Ja, Ich meinte auch den "sitzenden" Typen, die kamen so schnell hintereinander. Und Ron Swanson hielt ich für Harry Wijnvoord, aber nur ganz kurz
Wohl zuviel Slimfast gesoffen
Ja, Ich meinte auch den "sitzenden" Typen, die kamen so schnell hintereinander. Und Ron Swanson hielt ich für Harry Wijnvoord, aber nur ganz kurz
Ja, Ich meinte auch den "sitzenden" Typen, die kamen so schnell hintereinander. Und Ron Swanson hielt ich für Harry Wijnvoord, aber nur ganz kurz
Wo Harry ist, kann Walter Freiwald nicht weit sein.
My mistakeIch dachte, er meinte das hässliche Rumsitz-Bild.
Ron Swanson war das erste Ergebnis für "Ron Swanson dancing gif" ;-)
Ich mach mit und GEH AUFS GANZE mit Jörg Draeger
Werner Schulze-Erdel guys
He did Familienduell AND Ruck Zuck, the two funniest shows ever.
Did you watch "I'm a Cyborg But That's Okay" already?Just finished watching "thirst".
A vampire movie by Park Chan-Wook (Oldboy), it was awesome D:
I just updated the Ruck Zuck link. It's an 8 min YouTube video. I am laughing my ass off. The clothes alone.
Did you watch "I'm a Cyborg But That's Okay" already?
Nennen sie ein besonders farbenprächtiges Tier. <BUZZER> Zebra!
JYou should watch the youtube videos with the funniest answers from Familienduell.
"Name something that you can punch" and the answer was "children" D:
The best answer overall is from a show called Risiko.Geil auch:
"Was verbinden Sie mit Norwegen?"
Unsere rauchende Farm.
Another successful Italian product in Germany:
Other pictures are probably too NSFW for this board.
Just finished watching "thirst".
A vampire movie by Park Chan-Wook (Oldboy), it was awesome D:
Fritz, gehen wa?
I own "Durst" on BluRay. Bought it on a Flohmarkt in Düsseldorf. It was from a guy who sold tons of BluRays and DVD. Everything uncut or from Austria. I felt like a small kid on Christmas. <3
I own "Durst" on BluRay. Bought it on a Flohmarkt in Düsseldorf. It was from a guy who sold tons of BluRays and DVD. Everything uncut or from Austria. I felt like a small kid on Christmas. <3
Since "Durst" isn't cut it wasn't the problem, but getting "I saw the Devil" was a "geraffel" (sorry I'm watching way to much Little Britain lately...).
Since "Durst" isn't cut it wasn't the problem, but getting "I saw the Devil" was a "geraffel" (sorry I'm watching way to much Little Britain lately...).
Shame the joke breaks down after the first picture. Stokrotka sounds much harsher than Gänseblümchen and the rest aren't much better.
Nette Bildersammlung zur deutschen Sprache:
When you say it properly, it really doesn't.
Neither does Ganseblumchen, when you say it properly.
The first German settlers arrived in Texas over 150 years ago and successfully passed on their native language throughout the generations - until now.
German was the main language used in schools, churches and businesses around the hill country between Austin and San Antonio. But two world wars and the resulting drop in the standing of German meant that the fifth and sixth generation of immigrants did not pass it on to their children.
Still the biggest ancestry group in the US, according to Census data, a large majority of German-Americans never learned the language of their ancestors.
Hans Boas, a linguistic and German professor at the University of Texas, has made it his mission to record as many speakers of German in the Lone Star State as he can before the last generation of Texas Germans passes away.
Mr Boas has recorded 800 hours of interviews with over 400 German descendants in Texas and archived them at the Texas German Dialect Project. He says the dialect, created from various regional German origins and a mix of English, is one of a kind.
"We have found no two speakers that speak roughly alike," Mr Boas told the BBC at his office in Austin.
The BBC's Franz Strasser went to Weimar, New Braunfels and Austin to find the last speakers of this dialect.
Nette Bildersammlung zur deutschen Sprache:
Am I the only one who was really surprised to see the new 5 bills? I was shocked to see they're already available.
What about my Theaterknie.Hands down, a lot of "Krankenhäuser" change their name to "Klinikum" because the first one sounds so sick-ish.
Anyway, best German is Abkürzung im Krankenhaus-German: ERCP = Endoskopische retrograde Cholangiopankreatikographie .
Nordmänner, kauft hier!
Haben heute aufgemacht, vorhin kurz vorbeigeschaut. Sehr schöne Atmosphäre, Probierbier vom Fass, und 300 Sorten.
I want more of this. Maybe they'll do a "full" 40 minute documentary about it ...
Die CSU ist sauer auf die CDU in Baden-Württemberg. Deren Vorsitzender, Thomas Strobl, hatte den Bayern öffentlich Ratschläge für den Umgang mit der Verwandtschaftsaffäre gegeben. CSU-Chef Seehofer schlägt jetzt zurück: "Von den Losern lass' ich mir nichts sagen."
Just try to get some aged cheese (Bergkäse 6 months or older if possible) aswell. I use 2-3 different kinds of cheese to make them but it depends on your personal taste. What you need anyway are a lot of fried onions, potato salad and a Schnapps afterwards.
Macaroni and cheese with potato salad? I don't think my heart will like that one, heh. I'll try to incorporate a Schnapps.