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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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"Drop Bear" is the correct term.

Drop Bear - Australian Museum

Ah yes, I forgot!



Not exactly sure which way the train takes from Frankfurt, but if it goes along the Rhine, that's one of the nicest train rides in Germany.
I've had Doner from home before. I guess I'll pick one up if I can find a guy who speaks sufficiently good English to understand "no onion".

It was raining when I got in but not steadily. Been starting and stopping a lot. I have a collapsible umbrella with me though, so I don't really mind.

The train ride was good although I'm not sure what route it was. Saw lots of snow, which I didn't in Frankfurt. Finding this hostel in Barbarossaplatza was a nightmare though. It's a bit rough but I'm sure I'll live.


The place I work at has counter in the cafeteria that offers nothing but Würstchen. So each day, I have the choice between three or four different types of Würstchen (next to many other dishes of course ;) ). Also, every friday there's a Weißwürstl-Brotzeit. And even today, I ate some Pfälzer. God, it feels like I knew nothing about sausages before I moved to Munich.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
You can change the key layout by software in Windows (holla if you need help). The keys on the keyboard won't match though, but you can easily detach the Z- and Y-key and exchange them.

Actually, that doesn't work right. The ö and Å keys will delay until next press of a key. It's a minor thing, but when writing it becomes a big issue. And I'm a writer. Also, the particular keyboard I have has a small shift key on the left hand, with a \ key next to it. This is bad for me because I have giant hands. If somebody knows how to fix those issues, hey!

I mean, can I make two keys "SHIFT?" Then I can get both the smaller keys to act as shift.

Oh, and I need to find a way to buy Win 7. Windows 8 can eat a bag of dicks
Sounds like it's a bigger problem than I though. Completely forgot about our beloved Umlaute, höhöhö.

What about keyboard replacement? Or is this hasseling the hoff (guarantee, warranty, time, etc)?

Loads of videos and step-by-step tutorials on the web.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Sounds like it's a bigger problem than I though. Completely forgot about our beloved Umlaute, höhöhö.

What about keyboard replacement? Or is this hasseling the hoff (guarantee, warranty, time, etc)?

Loads of videos and step-by-step tutorials on the web.

Right, so what I ended up doing was changing the layout back to German and using a third party program to switch the Y and Z key. The change in where the " and the ' keys will be a massive challenge, but considering the amount of Ö and Ä I have to type, it's easier that having to mash Alt + 145 all the time.
Yeah, absolutely annoying if the 'Sonderzeichen' are missing.

@ TDM: How long are you staying in Cologne? Finished my report tonight, so I could make some time for a meet up and non-alcoholic beverage. You up?
Yeah, absolutely annoying if the 'Sonderzeichen' are missing.

@ TDM: How long are you staying in Cologne? Finished my report tonight, so I could make some time for a meet up and non-alcoholic beverage. You up?

Aw man, leaving today In like 6 hrs. So unless you want to scoot to the train station m, probably no time.
In Amsterdam for 4 nights. Have almost been killed by bicycles about six times on the walk from the train station to the hostel. About to leave in search of waffles.
I went to the local Saturn today and saw two Ouya boxes in the games sections. One on top of the PS3/Xbox 360/Xbox One (two bundles are still available!) pallet and the other one on the Wii U pallet.


What a joke.


Moin GermanGAF,

Ich meld' mich heute hier mit 'nem kleinen Problem. Anfang letzter Woche hab' ich mir bei nippon-yasan.com 'ne 64GB Memory Card für die PSVita bestellt und gleich mal FedEx als Versandoption gewählt. Lieferadresse war meine Anschrift in meiner Unistadt (Trier). Das Problem ergibt sich jetzt daraus, dass ich über das Wochenende nach Neuss in die Heimat gefahren bin und mir dort 'nen schmackhaften Lungeninfekt eingefangen habe. Gibt es 'ne Möglichkeit, dass ich meine Lieferadresse noch umändern kann, so dass das Paket nach Neuss geliefert wird? Ich weiß "mimimimi", aber ich würde mich ungern auf den Weg nach Trier machen, sofern es mir bis Mittwoch nicht sagenhaft besser geht. Da das jetzt das erste Mal ist, dass ich etwas per FedEx liefern lasse, bin ich dazu auch noch etwas ratlos. Da nach zwei Lieferversuchen das Paket an die nächste Servicestelle überbracht wird, hab' ich auch für den Fall nachgeguckt, ob es in der Umgebung solche Stellen gibt. Leider ohne Erfolg.

Ich hoffe jemand kann mir in der Situation grad' helfen und ich poste hier nicht im komplett falschen Bereich dafür.


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