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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Ich werde bald für eine Woche in Berlin sein (Mo.-Sa.). Gibt's irgendwelche besonderen Tipps die beachtet werden sollten?

Interesse an der Club-Szene oder besonderen Bars oder Kneipen habe ich übrigens nicht.

Geh nach Wilmersdorf!

Sonst wichtiger Tipp: Wenn eine Frau (mit oder ohne Kind) auf dich zukommt und fragt: "Speak english?". Einfach weitergehen. Nicht stehenbleiben, nicht antworten. Weiter.


Insel der Jugend
Hackescher Markt
Was steckt'n dahinter (sorry, Provinzler hier)?
(Illegale?) Imigranten (meist aus Südosteuropa), sie Geld erbetteln wollen. Ich habe gehört die sind organisiert und müssen das erbettelte Geld dann an die Bosse abgeben, die davon ein gutes Leben führen, während die Frauen zusammengepfercht in irgendwelchen Baracken schlafen müssen.

Still kills me. :D
Still no fixed plans other than into Frankfurt at 6am on the 4th and then out again on the 26th. Tickets are booked though. Berlin on the "definitely" list, been looking into accommodation etc.

There was a thread about it earlier.

December in Deutschland!

Hmm, Frankfurt is only about 70 miles from where I live. :x


Would I need accommodation there or is it feasible to be based in Berlin for that?

No need for accomodation there. Potsdam is part of Berlin's transit system.

I'm not super knowledgable when it comes to hostels in Berlin but that location is not good. Moabit has a really shitty connection to the central/east, where most of the main sights are. Here's one I run by on my way to work and the location is very good, Tram and Subway just outside the door. Easy connection to Unter den Linden, Kreuzberg etc.
No need for accomodation there. Potsdam is part of Berlin's transit system.

I'm not super knowledgable when it comes to hostels in Berlin but that location is not good. Moabit has a really shitty connection to the central/east, where most of the main sights are. Here's one I run by on my way to work and the location is very good, Tram and Subway just outside the door. Easy connection to Unter den Linden, Kreuzberg etc.


How's this one?

Got amazing reviews on the intertubes.
Geh nach Wilmersdorf!

Sonst wichtiger Tipp: Wenn eine Frau (mit oder ohne Kind) auf dich zukommt und fragt: "Speak english?". Einfach weitergehen. Nicht stehenbleiben, nicht antworten. Weiter.


Insel der Jugend
Hackescher Markt

Thanks for the tips, Gustav. My hotel is on the Kudamm, nothing you listed is too far away.

Nicht in die Hundekacke treten.

Yeah Jon, thanks. I'll keep that in mind.


Unfortunately not. I'll be there in about three weeks and stay for 6 days. It's my first vacation in two years and who knows when I'll get more than two days off again.

Why would you waste those precious days on freaking Berlin :p

Absolutely stunning crisp fall day in Hamburg today. After a year of living here, I am now 99% certain that it's the best city in Germany. So beautiful.
Why would you waste those precious days on freaking Berlin :p

Absolutely stunning crisp fall day in Hamburg today. After a year of living here, I am now 99% certain that it's the best city in Germany. So beautiful.

Because I've never been to Berlin, it's cheap and I could be quickly at home in case of some work-related emergency.
Was hat der Stronach eigentlich für ein Wahlprogramm außer "Todesstrafe für Auftragskiller" und "Alle Politiker sind böse"?

"Weg mit den bösen Funktionären" an mehr kann ich mich nicht erinnern. Zum Glück sind wir gerade noch am Kanzler Strache vorbei geschrammt - aber hätten Stronach und die Neos mehr Unfug getrieben, dann hätten wir jetzt den Salat.


Because I've never been to Berlin, it's cheap and I could be quickly at home in case of some work-related emergency.

You always make your job sound like hell on earth.

Also, I think you said you're not interested in the night-life? That's a bummer, because that's pretty much the only thing Berlin has going for it. The only times I ever really loved Berlin was on my way home at about 5 AM in the rain after a night out.


Wow, seine Stimme klingt genau wie das Originale !


Precht: Wie die Politik Themen verfehlt

Merkel dominiert Europa künftig mehr denn je – ist sie keine Lokomotive?

Überhaupt nicht. Mit welcher eindrucksvollen Gestaltungskraft hat Kohl Europa und die deutsche Einheit gemacht! Man stelle sich in der selben Situation jemanden wie Merkel vor, die immer schaut, was denken die Leute, welche Risiken gehe ich ein, und im Zweifelsfall zaudert. Sowie es ernsthafte Probleme gibt, wird man sehen, dass Merkel die falsche Person ist – sie ist eine Kanzlerin für Schönwetterzeiten.

Interessanter Dialog.


When my father retires in a few years, he wants to go to Germany, possibly even organize a small family reunion with some relatives there if we can find them (his parents knew the contacts and they are both no longer with us). Obviously, I plan to go with him. I've only started studying German recently but am pretty good with languages.

Does everyone there really speak English? I'm hoping to be conversation-capable and good with reading by the time I travel though. Should I be too worried about getting about? Thx for any advice. 'scuse my English. ;)


When my father retires in a few years, he wants to go to Germany, possibly even organize a small family reunion with some relatives there if we can find them (his parents knew the contacts and they are both no longer with us). Obviously, I plan to go with him. I've only started studying German recently but am pretty good with languages.

Does everyone there really speak English? I'm hoping to be conversation-capable and good with reading by the time I travel though. Should I be too worried about getting about? Thx for any advice. 'scuse my English. ;)

Well, not everyone. It's not like in the Netherlands or Scandinavia where it seems like you can talk to every cashier or bakery help in English.

But especially in bigger cities or in cities with a large student population, you don't have to worry, IMO. You'll almost always find someone to help you. And most people actually try, even if they aren't perfect.
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