TDM is gonna screw DeutschGAF by using that title.
yeah man, it's "Über", with an "Ü".
TDM is gonna screw DeutschGAF by using that title.
TDM is gonna screw DeutschGAF by using that title.
Poor TDM, he doesn't know better.
Poor TDM, he doesn't know better.
How about
DeutschGAF - Deutschland im Herbst
DeutschGAF - Thor Steinar welcomes you
Wait why are you scared all of a sudden
I'm so confused. Why you gotta be so mean. It's because you hate Austrians, isn't it?
There is a reason why the German anthem doesn't start with the first stanza anymore.
There is a reason why the German anthem doesn't start with the first stanza anymore.
and around here, we make jokes about that. frequently.
You joke about WWII and the holocaust?
hell yeah.
Man, that got awkward fast.
DeutschGAF |OT| Man, that got awkward fast
DeutschGAF |OT| Where we joke about the holocaust
Noch besser?
PsVitas biggest games in 2013 are SS and KZ.
How big is Sony in Germany?
Ist dieser Thread immer so weird? xD Ich guck ja nur ab und an rein...
My vote is for DeutschGAF Uber Alles or something similar.
DeutschGAF |OT| Where we joke about the holocaust
Noch besser?
Why do people keep pushing for a thread title along "Schema F"? That's lame. The thread started before that craze (I believe Zaraki had the idea and I executed it) and just grew organically.
If juniors are so keen on an |OT| open one in community and see how that goes. I mean I am not going to object the majority but people jumping in here just to complain about the thread title with zero other contribution are being ridiculous.
And YEAH, I AM a bit grumpy about the whole issue.
Ist dieser Thread immer so weird? xD Ich guck ja nur ab und an rein...
Tell me, do you still hate yourself every night for what happened in WWII? You know, like a true German should?
Gustav, is that you?
DeutschGAF - Es ist Deutschland hier
Oh god, that was the worst. haha
Gustav, you'll just love this. If this doesn't make you want to stay I don't know what is.
Can we go back to having fun?
Scheißt der sich gerade in die Hosen?
you're being silly. obviously you havent been following this thread, but in the last couple of months satirical references to germany's nazi past have become common in response to the boulevard's (and some GAF members') handling of germany's emerging role in the EU (crisis). noone is making fun of industrialized mass murder and we all agree that hitler did stink.
now eat a snickers and stop being the most german dude in this thread.
Don't make me explain my dumb pun, haha.Wie bitte?
Oh, so it's just too colloquial? Eh, that's the last thing I would lay at their feet, but I guess I can see it. I'd still rather have that than some of the Guardian headlines. Seriously difficult to parse sometimes. At least the Spiegel stuff is immediately recognizable as German.dann sollte man wohl den ganzen satz über den haufen werfen. als ich heute dran vorbeigegangen bin wahr ich ein bisschen geschockt, dass der spiegel so ein linguistisches chaos auf seine titelseite schreibt. nicht das ich unbedingt mehr erwarten würde, aber naja..
"Wie berechenbar sind wir? Die Methodik von Staaten und Konzernen unseren nächsten Schritt vorherzusehen"
@Milchjon: Scheißt der sich gerade in die Hosen?
If juniors are so keen on an |OT| open one in community and see how that goes.
Bin ein bisschen enttäuscht dass hier keiner Ron Swanson aus Parks and Recreation kennt. Super lustig und empfehlenswert, wenn jemand ne gute Comedy-Serie sucht. Das Bild ist aus der Snakejuice-Episode.Keine Ahnung, war eins der ersten Ergebnisse in der Bilder suche für "party alone" :-D
I was just speechless that Jon posted the gif. I thought Schlag the Raab and other Hartz4 TV shows were the only thing he watched.Bin ein bisschen enttäuscht dass hier keiner Ron Swanson aus Parks and Recreation kennt. Super lustig und empfehlenswert, wenn jemand ne gute Comedy-Serie sucht. Das Bild ist aus der Snakejuice-Episode.
Bin ein bisschen enttäuscht dass hier keiner Ron Swanson aus Parks and Recreation kennt. Super lustig und empfehlenswert, wenn jemand ne gute Comedy-Serie sucht. Das Bild ist aus der Snakejuice-Episode.
Bin ein bisschen enttäuscht dass hier keiner Ron Swanson aus Parks and Recreation kennt. Super lustig und empfehlenswert, wenn jemand ne gute Comedy-Serie sucht. Das Bild ist aus der Snakejuice-Episode.
I was just speechless that Jon posted the gif. I thought Schlag the Raab and other Hartz4 TV shows were the only thing he watched.
At least you're not a horrible person.What can I say, I'm a complex person.
No, I'm not.