep inducing and medicore at best. I do like American Horror Story. So depending on where your movie suggestion falls into I might give it a try although I am not a real horror movie aficionado.
Last horror movie I watched was "The cabin in the woods" which was sleep inducing and medicore at best. I do like American Horror Story. So depending on where your movie suggestion falls into I might give it a try although I am not a real horror movie aficionado.

Haven't watched American Horror Story, so can't compare, but GE is probably the most entertaining horror movie I've watched in many years, I'd say it's worth watching (I also liked the second Silent Hill movie, so I may have terrible taste).


I got my German fishing license. Awesome. I'm not much of a fisherman, at all, so this is exciting. The process for getting it was totally different than in the US. You actually have to take a class and take a written test. So who has access to great fishing?

Congrats! Haven't been fishing in ages. Did it a couple of times with my dad back in the day. (Although none of us ever had a license)


Free Punk/HC show at Bi Nuu at Schlesisches Tor in Kreuzberg. Am in Poland currently, so can't come. :(


Thanks man, went to this. Really good show. Was kinda depressing actually. Well they were mourning a dude who died of cancer :(

The tokens for deposit thing kind of threw me. Sometimes when ordering a beer they gave me a deposit chip, other times they didn't. I'm sure there's some sort of system. I ended up having two tokens in hand so I kept buying beer hoping they'd give me the beer without the deposit charge. I got rid of the first token, but needed to scavenge a bottle off the ground to clear the second.

Oh, who does the best German rye in Berlin? I need to get a loaf.


Thanks man, went to this. Really good show. Was kinda depressing actually. Well they were mourning a dude who died of cancer :(

The tokens for deposit thing kind of threw me. Sometimes when ordering a beer they gave me a deposit chip, other times they didn't. I'm sure there's some sort of system. I ended up having two tokens in hand so I kept buying beer hoping they'd give me the beer without the deposit charge. I got rid of the first token, but needed to scavenge a bottle off the ground to clear the second.

Oh, who does the best German rye in Berlin? I need to get a loaf.

As long as you have a bottle, you should have a token. If you just switch bottles (old for new), you keep the token.

Glad you enjoyed the show, though. I love the location.

I don't know about rye specifically, but this is hands down the best bakery in Berlin:

If the link doesn't work, search for Vollkornbäckerei Hartwich. There is one on Warachauer Str. In Friedrichshain but there should be more in Berlin.


I find myself in Berlin (again -'sup Fritz) tonight. Any live music on? Some punk bands, or rock'n'roll? I don't know the venues or anything here, or any of the German alt-weeklies that may have listings. Any GAFfers can do a google.de search for me?

Sorry man, I am far too late. I was at a wedding in the country. Exhausting. How was your trip east?

And Gustav, haven't heard of that Bäcker, will have to check it out.


Sorry man, I am far too late. I was at a wedding in the country. Exhausting. How was your trip east?

Ukraine was super cool, met some of my family there. I was gonna catch a matinee, but the English language site I checked had wrong information, so I'm sitting out the rain in a café right now.

I found this blog. I cannot argue with it.


Apparently, for a city widely claimed to be the “new New York”, Berlin has to work off quite a backlog of attributes that make a city big. Like, you know, tall buildings. Busy streets. Non-white people. A proper airport. A wide variety of scenes and cultures. 24/7 grocery shopping. Hell, 24/7 anything, for that matter. Somehow this new New York didn’t get old New York’s memo about it being “the city that never sleeps,” and not “the city that sleeps in until around noon, skips the shower, and wastes the day in a nearby cafe passing smug judgement on normal people.”

Buuuuurrrnnnn! Great city tho. Does seem quiet sometimes. No doubt, I was out until 5 on a Thursday, but God forbid I want to buy a pair of socks on a Sunday.


Apparently, for a city widely claimed to be the “new New York”, Berlin has to work off quite a backlog of attributes that make a city big.

What kind of idiot claims Berlin is the new NYC?

Like, you know, tall buildings.

Reason we have none: Forbidden by Berlin law.
True reason: Germans can't think big. Big buildings are so anti-Bausparvertrag, it hurts. Also, Germans like to claim that they are super understated (HALT! SCHWEINEHUND! BIER HAXEN!) and big buildings are for obnoxious egotistical Americans. To them, all American cities look the same - and that sure as shit won't happen to their precious German cities. Berlin is too beautiful to be sullied by some jerk off gigantism.

Busy streets.
We have those. From 8-10 a.m. and from 17-19 p.m. Otherwise it's dead. Especially the inner city. You go half a block from Unter den Linden? DEAD. Why? I would guess it's the same reason we don't have street vendors. Oh, funny story: An ice cream store in Prenzlauerberg got shut down a couple weeks ago by our precious Ordnungsamt (YES, THIS THING EXISTS. Welcome to Germany), because the line was too long. New Yorkers, try to wrap your head around that. Imagine this: some mid-50s women with fashionable short hair, from a "department of order" close down Grimaldi's because their fucking lines are too long. Only in Germany, bro. Only in Germany.

Non-white people.
Well, if you ask Germans we have too much Turks anyway. Nobody wants more of them. When I moved here in 2006, I was told by a "true" Berliner (Berliner is a Donut, get over yourself) that in Kreuzberg, some signs are written in both German and Turkish. IMAGINE THAT! TURKISH IN GERMANY! Na, wo sind wir denn hier? To answer and quote our foreign minister: "Es ist Deutschland, hier!".

A proper airport.

A wide variety of scenes and cultures.
What's important to know is that Germans have a special skill to effectively kill off and ban foreign culture from even appearing on German streets. This skill is called "Integrationsdebatte". The number 1 priority for each and every immigrant is to become integrated, to become assimilated, to effectively become germanized. Immigrants must be homogenized, otherwise they are unacceptable. You can see this easily by observing Germans talking to immigrants who don't speak the language. Germans immediately start talking to them as if they suddenly became retards. A sentence that will live in infamy: "Nix Banana?" That exact question is what my mom was confronted with by a fellow German (I say fellow because at that point my mother was a German citizen) when he tried to offer her a Banana. SPOILER: The correct sentence would have been: "Möchten Sie keine Banane?"

24/7 grocery shopping. Hell, 24/7 anything, for that matter.
Reason why this isn't happening: German law, apparently it's a holy day. So much for segregation of state and church, huh?
Real reason why this isn't happening: Because German shopkeepers (and their lobby) hate it when immigrants of other beliefs come to this country and make money on a day where Germans are stuck indoors, being holy (read: lazy). That's the real fucking reason. It's because "it's unfair", because people who are ready to work would be their biggest fucking nightmare. "Non-christians" would kill it in sales on Sundays and the small minded German piece of shit lobby won't have that. Because they believe it's their damn right to be lazy for one day a weak. And nobody should ever make profits from that. Especially the non-christians shouldn't. This year they finally started cracking down on "Spätis" (basically "Delis" in NYC) in Berlin, effectively fining immigrant shop keepers out of sunday dealings.

Somehow this new New York didn’t get old New York’s memo about it being “the city that never sleeps,” and not “the city that sleeps in until around noon, skips the shower, and wastes the day in a nearby cafe passing smug judgement on normal people.”


Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
When I visited Berlin, it was the closest thing in Europe, that I've been, to NYC. NYC is still the best but I really enjoyed Berlin.

Having Sundays off is awesome. The US should do that. Sure, it stops your shopping but you'll also always have that day off, as well.
That rant is so anti-German!

fixed. Gustav sure likes Deutschland

Not sure why any city would like to be the next NYC. It's a shithole if you're not rich: dirty, full of ghettos, expensive, overcrowded. It somehow lures Europeans though, who think packed cities with big skyscrapers are the shit.


That rant is so German!

Was just about to say :-D

Gustav, either you and Germany are a astonishingly bad fit, or you might tend to get hung up on minor stuff, which I think is a rather German quality.

I mean, most of the things yo say are true to some degree, but I have yet to meet someone else who get so pissed about this :-D

Weekends are a good thing.


Was just about to say :-D

Gustav, either you and Germany are a astonishingly bad fit, or you might tend to get hung up on minor stuff, which I think is a rather German quality.

I mean, most of the things yo say are true to some degree, but I have yet to meet someone else who get so pissed about this :-D

Weekends are a good thing.

You really think that overall culture, cultural climate, laws and mentality is a "minor" thing?


You really think that overall culture, cultural climate, laws and mentality is a "minor" thing?

I'd frame it differently and say that the things which you describe (some of which I'd call minor) don't really define (or even really describe) our culture etc.

I mean, "Germans can't think big"? There's centuries worth of philosophers', artists', scientists', engineers' and politicians' (bad and good) work that tell a different story.

I think I may have said this before when you first talked about your problems with Germany, but I think your view of Germany is so lopsided, I'm not sure it's salvageable.

Maybe another country will be all you need. Maybe it won't.

(And while I might come off as very pro-German on GAF, I don't think I'm blind to its negative sides. I'm complaining, too. Especially about Berlin :p )

No offense, BTW. You seem like a nice enough guy whenever the topic isn't German culture ;-)

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
There is no segregation of church and state in Germany. Isn't there a mandatory tithe? And mandatory religion class? Or optional "ethics" classes? I don't think it's ridiculous. Separation of church and state is something I believe in but I don't believe every country out there should adhere to that ideal. That's what makes countries different. I can appreciate that. I just wouldn't permanently live there.


There is no segregation of church and state in Germany. Isn't there a mandatory tithe? And mandatory religion class? Or optional "ethics" classes? I don't think it's ridiculous. Separation of church and state is something I believe in but I don't believe every country out there should adhere to that ideal. That's what makes countries different. I can appreciate that. I just wouldn't permanently live there.

There's a church tax which you're exempt from if you're not a member of one of the official churches. Very easy to get out of.

But yeah, the influence of the church on policies seems to be disproportionate compared to their importance to most people. In my day to day experience, Germans are pretty secular.

When it comes to church holidays, I think most people just don't disagree with a few days off, so they won't push for more separation in that regard ;-)

Speaking of religious discourse, found this yesterday:

(Sorry for the aspect ratio)
Does Berlin's airport suck or why the hate?

Also, I don't see anything wrong with Germany integrating immigrants, making them assimilate the German culture. People always think of European countries as homogeneous populations, and I think I like it that way, it's what makes Europe attractive to non-Europeans, to be honest.

The US, Australia and Canada are well suited for heterogeneous populations, the rest of the world, not so much.


Does Berlin's airport suck or why the hate?

Well, it's hard to say because they can't get the big one done ;-)

Germany has a terrible recent track record for big public construction projects. And like with most things, Berlin is the worst offender ;-). The central station (which is stupidly dark, windy and confusing) didn't get done in time for the 2006 WC, and the roof stayed unfinished. And it already has to be renovated.
The airport is a never-ending, embarrassing fiasco.


You really think that overall culture, cultural climate, laws and mentality is a "minor" thing?
"Integration" (i.e. become invisible, lest you scare/inconvenience someone by being different) is the only serious one on the list that I would agree with.
Here's an example of this telling attitude.
It's plain old xenophobia and as such not the end of the world (because it's a very human trait), but there are people who go further than that into actual racism, most of whom would admonish you for using the scary r-word. I don't want to know how many people bought Sarrazin's book because they agreed with him, but part of me wants to believe that most were just curious, even though I'm not a particularly optimistic person.

As far as tall buildings go there's Frankfurt at least. Our very own financial capital.

And having Sundays off is great, no matter what the original reason was. I don't celebrate any religious holidays either but they're great to have regardless. We spend enough of our lives working as is.
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