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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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ProTip: When searching for the correct response gif to this above, don´t type "bro fist pussies" with safe search off.


Also, bring it on, Xaver!


Plus, badassery


Edit: From the UK thread:

A level 3 was issued for NE Netherlands, NW and N Germany and extreme S Denmark mainly for extreme wind gusts, and to a lesser extent for tornadoes.
Well, alcohol I could understand (well, not understand understand, but rationally), but I can't see how someone would make it all the way through school and university without caffeine. Are you superhuman?

Although I guess no alcohol helps with no caffeine.

You think they let mere mortals become mods? I didn't even have to request any bans to get through.
Finally got home, only to notice that Xaver killed my landline. What a fucking cunt.

O2 support was useless, too.
"In case you haven't read, watched or heard the news, there's a storm brewing".

No shit, but we're not in the US. This shouldn't affect my line in any way. I'm not even in the northern part of the country.

I should've stayed at work.
Maybe unrelated events?

That's what I thought and why I called them in the first place, but even before I got to talk to a person, there were several automatic messages telling me that the call center personnel was understaffed and that any disruptions of the service might be related to the storm.

When I finally got through, the lady on the other end told me that she couldn't find any specific problems in my area and that it had to be related to the storm.
When I finally got through, the lady on the other end told me that she couldn't find any specific problems in my area and that it had to be related to the storm.

'Höhere Gewalt' is a good execuse for everything, haha.

I was promised snow...
The lack of snow is pretty much the only thing I dislike about Hamburg so far.

Snowing right now in Cologne. Though it's melting immediately.

Going to book koln today I reckon.

Dayum. I have to finish my stuff since the deadline closing in and GAF celebrity is visiting my hood.


Yeah. Met various Amerikans and Australiens, went for a walk to see bits of the city. I just want to say that I've never seen so many pastry shops in my life.

Going to book koln today I reckon.

Great! Good thing you didn´t get blown away, the kangaroos would have missed ya.
Talked to my admiral (read: wife), we´d love to have you here, but it´d have to be on the weekend, as we´re overwhelmed with work under the week. For how long are you gonna be with us German heathens?


So, how about it, maybe next weekend?

Edit: Whats your travelplan anyway, what do you plan to see and do in Germany? Maybe we could help.


Möchte jemand (kostenlos) einen Ms Splosion Man code für XBLA?
War heute im Adventskalender, und meine 360 ist schon im Ruhestand.
I'm 90% sure I saw Onkel in the Frankfurt train station today.

So, how about it, maybe next weekend?

Edit: Whats your travelplan anyway, what do you plan to see and do in Germany? Maybe we could help.

Next weekend I will probably be in Hamburg. Berlin is after that, then back to Frankfurt.


Next weekend I will probably be in Hamburg. Berlin is after that, then back to Frankfurt.

Yeah well - invitation stands. If you can´t make it this time, let me know when you do your Slavic tripping. Maybe we can setup something then.

Oh, and no south at all? No Munich, Stuttgart, Nurnberg?
Fuck 1: Zum Zahnarzt rein ohne Schmerzen, raus dann so, dass ich doch zu Hause geblieben wäre.

Fuck 2: Die schlimmsten 18€ die ich je in einer halben Stunde verdient habe. Männlich war es dafür auf die Spritze zu verzichten...

Fuck 3: Erst Part 1 of 3 erledigt.


Fuck 1: Zum Zahnarzt rein ohne Schmerzen, raus dann so, dass ich doch zu Hause geblieben wäre.

Fuck 2: Die schlimmsten 18€ die ich je in einer halben Stunde verdient habe. Männlich war es dafür auf die Spritze zu verzichten...

Fuck 3: Erst Part 1 of 3 erledigt.

18€ verdient? I'm suspicious here...

Naja verdient im Sinne von nicht ausgegeben. Spritzen werden in Österreich nicht von der Krankenkasse bezahlt, dafür gibt es 20 Jährige die 3 Wochen gratis auf Kur gehen "müssen". Nächstes Mal will ich auch Lidocain bis mir der Sabber aus dem Mund läuft.


Funnily enough, my internet at home started working again. From now on it seems like I can always blame you for this.

Maybe our luck is linked.

Now go work for my happiness!

Nurnberg is the shit, TDF. It's such a well put together place to visit too.

Yeah, Nürnberg is lovely. Most of Franconia is, really.

The last time I saw this many Australians in one place, it was because I was in Australia.

For some reason, Australians seem to fucking love this country. Maybe it's cause we're kind of the opposite. We're a cramped, ordered, old country...

But maybe it's just the cheap beer.


Kann man eigentlich Fertigteig für Kekse irgendwo kaufen? penny, real, aldi, lidl, netto etc.? Ich will Kekse backen, bin aber zu faul um den teig zu zubereiten.

Deleted member 98878

Unconfirmed Member
Gibts auf jeden Fall. Hab ich schon bei Rewe gesehen, Vanillekipferl- und Zimtsternteig.


For some reason, Australians seem to fucking love this country. Maybe it's cause we're kind of the opposite. We're a cramped, ordered, old country...

But maybe it's just the cheap beer.

No killer koalas and assassin kangaroos must surely play a role, too.
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