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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Where do you guys go out to eat fast food? I prefer smaller local snack bars, their burgers are delicious.


trinkt jeder andere Dietz Getränke? besonders die Mango-Nektar. nom nom nom

What?!?! Kässpätzle are the food of gods! Maultaschen are pretty good too, though.

Ich vertraue dir, wirklich! aber wie gesagt, hab nie echte Spätzle gegessen. Entweder mein eigene Kochen oder beim Uni. beide sind -_-


Where do you guys go out to eat fast food? I prefer smaller local snack bars, their burgers are delicious.

Ich esse nicht wirklich viel Fast Food. Pizza beim lokalen Italiener oder auch mal 'nen Döner, aber nur bei dem einem hier der die Spieße selber macht. Ne Currywurst kann man so gut wie überall essen.


Where do you guys go out to eat fast food? I prefer smaller local snack bars, their burgers are delicious.

There are a lot of asian food snack bars/restaurants out there. (big meal = 10€ in a restaurant, 5,50€ in a snack bar).
Tastes awesome!
so kann jemand mir erklären;



Ist gleichwohl wie ein Verneinung? ahhh, die Uebersetzung sind beide meanwhile (at the same time [aber nicht wie gleichzeitig] )


so kann jemand mir erklären;



Ist gleichwohl wie ein Verneinung? ahhh, die Uebersetzung sind beide meanwhile (at the same time [aber nicht wie gleichzeitig] )

I would only translate "währenddessen" as meanwhile in the sense that: "While this one thing is happening, something else is happening as well."
"Gleichwohl" would be used in a situation where: "Even though this one thing is happening, something else is happening as well."
"Gleichwohl" is rather formal sounding, and the English equivalent would be something like notwithstanding or nevertheless.


Ich esse nicht wirklich viel Fast Food. Pizza beim lokalen Italiener oder auch mal 'nen Döner, aber nur bei dem einem hier der die Spieße selber macht. Ne Currywurst kann man so gut wie überall essen.

Wie bei diesen anbietern
(oh and sorry for my German, I was terrible at school)
They blew my mind the first time I saw them.

There are a lot of asian food snack bars/restaurants out there. (big meal = 10€ in a restaurant, 5,50€ in a snack bar).
Tastes awesome!
I went to such an asian snack bars with friends once (in the Sony Center, Berlin) and the food is really good indeed.


so kann jemand mir erklären;



Ist gleichwohl wie ein Verneinung? ahhh, die Uebersetzung sind beide meanwhile (at the same time [aber nicht wie gleichzeitig] )

Both words have nothing in common. "Gleichwohl" is nearly the same as "trotzdem", "dennoch", "nichtsdestotrotz" etc. In English "nevertheless", "anyhow", "nonetheless", you get the idea.

"Gleichwohl" is seldom used in everyday German, you usually find it only in written German.


I have a question though, is schoen only for women and huebsch for men? I've heard conflicting definitions. When I studied at a language institute in germany I was told huebsch is for men and schoen is for women but at the new years party some people said you can use them interchangeably and others said you would only say schoen when talking about a guy if you were implying he's gay.

A bit late but it hasn't really been answered imho:

"Hübsch" and "schön" are both kinda reserved for "female beauty". A guy can be "hübsch" or "schön", but it certainly implies a kind of female/androgynous/boyish quality, "hübsch" more so than "schön". Very much like pretty and beautiful.

For a guy I'd use "gutaussehend" (good-looking).


A bit late but it hasn't really been answered imho:

"Hübsch" and "schön" are both kinda reserved for "female beauty". A guy can be "hübsch" or "schön", but it certainly implies a kind of female/androgynous/boyish quality, "hübsch" more so than "schön". Very much like pretty and beautiful.

For a guy I'd use "gutaussehend" (good-looking).

Yeah any variation of "gutaussehend" is definitely the way to go. Even with females i'm way more inclined to say "Die sieht gut aus" , "ist geil / scharf etc." than to say "schön" (which is just so much more powerful / personal imo).
danke Kola ^_^
welches ugs. Alternativ gibt es für gleichwohl? er erscheint praktisch.

übrigens hab ich etwas käsespätzle gegessen (mehr wie gefrassen). sie waren von meiner Marke erster Wahl (of choice? like in an ironic way even), und schmeck zwar gut. Ich bevorzuge aber doch noch Maultaschen... in der Tat koche ich einige gerade ^__^


danke Kola ^_^
welches ugs. Alternativ gibt es für gleichwohl? er erscheint praktisch.

übrigens hab ich etwas käsespätzle gegessen (mehr wie gefrassen). sie waren von meiner Marke erster Wahl (of choice? like in an ironic way even), und schmeck zwar gut. Ich bevorzuge aber doch noch Maultaschen... in der Tat koche ich einige gerade ^__^

Use it with a possessive pronoun and drop it before Marke: Sie waren von der Marke meiner Wahl. That works imo.


i just wanted to share this amazing deal i saw in today's saturn flyer with deutsch-gaf. it's saturn switzerland, but still.


299 swiss francs. that's 245 euros. for 500 gb! woooo, let's party like it's 2004!!!
Use it with a possessive pronoun and drop it before Marke: Sie waren von der Marke meiner Wahl. That works imo.

super hilfreich.

noch eine; Wann sagt (schreibt) man Laut oder Nach; Laut erscheint mit gesprochenen Aussagen zu entsprechen, wohingegen ist Nach mit geschriebenen Quellen... oder?

Laut etwas Kerl; "ja Mensch das war richtig fett"

Nach etwas klugen Kerl; "blah blah die Eurokrise eine Wendepunkt nähert"


I think the German voice over in Skyrim is quite awful.
Yes, didn't sound good at all, sadly. Some voices are good, like the argonian guy - ''zum Vergessenheit und zurück, wie man sagt''

I can't stand the fake Italian accent they use.
It was probably a decision made by the director, because every voiceover has this issue. The italian dubbing itself was excelent, though.
How do you say check as in check your email? I know überprüfen means to check but I don't think it means it in the sense of checking your email right?

Also, how would you say something like "How are things in Germany?"? Would you still use Wie gehts?
I think the German voice over in Skyrim is quite awful.

I think most english to german dubbings are aweful. The only ones I accept are those of Lord of the Rings and the original Star Wars trilogy. The first because I read the books in german, and the writing comes of more prosaic in german, the latter because I have seen them a million times in german and can say nearly every line of it... also "Er ist genauso ungeschickt wie töricht" sounds so much more eloquent than "He is as clumsy as he is stupid."

Aber asiatische Filme würde ich nie nie niemals auf englisch gucken. Meine Güte das haben wir aber tausend mal besser drauf als ihr! xD
"Check mal deine E-Mails" :p
If you don't want a Denglisch answer überprüfen or abrufen should be fine.

What is more common though? I don't care if it's Denglisch or not as long as it's what most people use. I don't want to say überprüfen though if it's outdated and only people in their 80s would say.


What is more common though? I don't care if it's Denglisch or not as long as it's what most people use. I don't want to say überprüfen though if it's outdated and only people in their 80s would say.

Definitely checken. I think it has been commonly used for ages. Probably since the world wars.


Confirmed Asshole
Cool, thanks.

Anyone have any advice about asking something like "how are things in Germany" or something like that? Would it just be like "Wie gehts alles in Deutschland?"?

"Was ist los in Deutschland?" (informal inquiry in business settings)
"Was geht ab in Deutschland?" (youth speak)
"Was steht an in Deutschland?" (born-in-the-80s speak)
"Alles okay in Deutschland?" (showing concern)
"Sind die Russen schon in Deutschland?" (making an inappropriate joke)

Sometimes prefixed with "und", like in: "Und, was geht ab in Germany, Du alter Hoden?"

Well, the Russen-sentence should probably not be used unless the other participants in the conversation know Werner well enough to appreciate it.


What is more common though? I don't care if it's Denglisch or not as long as it's what most people use. I don't want to say überprüfen though if it's outdated and only people in their 80s would say.
"Nach neuen emails schauen" for example. "Checken" is commonly used, though.

Also, "How are things in Germany?" would most commonly be translated as "Wie läuft es in Deutschland?" I guess.
How do you say check as in check your email? I know überprüfen means to check but I don't think it means it in the sense of checking your email right?

Also, how would you say something like "How are things in Germany?"? Would you still use Wie gehts?
Can you give a context please? If you ask this because you want to know information about a specific situation right now(like "How's is economey right now?), you can say "Wie ist die Lage in Deutschland zurzeit?".

"Nach neuen emails schauen" for example. "Checken" is commonly used, though.

Also, "How are things in Germany?" would most commonly be translated as "Wie läuft es in Deutschland?" I guess.
I get a angry view always if I hear someone use a English word. It's fuckin' disturbing. There is different between "I don't know a German word, so I'm using this English word". That's okay. But if you can use other words, come on use it. But you're right it's commonly used. Sigh.

Screw you! Fritz is never wrong! :p

Can you give a context please? If you ask this because you want to know information about a specific situation right now(like "How's is economey right now?), you can say "Wie ist die Lage in Deutschland zurzeit?".

I get a angry view always if I hear someone use a English word. It's fuckin' disturbing. There is different between "I don't know a German word, so I'm using this English word". That's okay. But if you can use other words, come on use it. But you're right it's commonly used. Sigh.
I guess maybe more general than that. A friend from germany emailed and asked me how I was and I just want to ask the same thing back but in German. Like in english you might say something like "how have things been with you?" "How are things over in Germany?" if they don't live in the same state/place as you, "how have you been" or something along those lines and it just feels like wie gehts is just "how are you" and so it doesn't feel like the right use to ask them how they have been. It's just such a simple phrase and I can't think of how to say it in German.


I guess maybe more general than that. A friend from germany emailed and asked me how I was and I just want to ask the same thing back but in German. Like in english you might say something like "how have things been with you?" "How are things over in Germany?" if they don't live in the same state/place as you, "how have you been" or something along those lines and it just feels like wie gehts is just "how are you" and so it doesn't feel like the right use to ask them how they have been. It's just such a simple phrase and I can't think of how to say it in German.
If I wanted to ask how things are I would probably ask "Wie sieht's aus bei dir" or "Wie sieht's aus in Deutschland". There are many other ways of expressing it, though.


Junior Member
"Wie sieht es in Deutschland?"
Nope, that sounds awful, no offense :p

"Wie siehts bei Dir in Deutschland aus?"
"How are things over at your place in Germany?"

Siehts is a shortening of "sieht es" and more colloquial. Though more of a southern than northern thing, I think.


Nope, that sounds awful, no offense :p

"Wie siehts bei Dir in Deutschland aus?"
"How are things over at your place in Germany?"

Siehts is a shortening of "sieht es" and more colloquial. Though more of a southern than northern thing, I think.

You should use an apostrophe then: "sieht's" (kein "Deppenapostroph" sondern Auslassungszeichen)
ist jegliche Radiofunk auf Hochdeutsch? Ich meine, ich will die Süd/Bäyrisch Akkzent/Dialekt beim Radiofunk oder sowas zuhören, um sie besser zu verstehen. Da ich so oft Hochdeutsch gehoert hab, kann ich leicht Norddeutschen verstehen and mit ihnen unterhalten. In der Tat fühle ich als meine Kenntnisse ist ziemlich hoch unter ihnen. aber immer noch! muss ich oft danach erbitten, meine Mitbewohnern oder Leute in der Naehe, ihre Aussagen wiederzuholen, weil ich einfach wenig Erfahrung mit dieser Akkzent habe, aufgrund ein anscheinder Mangel an Funken auf Dialekten.

Koennen irgendjemand mir einige Seite/Podcasts, so was, die auf ein Allgemein Bayrisch / Sued akzent/dialekt aufgefuehrt werden?


Screw you! Fritz is never wrong! :p

I guess maybe more general than that. A friend from germany emailed and asked me how I was and I just want to ask the same thing back but in German. Like in english you might say something like "how have things been with you?" "How are things over in Germany?" if they don't live in the same state/place as you, "how have you been" or something along those lines and it just feels like wie gehts is just "how are you" and so it doesn't feel like the right use to ask them how they have been. It's just such a simple phrase and I can't think of how to say it in German.

So you're not in Germany anymore? I always wanted to have a beer with you
and make fun of your Jaguars fandom

@Alpha-Bromega: Ich kenne keine schwäbischen Radio-Sender, und auf iTunes habe ich auch nichts gefunden. Aber auf Youtube gibt es viel, vor allem (teilweise sehr unlustige) Comedy.
Koennen irgendjemand mir einige Seite/Podcasts, so was, die auf ein Allgemein Bayrisch / Sued akzent/dialekt aufgefuehrt werden?

Just short introductions to German dialects. 3 and 5 might be interesting for you:


EDIT: Oh, you're looking for complete radio programs in dialect? I'm trying to google something like that, but tbh I never heard of such a thing. Normally radio broacasts don't have very strong regional language, except for comedy purposes.


Junior Member
Yeah, if you want this accent, you have to aim for TV series.
"Rosenheimcops" and "Der Bulle von Tölz" are both criminal comedies and very, very thick on Bayuvarian accent.
Maybe you can find some episodes on streaming or buy DVD sets, cheap. Oh yeah, a very stereotyped Bayuvaria in those, beware :p
"In Hamburg? Da wird ma ja scho für Sachan verhaft, wo ma hier noch den bayerischen Verdienstorden griegt!"
So you're not in Germany anymore? I always wanted to have a beer with you
and make fun of your Jaguars fandom

@Alpha-Bromega: Ich kenne keine schwäbischen Radio-Sender, und auf iTunes habe ich auch nichts gefunden. Aber auf Youtube gibt es viel, vor allem (teilweise sehr unlustige) Comedy.

:lol At least I'm a real fan and not some cheating Pats bandwagon fan! And ya, I came back home last thursday night.


:lol At least I'm a real fan and not some cheating Pats bandwagon fan! And ya, I came back home last thursday night.

Bandwagon? Why would I root for a team I only know as playoff chokers if I wanted winners? Not like I'm a dirty Steelers fan...


Also, just for the record, I fell in love with New England first, football followed later and so the Patriots were the natural choice.
"In Hamburg? Da wird ma ja scho für Sachan verhaft, wo ma hier noch den bayerischen Verdienstorden griegt!"

lol, das ist genau, was ich brauche!

leider dass sie nur auf Hochdeutsch sind, ich hatte geschaetzt, dass wegen des Stolzen Bayerns (relativ) gäbe es einige Rundfunken auf die Dialektin...

so ist das Leben!

aber ja, wie gesagt, kann ich leicht mit irgendjemanden glasklar unterhalten, außer die verfluchte Sueden! und natuerlich auch nicht die Schweizen :p
Bandwagon? Why would I root for a team I only know as playoff chokers if I wanted winners? Not like I'm a dirty Steelers fan...


Also, just for the record, I fell in love with New England first, football followed later and so the Patriots were the natural choice.

Natural choice for a cheating cheater? Got it. Alles klar!
lol, das ist genau, was ich brauche!

leider dass sie nur auf Hochdeutsch sind, ich hatte geschaetzt, dass wegen des Stolzen Bayerns (relativ) gäbe es einige Rundfunken auf die Dialektin...

so ist das Leben!

aber ja, wie gesagt, kann ich leicht mit irgendjemanden glasklar unterhalten, außer die verfluchte Sueden! und natuerlich auch nicht die Schweizen :p

Ja, ich habe auch nichts gefunden. Es gibt gar nichts in Fernsehen und auch nichts in Internet.

Edit: Hast du Zattoo gehoert? Es gibt viele TV und Radio Programme. Vielleicht gibt es etwas? Es ist scheisse jetzt fuer mich weil ich in dem USA sein aber es ist nicht schlecht in Deutschland. Es hat viele regional Programme... Ich glaube...
Uh, so how about snow this year? I didn't see any... This must be one of the warmest winters ever. If it wasn't for the lesser amount of sunlight and the past holidays, it would feel like a long-ass fall :eek:

Thank you based climate change!
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