Berlin was great. My GF and I ditched the list of places to visit and just strolled around for hours every day. We picked a place in the morning, like the Französische Straße, and just went there and enjoyed the scenery and buildings on the way there. We didn't go to see the wall nor did we visit the Reichstag or some historical museum (we did visit the Computerspielmuseum, though. Priorities and all that, I guess

) We realized that all we needed was some change of scene, without having to check off a list with "must see" places we didn't really care about (as ignorant as it sounds). That said, we did see a lot of historical landmarks, but most of them we discovered by accident. That made it a fun experience, too. Like that one evening when we wandered around again to take pictures and stopped at some gorgeous big old building. A young couple approached us to ask if the debate was happening that evening. I chuckled like the idiot I am and said I would answer their question if they'd tell me what building that was. We all had it good laugh, talked for few more minutes and then left. As it turned out, it was the Humboldt University.
Little moments like that made me enjoy the trip way more than checking off a list of things to see.